Have you noticed that when you watch a courageous or heroic character on film or television, you tend to put yourself in his/her shoes?
Of course you have. (I’m assuming that very few people, if any, put themselves in the villain’s or bad guy’s shoes.)
In fact, after watching a show with characters that exemplify courage, you most likely feel renewed strength. You feel more courageous…like nothing can get in your way…like you could conquer any mountain that gets in your path.
You probably even catch yourself sometimes moving (and thinking) the way the courageous character does. For example, after watching a movie like Gladiator, you would walk out of the movie theatre with a feeling of intense courage you did not feel when you first walked in (assuming, of course, that you didn’t watch it at home). You feel like you’ve somehow merged with the heroic character””as if his courageous spirit was transferred to you.
Why do you suppose this is?
I would say, it’s because we can somehow relate to the courageous character. Deep down inside us, we know we also have that kind of courage…and that we’ve felt that kind of courage many times in our lives (as children, most especially””and as adults, for some of us)””and in different situations (of course, not necessarily in the battlefield).
At a subconscious level, we know we already possess absolute courage (due to the fact that “we are spirits living inside physical bodies”””something I briefly wrote about in my article, 12 Ways To Unleash The Courage Within), yet sometimes, we feel that we haven’t quite unleashed it (at least, not consistently) to the degree that we see in others. And that’s mainly the reason why we look up to these heroes, courageous characters, or role models of courage. (Would you agree that the trait you usually admire in others is the trait you want to see/have more in yourself? I’m sure you would.)
(This is most likely the reason why more and more film producers are coming out with movies such as Gladiator, Troy, The Last Samurai, Braveheart, and the like. They know that people become more in touch with the courageous part of themselves””thus are moved deeply””when they watch these types of movies.)
On the other hand, have you also noticed that it usually makes you somewhat annoyed, or even angry, when you watch a cowardly character who does not take a stand for what he/she believes is right? (Or someone who abandons his/her post at the first sign of danger? Or when the going gets tough?) The truth is, we don’t like to see that quality in others because that is the very quality we don’t want to see (or have) in ourselves.
Simply put, cowardice is not an admirable trait. It never has been, and it never will be.
One thing, though…let us not confuse feeling afraid/fear with cowardice…for a person can be afraid and still muster the courage to take action on what he/she thinks is right.
Here are some good quotes regarding cowardice:
Fear has its use but cowardice has none
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
To know what is right and not to do it
is the worst cowardice.
~ Confucius ~
When his duty is to face danger
and he flees, it is cowardice.
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
It is any day better to stand erect
with a broken and bandaged head
then to crawl on one’s belly,
in order to be able to save one’s head.
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
Cowards can never be moral.
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
Some may feel that the last quote by Gandhi above is a bit harsh, but the point is clear: cowardice is a bad and undesirable quality. It’s something we don’t want.
What we want is to be more in touch with the courage within, so that we can reach our highest potential, achieve more in life, and make a positive contribution to society.
With that in mind, I would like to share with you a technique on how to use film or television to help unleash the courage within. (By the way, you can use this technique whether a show is based on a true story or not.)
You see, it’s not so much “what” you watch, but “how” you watch.
What do I mean by this? (You’ll understand in a minute.)
Basically, the technique goes like this:
Just before watching any show that has characters who exemplify courage (of course, nearly all shows have them), give a direct command to your subconscious mind to reinforce “courage” in your being every time you see and feel it during the show.
What you are doing is establishing a clear objective/purpose for watching the show””in advance (something a lot of us don’t normally do).
For example, just before a show starts, say the following to your subconscious mind (internally””not aloud):
“John/Jane (or whatever your name is),
reinforce courage in my being each time
I see and feel it.”
(Tip: I found that it’s best to give your subconscious mind a name””usually “your” name””since you’re merely talking to another part of yourself. Also, when you give your subconscious mind a command, or an instruction, trust fully that it will carry it out. Avoid doubt at all costs. Belief is very powerful.)
What this technique does is reinforces the “feeling” of courage in your nervous system.
When you make it a habit of doing this, with all the shows you watch (we’re talking about the shows that include courageous characters, of course””again, nearly all do), you’ll notice a positive change in your life. In the beginning, the change may be subtle, but as time goes by, it will become more obvious.
By the way, this can be used for any trait/quality you want to reinforce in your being (ex. love, sense of justice, etc.).
For example, if you wish to reinforce many qualities in your being in one sitting, just say:
“John/Jane (or whatever your name is),
reinforce courage, love, and compassion
(add as many qualities as you wish) in my
being each time I see and feel them.”
(In fact, if there’s a particular show you like, one that has a role model of courage””you may want to access the DVD/VHS of that show and watch it several times, while applying this technique. It would be even better if you could fast forward the DVD/VHS and go straight to the “specific scenes” where you felt courage the strongest. That way, you don’t have to watch the whole show all over again. Besides, you already know how the story goes.)
As you can see, this technique can be highly beneficial, since you will not be watching shows for the sole purpose of being entertained. Instead, you will also be watching for the purpose of reinforcing a highly desirable quality, such as courage, in your being.
As time goes by, you’ll be more and more in touch with the courage within. It will be unleashed more naturally and automatically when you need it.
Gabriel Daniels publishes Confidence & Courage Tips…To Help You Realize Your Dreams. For tips, strategies, stories, quotes, and more…to inspire and empower you to take action…so you can get what you want out of life, visit his website at: http://confidencetips.blogspot.com
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