The most information, in the fewest amount of words. Reduced to it’s simplest terms. For the sake of opening up the subject for exploration and discussion.
Every thing in the universe is made of matter. If it is not made of matter. It does not exist If it does not exist. Then it is not real. Just what part of gravity is it that man does not under stand? The part that is real. Every thing that we find in the universe, that is real, is composed of particles. Matter. Objects and the two kinds of space that rest in between objects. The space that can be detected , simple light or simple opticis and the mass of the particals that makes up the space that can not be detected as particals, space optics. This is the way the univers is made. Where in the universe should we look first for the real force that man refers to as gravity? The particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space rest between objects.Simple optics, light. The particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space, that rest between objects and on the out side and on the inside of atoms. That the laws of nature forbids man from detecting as particals. But is there as a smeared out over space and time. In a state of uncerenty. A partical that has yet to be recorded. Who’s mass is smeared out over space and time. Who’s relationship to the obsiver is backwards in time. expressed to us as the mass, of the field energy of particals that are backwards in time to us. Or better referred to as the mising mass or streang missing dark matter. This ocean of energy in which we live. One can not state that it is missing if it has an detectible effect on objects. Refurded to by Einstein as curvitures of time and space. If you can not detect the direct presents of this mass. One could be sure that it is there if one could detect the indrict presesnts of the mass by detecting the absance of the mass . Expressed as curvitures of time and space. Einstein once said that “Even empty space has mass.” and that “I would find it hard to imagine a space that was not curved.” { future tents} But then he also stated ” I find it hard to belive a space that has no mass.” {past tents note. the ststement that has the word “would” in it is future tents and the other statement is pass tents. ( pass tents means that he had been there and done that. Einstein knew.} The same person that Einstein was eating lunch with everyday, David Bohom expresed it this way ” The probility of detecting an electron in this space is zero.” And the particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space that make up the atoms of objects theirself.“ What place in the universe is the forces of gravity being produces? And by what particle? And in what way is the force being produced? Where is the source of the force? The odds are 50/50. The force is either being produced by one of the two kinds of space The particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space rest between objects.Simple optics, light. The particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space, that rest between objects and on the out side and on the inside of atoms. Or it is being produced by the particles that make up the geometrical shapes of the field energy of the 2-D flat space that make up the atoms of objects theirself. Newton once said” an object that is in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an out side force. So. The brightest of the brightest and the best of the best have looked for 150 years. for a force that rest in between objects that can cause objects move towards each other. It’s not there.
Manipulating Gravity
If one wants to manipulate gravity. One would first have to understand what gravity is. And understand what gravity is like in nature. You would have to understand the Big Picture of gravity. Atoms are self propelded. But what dictates, in what dierction and what the strength the force will be. Depends on how much space is curved. And then again what determans how much space is curved is mass. A nother way of saying this , mass or the absents of mass. What your teacher is telling you, is painting a picture that is only half right. An object is attrected in the direction of space that has mass in it. If you go out side on a good clear night . You will find that the night sky has stars in it in every direction that you look. Why is it then, that we are not attracted towards all of the other stars that also have mass in stead of the earth? Well we are. But all the other stars are so far off that gravity and their mass is so weak, that there doesen’t seen to be much of an effect at allon us. Because of this One could say that objects are attracted in the direction of space that has more mass and move a way form directions of space that has less mass. And this would be true. But if objects are attrected in the direction of space that has mass is true, because there is mass in all directions. Atoms are like point objicts. They can only move in one direction at a time. What determone in what direction the object will move depends on how much mass the space on one side of us is and how close this mass is to us,apossed to how much less mass the space has on the other side and how far a way it is from us. Then one could say that object are not attracted in the direction of space that has less mas. Or you could say no mass. Now what I’m talking about space that has no mass is we know that empty space is not empty. Empty space has 90% of the mass found in the universe. We live in this ocean of energy. This ocean of mass. this ocean made of field energy. We can not detect this energy as a partical. The photon and electron it is made of.It’s field energy is there. It’s mass is there. But because relitive to us it is backwards in time. Info does not flow backwards. It’s mass is all around us. Found on the out side of atoms and on the inside of atoms. It’s mass is equeal on all sides. It can not be detected. But the effects of this mass can be tracked as curvitures of time and space.We can not detect the presents of this mass. But we could know that it is there if we could detect the absance of the mass expressed as curvitures of time and space.What do I mean by absence of mass., Form a bubble in this ocean of mass the same one would form a bobble in warter. Bubbles in warter form the absence of warter. By poping a bubble in it.