News stations around the entire Denver region have been slammed with an unprecedented amount of calls to report strange sightings. Early reports say most calls reported seeing meteor like objects falling from the sky. There isn’t much detail as of yet, but it is being reported as a Large Scale sighting.
Officials are currently investigating the incidents and are under the impression that these sightings are either meteors or space junk.
Recent articles state that on January 3rd and 4th there were visible meteors all over the country. Astronomers refer to the current meteors as meteors ‘Quadrantids’ which are described as blue-green in color.
I haven’t heard any correlations as of yet to point to the ‘Quadrantids’ as the source of the sightings, but it may prove relevance in future reports.
The sky showers and reports may have direct correlation to the New Jersey incident in-which a metallic object crashed into a Freehold house damaging the roof, tile, and wall. Reference link