10 Passion Principles to Creating the Rest of Your Life
by: Julie Jordan Scott
1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.
2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. Be amazed as the transformation begins.
3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. If you are not pleased with the outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift.
4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.
5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. You would rather be richly passionate!
6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself when possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.
7. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time to learn whatever lessons you are meant to be learning. Become a part of a community of people where you can express from the heart and embrace each other’s dreams and life philosophy. Know that you will be honored as you honor one another.
8. When emotions arise, flow with them. Take time out to be fully in the moment. This will model for children and your colleagues what it means to be authentically engaged in life, no matter what is dished out. The freedom for you AND those whose lives you touch will amaze you.
9. Be strongly vulnerable in connecting with people core to core instead of superficially. Replace backing away behavior with drawing close behavior. Practice interdependency for the strength of synergy rather than the weakness of self indulgence.
10. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Create your life authentically. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.
About The Author Julie Jordan Scott is the Creative Director of 5Passions.com Transform Your Life, Transform Your World. Creative Passion Resources for You to Achieve Growth Coaching, Tele-Classes, Email Courses and Ezines. Email: phone: 661.325.4116. Subscribe for free now via email: [email protected] or via web http://www.5passions.com |