(worm holes are tube shaped Bubbles are sheres. But they are both expresed as 2-d bubbles. Bubbles can take on the shape of tubes as well. It’s the tube shaped bubble that we are after.} The space that is found on the inside of a worm hole in the middle.If you could see it . It would look black. It’s black because there are no particals there. No electrons that are found in this space=space that has no mass. Electrons have mass. No electron. = No mass. Is a space that has no mass. If you lived in a universe that had two halfs. And that this universe was made so that one half had spac that had no mass and the other half had all the mass that the univers has in it. And you rested on the deviding line between these two halfs. Which direction would you move? In the direction of the half that has mass and away form the side that has less mass. The same is true about worm holes. When you move down in to the mouth of a worm hole. The deeper you go in to the worm hole, the lesser the space has mass. The lesser the space has mass the more space and time becomes durved. The time and space becomes curved for the object and it will produce a force in the direction of space that has mass. Nothing can go backwards down the mouth of a worm hole. Things can only come out of a worm hole. { I know that you seen this move one time and every one got sucked in to the mouth of a worm hole and every one died. But that not the way it is in nature. A simple to say this is ” worm holes don’t suck, they blow.”} So now we know what gtravity is like in nature. And that there is nothing one can do to effect the force of gravity in an direct way. Because the source of the force is produced by the electron found in atoms. But we can manaulate the force in an indrect way by curveing space. Curvitures of time and space is what controles the source of the force by cousing the shape of the atom to change which effect where the worm holes form and how big the get in the atom. And what we have to do in order to curve, is have some space that has no mass. And we find this massles space on the inside of worm holes. What we need is a worm hole. How do we get our hand on a real live worm hole ? Simple! We do it the same way that every one else does it. You get some one else to tell you how you do this. That’s the way I did it. And now I’m going to tell you. Lets move on
What is a Worm Hole.
Where do we find them in nature? What are they like. What kind of particals are the made of. What kind of effect do they have on objects and atoms. Want to see what one looks like? Check out my other home page. You can see what one looks like.{ what you can see on my other home page are free space negative lenes the same thing as a worm hole the only thing is that the ones you see are low mass. the don’t curve space very much . but the ones that the holograms make are the real thing. Worm holes are like truths . there are no half truth, Either you have one or you don’t. If it is a real one it will produce a radon partical and glow in the dark. Been there done that.
Safety First Technology Second.
99.99% of the people in history that found out how to do this are dead. Knowing this should make red flags start poping out of the wood work. When things sound to good to be true…. there probably not. I keep thinking to my self. ” where am I making my first big mistake?” There is a good side to all of this and then theres this bad side. Well how bad can it be ? bad bad bad bad. It can be done safly. It’s not nature that’s the problim here . It’s man. Why I can’t have it. is whay we can’t have it. Have our cake and eat it to. In the worng hands could be deadly. It’s to cheep. It’s simple. It’s to deadly. Any thing that is this deadly. It would be better if every one know about but didn’t uses till every one has a chance to talk about it first. Talk is safe. Building is dangerous. This is no sport of sissies.
The Box Or UFOs for Dummies Or The Ark Of the Covenant
Before man invented the car he first had to invent some things like the wheel. He first had to invent the device to make the wheel. But first there had to be some thing that can be found naturally in natural that was round ,or circles. The same is true about UFOs We’ll do the reverse engineering thing, In order to re invent the UFO. After I found out how the Egyptian made their levitating devices. I built the same equipment, with the same materials that they had available to them. The way that they would have had to make in order to make an organic hologram( a hologram that had the info of a worm hole recorded in it.) out of mold. (The wheel.) To get object to levitate ( any object that is made out of atoms ) It is a box camera with hole inthe top What is a Ark? It’s box or chest It’s a simple optical device. A piece of equipment. Any optical equipment usually has a frame work of some kind to support the different pieces of the device. You all way use a frame work in order to the different pieces to work together better and easier. The frame work gives you this control. You have to have a resonator in order to from a hologram. The so called interference pattern. What makes me think they were using mold? The same mold that the Egyptian were using in the pyramid back when is still found there today. When the Egyptian brought the mold into the pyramid they contaminated the building. Once you infest a building with mold . There is no getting it back out again. When the Egyptian contaminated the pyramid . They runt a perfectly good pyramid. It will never be right some how again. Magic carpet any one? A thick piece of cloth that has deep fibers Is used to grow mold in and form space shielding spores.. If you look at a clod in the shy. If the water droplets are a thin layer you can all most see through the cloud But if the cloud is thick and deep . It will block out the sun. The same is true about spores in a carpet. Thick and deep. Round washer of the spore laced carpet are used for the washer in the optical device. So on the inside of the box that has a hole in the top to let the sunlight come in. A bowl shaped mirror is placed in the bottom of the box to form the resonator. The trick is to get a thin layer of mole to grow on the surface of the mirror. Mold will not form spore when it is growing. It only produces spores when it drys out slowly If the center cloth has juice in it and the juice has growing mold in it. And it is dark on the inside of the bow and the holes at each end of the box and the disk are all alined there should not be any light on the center cloth. The show of the disc should be on the cloth. It is with in the darkest part of the shows of the disk where the zone plate will form. The pattern. The zone plate. The hologram. What will it look like ? An eye ball. “The Eye Of Ri” If you don’t know what the Eye of Ra looks like . Look on the back of a U.S. one dollar bill.”. The best place to set this device would be at some high point to where you can see the sun when it first comes up when it’s red. Then changes to yellow and then when the shy turns blue. After the sun gets 19.5 degree above the horizon The changing of the colors of the sun stops Red, yellow and blue. All the colors that are need to make a white light or rainbow hologram. Just like Dr.Kock states in his book. The way that NASA does it. Is fine and dandy and works great. But there is one thing wrong with the way that NASA does it. I can’t do it that way. I can’t do it the same way that NASA does it for this reason. There is no know element to man that can be used as the film to make space shielding holograms. This is why NASA uses a two step process to form their space shielding holograms. The first step is a photographic technique. The recorded info of the vortex is then transferred over in to an element that when cooled becomes . Copper. This is superconductivity what is hanging on the wall in Roswell NM. They use a electroplating process to grow the hologram. It’s to hard for me to do cost to much and would require some equipment to do some thing like this. But if you know of some of the things that can be done with this technology. And the side effect that are displayed. Cut and shape stone with out any tool marks. Able to lift and transport very have stones. There was a truck driver that told me that he went to a place where NASA was using a device to cut hole in the side of a stone mountain. When he looked at the hole. He said that the sided of the hole had no tool marks . It was smooth as glass. He couldn’t see the end of the hole. When you look at a new car. You think to your self. “Nice shine.” There are several was to get some thing as smooth as glace. One way is buff the object. Which leaves very small scratches. Or tool marks so as to speak. Then there are way where the bonding with in the atoms are loosen and the substance flows like liquid. Or water. And then hardens. Most paint does this. An other was is to heat the element which loosen the bonding action of the atoms. And when it cools the shine is there. But there is still an other way to loosen the bond of atoms. Worm holes. When a star is sucked into a black hole found in the center of galaxies. The atoms of the stars become rip atom from atom. The bonding effect is over ridden and what was once solid , flows like water. With out any heat being added. Atoms are rip from atom. And then the atoms them self are rip apart. The particle that make up the atom become the particles that make up the space that rest between atoms the same as light. In fact it is light. The same electrons that make up atoms is the same electron that make up light which is also the same electrons that make up the field energy that makes up the shape of black holes found at the center of galaxies. It’s all the same ,same. Man can not put the same energy and mass that is found in the space like that is found in galaxies. We can not rip or loosen the bonding action of atoms in this way. But there is this other way. The electron that make up the field energy that forms the shape is a shape shifter. To an observer on one of the stars that is being sucked in to the black hole. The black hole would look like a sphere. Some galaxies are jet galaxies like M87. It has a jet that comes out of the black hole. The jet is a shape shifter. It can grow to form a vortex. The area of the space on the inside of the vortex is empty of energy and mass. You could say that it is a vacuum It does suck. It doesn’t do any thing. A space that has zero energy Any thing that has energy or mass that rest hidden behind this empty space you are cut off from . Its as if it does not exist. The vortex is like a tube. If you where to move down the mouth of the vortex. Into the tube. On one side of you would be empty space and on the other end of the tube would be the rest of all the energy and mass of the universe. Atoms are point like. They can be at one place at a time and they can only move in one direction at a time.. Gravity makes atoms move in the direction of space that has the most mass or energy. You could say the very same thing by saying “objects move a way from space that has less mass or energy. When all factors that are relevant are considered. This will determine which way the atom will move. Empty space has just as much of an effect on atom as space that has mass. oppose but equal in strength. Jet galaxies have black holes at their centers that are so strong so massive, that not even light can escape them. That’s why they are black. If this is true . Why do they have jets. The particles and atoms that rest on the inside of the jets would have to be equal in strength or stronger in strength in order to move a way from the black hole. But if to the observer on one of the atoms coming out of the black hole the field energy is now massless. Then it would be very easy to move away from the black hole. Empty space is also black. If to the atoms on the inside of the vortex the space of the black hole is massless . It would not effect the atoms. But the atoms would be effected by the rest of the mass found in the universe. Which would cause the atom to shape shift and move toward The space that has the greater mass in it. Man can make space that is empty of mass. And it is just as empty as the space found in the jets found in jets galaxies and just as strong. If you try to move through a vortex the closer the atom gets to the center the stronger the force gets. At one point the force becomes so strong that it can rip atom from atom. With out gain or loss of heat. Man can not access these low energy worm holes that are all around us because they are shape shifters. But when you record one in a hologram , they can not shape shift . Then you can access the empty space that is found on the inside of them. I’m not interested about who got there when . I’m wearied about when do I get mine now. The Egyptian where doing the same things back when. that NASA is doing now. There is nothing that the Egyptian had back then that I don’t have now. I know that I can not do it the same way that NASA is doing it, But I could do it the same way that the Egyptian did it Knowing what NASA had to do to make their work goes along way into finding out how the Egyptian did it. The Key to finding out how the Egyptians did is knowing that there are two thing that become space shielding or opaque to space. One is inorganic . Elements like copper. The is organic spores like this produced by mold. Tb shows up as a black spot on x-rays because the spores are space shielding. ultra violet light kills mole. Ultra violet light is to mole as kryptonite is to superman. Mold only forms spores when it is dying off,slowly. IF it dies out fast from sun light which has ultra violet light in it. It does nothing time to form spores. Because we have two different rates of killing of the mole. WE can record the info that light has in it in a hologram. We find free space negative lens forming Through the hole in the washer. The washer has to be space shielding.. If you use a washer as a template and cutout pattern out of a carpet or rug. And grow a thick growth of mole in the fibers of the rug . The washer become space shielding. Because the washer is effecting 100% space or all of the info or mass found in space. Then the space on the inside of the vortex produced,will be 100% empty. Having no mass. We are using white light. Sun light. To form a white light hologram. It not only has all of the colors of the rainbow it also has the wave function of the universe in it. The waves that can be detected and the waves of energy that can not be detected. You would have to track the sun. You would have to have “time elapse photography” of six hours to get the pattern to form. In order to make a hologram form you have to have a resonator or a reflective hologram . Light coming from two directions. The light that comes in the hole at the top of the box camera , is also the light that comes out of the hole at the top of the box camera If you use the sun as your light source you could use a cord board box as your camera . A shoe box camera with a hole in the top. To get the light to go through Your going to have to track the movement of the sun in the same way that you get your telescope to track stars at night. You can buy such devices. But I made a home made one like ED. Mime’s different from Ed’s Because we are growing mold. After you shoot the film you have to take it out of the box camera and put it in some kind ofd home made incubator. For growing mold it has to be worm most and out of any light. It’s juct like a dark room for working with film. This means that the tempiture and humidity has to be controled. When you shoot the film the mosture content has to be just right . most enough to grow mold but dry enough to keep it from running. When you shoot the film you are forming the fring pattern in the film. the pattern is spelled out as bands of dead mold and bands of live mold. I has to be dred enough to keep the live mold from growing back in to the area of dead mold. Right after you shoot the film there is no mold in the film mixture. It takes about three weeks for the mold spores to grow thick enough to activate the hologram. Mold has to have water and a food source to grow. You could using orang or grape juice. Or the sour dough mixture. The membrane will only grow in the darkest part of the shadow of the washer makes. In a negative lens . this is where the fring patern forms. This is where you have to placethe film that has been infected with mole spores. In the mirror. Live mold that is not dying that is in a process of growing. After you shoot, you want the mold to dies of slow ly. After you shoot the film while in a dark place where there is no light . You have to take the mirror out of the box camera and put it in a large jar and seal it. PLace a bloon with out any air on the inside of the jar. You have to leave it in a dark place till it activates. When it activates . The worm hole will eat all of the air out of the jar and form a vacuum.Then the vacuum forms, the baloon will blow up. May burst. This is how you check it to see if it’s working or not. The Egyptions placed there in a lead lined sealed box. Why lead? Every hear of a lead safe? And where they are used at and why they use lead safes ? Radon particals.
If a UFO has no visible means of propulsion. And it is levitating a few feet above the ground, in the air. Then it would be reasonable to say that the UFO is obeying the same law that are governing the movement of the stars , planets and moons obey. The same Newton’s law of motion and forces that are mass related. The UFO is in orbit. There is only one way that some thing like this can happen. If the strength of gravity for the UFO is weaker than the strength of gravity is for us the observer. The strength of gravity did not change for us . It is still the same as it all ways is. If our gravity did not change and the strength for the UFO has . This means only one thing . Gravity is local. And some one has found a way to manipulate the local force of gravity. Made it weaker for the atoms that the UFO is made of . And decreased the strength of gravity in order for it to be in orbit In order to understand how some thing like this could be happening. You have to ask your self this question. Is the strength being manipulate naturally in nature. And where when and how. It is true that the strength of gravity is being manipulated in nature. And we also know what is manipulating it. We also know what it would take for us ,man, to manipulate the forces of mass.. It’s simpler than you thing. Let me give you some simple thought experiments to put you in a positive mood . If I took an object and put it in my hand and held it up above the groung and let it go . What happens? It falls to the ground. But if I did the same experiment but before I let the object go from my hand I made the earth disappear. What will happen? That’s right the object would not fall to the earth. It would not move To us. It would appear that the object is levitating.. Well that not right . What would happen would be us and the object would start to go in a straight line.. The earth that we are standing on is spinning around. We are really moving at a very fast speed. If the earth disappeared we would stop going in a circle and start to go in a straight line, at the same speed. But we don’t want to flung into outer space by centrifugal force . We want to levitate. When the earth disappears the force of gravity goes to zero. If we want to levitate we only want to weaken the force of gravity in just the right amount. Just enough to make us move to a higher orbit. And make it look as if we are levitating. Well to us the out side observers We could say that the UFO is levitating. And it would be a true statement. But then again If we want to under stand what is really happening we have to say that the UFO is in orbit. Some thing like a low earth geostationary orbiting satellite. But it’s not a satellite It is a device. A Space Optic Device. Use to weaken the self generated force of gravity. This is what allows it to be in orbit at the lower than normal range that it does Even we are in orbit. Even though our feet are planted on the ground. We are spinning around. Centrifugal force is still in full effect. It is stronger at our head than at our feet. Gravity is stronger at our feet than at our heads. We are being stretched from our heads to our feet. If the UFO is in orbit. Then the only thing that could be happening if they have found a way to manipulate the gravitational force. In order to find out how they were able to do this we will have to ask our self the right questions. Can the gravitational force be manipulate? Does the strength of gravity vary? The answer to that is yes . Gravity gets weaker and stronger. We weigh more on earth than on the moon. If we liver on an asteroid, we would weigh even less. So gravity gets manipulate in nature. What is happening when it gets weaker? We are relating to fewer atoms in one place than the other . If we could make the earth get smaller. We could go in to orbit just like on an asteroid We could make part of the earth disappear. Or better yet make the atoms in our UFO think that part of the earth has vanished. As if it had when really it has not. This is the way things get done. By placing a black disc between us and the earth. It becomes disconnected from the atoms that are hidden behind the disk. What ever is hidden behind the disc, is as if it has vanished because we are no longer connected to that part of the universe. If we place a soiled object the info just goes around the object. But if we record where the light goes black, an optical effect. Then we are cut off. If you use a supper conductive disk to form the optical disk and use white light to record it. Transfer the info over to a supper conducting hologram. Place it between us and the earth and gravity for us will decrease. And when that happen we move to a higher orbit.. UFO’s are compatible with the geometrical shapes that are found in nature. These shapes that are formed by nature are even and Constant through out the universe. The shape of an electron or atom starts out as a point that is able to change it’s shape to grow in to a compound complex shape of the hyper parabolic shape of a double decker doughnut ,that changes it’s shape to a double bubble. A glueball. The Shape of the UFO is that of two parabolic round disk One on top of the other. Two resonating reflectors, The doughnuts are made of negative energy. The top disk fits inside of the top doughnut and the bottom disk fits inside of the bottom doughnut. There is a hole in the top disk and a hole in the center of the bottom disk. When the disk are placed on top of the other there is a space left between them, that forms a slit. When the doughnuts form the doughnuts will also have a distance in between them. The hole in the top forms a vortex and the bottom holes forms a vortex. The slit formed by the two disk , one above the other also forms a vortex . All three shapes of all three vortex form one vortex on the in side . In the inside of the mouths of the vortexes is a bubble. The mouths of the vortexes on the out side of the disk also form a bubble. Make the out side bubble disappear. And what is left is the two negative doughnuts that have the two disk inside of them. The negative energy of space will only connect Positive energy to positive energy it will not connect any thing that is positive to something that is negative. The atoms that the disk are made of are cut off from the out side world. To the disk it is as if the rest of the universe has vanished . As if nothing is there at all. What is used to make the out side bubble vanish is polarized screens. A horizontal at the slit and a vertical at the holes. But it doesn’t take you very long to figure out that if you move around the disk by 90% you find that you have two horizontal screens. This is why you have to use holograms that have the polarized screens recorded in to them. The hologram has to be cut up every 5% Only the center 5% of the hologram will work All the 5% digress wedges are fixed to gather to form a circle that fits on the in side of the disk. Every thing that is made of matter in the UFO is made out of supper conductive material. And this is what we see at Roswell NM. Light recorded in metal. Which means that you could do the same thing with some thing that was supper conductive. Now you know. I need a simple way to put into words that can be tested experimentally just what gravity is and how it works. To see why I’m taking this approach to prove my theory. You have to know about some thing that you can’t find out about in books. You have to find these things out by your self. It’s not the things that are right in nature. It’s the thing that can’t be right but are true . You have to ask your self. ” What would it take to make thing right, by way of the laws of nature?” I have changed my line of thinking about gravity and UFOs because of this simple fact. Last winter I was fueling my truck in Moriarty, NM. I stopped and looked up at the skies. I started looking at the airplanes and birds flying around in the air above me. I saw a silver looking sphere in the sky. It was not moving. It just set there. I was thinking to my self, what in the world is that thing. Then it bonged on me. It’s that new space station that their putting up. They say that it’s a geostationary satellite. It’s only 200 hundred miles up and you can see it with the necked eye. I was thinking Wow! Now that’s neat. I started showing and telling the other truckers what I had found and their reaction was the same as mine. Cool, Neat, Something else. I went in side and payed-up when I came back out side I looked up to take one last look at it before I went on down the road. When I looked at it. It ran off. It looked like a shouting star. No more had it stared to move till it was gone. I was thinking to my self. This is not right, not right at all. Satellites don’t do this. This is not a satellite. It’s one of those UFO things. The first one that I have every seen. I kept looking all around for it. Couldn’t find it any where. After about two minutes I found it. It was right back where I had seen it at the first time. It was about ten o’clock high and due east of where I was standing. I was going east. So I jumped in my truck and drove east and stopped at the rest area about forty miles down the road heading east. I got out and looked for it. I found it. It was about the ten o’clock high and due west from where I was standing. What this told me was that this thing was not 200 hundred miles up in the sky. It was only about twenty miles up. Way to low for a geostationary satellite Is it a true story? Yap! True story all right. But it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. That not the point that I’m trying to drive home, here. If man can make a satellite stay in orbit at twenty miles, he could make a satellite stay in orbit at twenty feet above the ground. About right now, your eyes are probably rolling back in your head. And your thinking thoughts like, ” All right! Only when pigs learn how to fly!” The reason for this is you know like I also know that you can’t get a satellite to stay in orbit at twenty feet due to the fact that you would be violating the laws of nature. Not true. I know some thing that you don’t. I didn’t get from books or school. Under standing what makes a UFO work is just a round about way of finding out about nature and what make’s gravity work the way that it does. If gravity worked in any other way than it does in nature. There would be no such thing as UFOs. Due to the fact that what is happening is not natural. Man has done some handy work here, but what is happening is, the laws of nature are not being violated. But just the opposite. The laws of nature are complying with. All I’m asking you to do is check the facts and do the math to see if I’m telling the truth or not. To do this you have to play the “what if game.” You have to look at what would it take to make something orbit at twenty feet. What laws of nature would have to change. There is only one way that something like this can be done. Only one way in which gravity is produced. You would have to be able to change the laws of nature. In order to do this the laws of nature would first have to have the ability to change. And they do. Let me dive a point home here. The strength of gravity changes naturally in nature. Because it changes in nature and in the way that it changes allows man to have the ability to make it change, when he needs to. If nature is doing it in the right way then there is also a way that man can do it. If gravity is a force that is produced locally by the mass of the electron s that make up atoms, man can change it. But if it is the other way, man would be powerless to do any thing about the force of gravity. Man cannot change the laws of nature that cross the universe as a hole. He cannot make the hole universe change just because he wants it to. He can change a little piece of it though. The atoms that make up the UFO. By forming a small universe around the UFO. He can change what is happening in side of his on little universe. The strength of gravity gets weaker the further out you go from earth. The strength of the atoms gets weaker due to the mass of the electron. The mass, of the electron is constant. But it is like money. Either you got it or you don’t. Gravity doesn’t turn on and turn off like mass. It varies in its strength. From 100% down to all most zero. What every is happening in the dynamic of the atom due to the mass of the electron would have to have this ability. There is a way for this to happen. If you take an object and drop it from your hand, it will move to the ground. The object obeys the laws of gravity. But the strength of gravity produced by the atoms at say one million miles distance from the earth. Is much weaker. If the object that you drop from your hand has the same strength that it does at one million miles distance from the earth. When you drop it. It would not drop. It would levitate. ( Which is some thing that a geostationary satellite does. ) It would be complying with the laws of nature. But if you dropped an object from your hand and the atoms in this object was producing the strength of gravity that an object would at two million miles distance from earth. When you let it go, it would rise to a higher orbit. It is complying with the laws of gravity. But to someone that didn’t know better would say that the object was over riding the gravitation force and violating the laws of nature. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even thought the object would be failing up. It also would be complying with the law of nature. When we see a UFO fall to the ground, every thing looks all right when we see a UFO levitate. It may look wrong, but every thing is all right. And when it goes up through the clouds without any visible means of propulsion every thing is still all right by the laws of nature. Not naturel, but right. The unnatural part about has some thing to do with man. To but what I’m doing in its simplest terms, I’m lowering the odd, of the endless things that could be happening in nature in order for us to have some thing like gravity. Lowered to 50/50. I’m pitting gravity as curvatures of time and space against atoms that have the ability to move their self. If you can prove that different aspect of mass induced forces that the atom can produce are all related somehow. And that they are linked to the mass of the electron. A mass that is constant at full strength. pitted against it’s ability to very from 100% to zero in deferent way. Why I have chosen the path of atoms that move there self is If atoms have the ability to produce the forces of mass then all the pieces of the puzzle of nature ( the four forces of nature become united as one.)all fit together. And at the same time we are able to see why UFO can levitate. It is an illusion that UFO are levitating. What they are doing should be called “In a geostationary low earth orbit “. This little thought brings the “how” part of UFO back to the real world.. A theory that can be tested scientifically. We know that the moon is not levitating Our geostationary satellite (space station )that are up there at say 200 miles . UFOs are not levitating. To us, it just looks like they are levitating. Their really in orbit. Just like the space station. But it is a low earth orbit. How low. “30 feet.” But what is need ed to know is like Feynman says; we know “how” they go we don’t know “why” they go. You say that this can’t be done, because in order for a object to made of matter, to orbit at 30 feet it would have to be violating the laws of nature. Not true. It is complying to the laws of nature. Here’s why. Dr. Feynman states ” That the force is directly related to the mass of the electron that make up the atom. The strength of the force varies inversely as the square of the distance. The key words in this statement are “Strength” and ” Varies”. If the electrons found in atoms produce the strength of the force then it must also have the ability to make the make the strength vary. If what is happening in the atom can make the strength of the coefficient of G change in the laws of gravity. Then man can change it in the atoms. He does not make the laws of nature as a hole change just the the laws of the atoms in the UFO. Then the atoms that the craft is made of would act accordingly. If it complies with the laws that governs the orbits of satellites then it could achieve a lower earth orbit that what would normally take place in nature. . Do the math If you where in a universe in which the laws of nature acted different moons would orbit around the earth at a different distance.. Its not ” change it’s mass” It’s change its ability to produce mass ” it would rise to a higher orbit. Which in turn to point of observation would look like it is violating the laws of nature. defying gravity . Doing the impossible. Falling up , instead of falling down. Because UFOs are real. NASA has UFOs They just don’t know how the work. For the same reason that we don’t have a theory of gravity that works. How to build a UFO is not the problem. What needs to be worked on is a better theory of gravity. A theory of gravity basses on the mass of the electron. Speaking in term’s of mass that comes and goes. In the dynamics of the atom.. We landed a probe on asteroid year. The asteroid was 20 miles long and 12 miles wide. It was big enough to land on. And they did. But because the asteroid was so small that it’s gravity was so weak. That they could get the prob to orbit at a very close range. Lets just say 30 feet. But if the asteroid was round and it was spinning and we were on the asteroid They prob would look like to us like it was levitating. There is no difference between what UFOs are doing here on earth and the probe on the asteroid. On earth the strength of gravity is so strong. On the moon it has a different strength. On Jupiter it is still a different strength. On think of this .If the atoms are the producers of the force of gravity. Then atoms are what changes the strength of gravity . What I’m getting at is the force of gravity can change. When a satellite go around the earth there are three forces acting on it. Inertia or forward momentum . Centrifugal force and gravity. When we change the speed of the satellite it effects centrifugal force and makes rise to a higher orbit. But if we can change one of the three factors of the forces that regulates orbits . If we could change the strength of gravity ,it to would make the satellite rise. But if we could change the strength of gravity in just the right amount . Well, we could get a satellite to stay in a geostationary orbit at 30 feet. To us it would look like it was levitating. But it is really in a low earth orbit just like the probe on the asteroid. So if this is what has to be done to get a UFO to levitate or. rise up through the roof. . then this is what they are doing They have found a way to manipulate the strength of gravity Now how did they do that? They fiddle with the hidden root that governs the energy of the universe UFO’s are compatible with the geometrical shapes that are found in nature. These shapes that are formed by nature are even and Constant through out the universe. The shape of an electron or atom starts out as a point that is able to change it’s shape to grow in to a compound complex shape of the hyper parabolic shape of a double decker doughnut ,that changes it’s shape to a double bubble. A glueball. The Shape of the UFO is that of two parabolic round disk One on top of the other. Two resonating reflectors, The doughnuts are made of negative energy. The top disk fits inside of the top doughnut and the bottom disk fits inside of the bottom doughnut. There is a hole in the top disk and a hole in the center of the bottom disk. When the disk are placed on top of the other there is a space left between them, that forms a slit. When the doughnuts form the doughnuts will also have a distance in between them. The hole in the top forms a vortex and the bottom holes forms a vortex. The slit formed by the two disk , one above the other also forms a vortex . All three shapes of all three vortex form one vortex on the in side . In the inside of the mouths of the vortexes is a bubble. The mouths of the vortexes on the out side of the disk also form a bubble. Make the out side bubble disappear. And what is left is the two negative doughnuts that have the two disk inside of them. The negative energy of space will only connect Positive energy to positive energy it will not connect any thing that is positive to something that is negative. The atoms that the disk are made of are cut off from the out side world. To the disk it is as if the rest of the universe has vanished . As if nothing is there at all. What is used to make the out side bubble vanish is polarized screens. A horizontal at the slit and a vertical at the holes. But it doesn’t take you very long to figure out that if you move around the disk by 90% you find that you have two horizontal screens. This is why you have to use holograms that have the polarized screens recorded in to them. The hologram has to be cut up every 5% Only the center 5% of the hologram will work All the 5% digress wedges are fixed to gather to form a circle that fits on the in side of the disk. Every thing that is made of matter in the UFO is made out of supper conductive material. And this is what we see at Roswell NM. Light recorded in metal. Which means that you could do the same thing with some thing that was supper conductive. Now you know. I need a simple way to put into words that can be tested experimentally just what gravity is and how it works. To see why I’m taking this approach to prove my theory. You have to know about some thing that you can’t find out about in books. You have to find these things out by your self. It’s not the things that are right in nature. It’s the thing that can’t be right but are true . You have to ask your self. ” What would it take to make thing right, by way of the laws of nature?” I have changed my line of thinking about gravity and UFOs because of this simple fact. Last winter I was fueling my truck in Moriarty, NM. I stopped and looked up at the skies. I started looking at the airplanes and birds flying around in the air above me. I saw a silver looking sphere in the sky. It was not moving. It just set there. I was thinking to my self, what in the world is that thing. Then it bonged on me. It’s that new space station that their putting up. They say that it’s a geostationary satellite. It’s only 200 hundred miles up and you can see it with the necked eye. I was thinking Wow! Now that’s neat. I started showing and telling the other truckers what I had found and their reaction was the same as mine. Cool, Neat, Something else. I went in side and payed-up when I came back out side I looked up to take one last look at it before I went on down the road. When I looked at it. It ran off. It looked like a shouting star. No more had it stared to move till it was gone. I was thinking to my self. This is not right, not right at all. Satellites don’t do this. This is not a satellite. It’s one of those UFO things. The first one that I have every seen. I kept looking all around for it. Couldn’t find it any where. After about two minutes I found it. It was right back where I had seen it at the first time. It was about ten o’clock high and due east of where I was standing. I was going east. So I jumped in my truck and drove east and stopped at the rest area about forty miles down the road heading east. I got out and looked for it. I found it. It was about the ten o’clock high and due west from where I was standing. What this told me was that this thing was not 200 hundred miles up in the sky. It was only about twenty miles up. Way to low for a geostationary satellite Is it a true story? Yap! True story all right. But it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. That not the point that I’m trying to drive home, here. If man can make a satellite stay in orbit at twenty miles, he could make a satellite stay in orbit at twenty feet above the ground. About right now, your eyes are probably rolling back in your head. And your thinking thoughts like, ” All right! Only when pigs learn how to fly!” The reason for this is you know like I also know that you can’t get a satellite to stay in orbit at twenty feet due to the fact that you would be violating the laws of nature. Not true. I know some thing that you don’t. I didn’t get from books or school. Under standing what makes a UFO work is just a round about way of finding out about nature and what make’s gravity work the way that it does. If gravity worked in any other way than it does in nature. There would be no such thing as UFOs. Due to the fact that what is happening is not natural. Man has done some handy work here, but what is happening is, the laws of nature are not being violated. But just the opposite. The laws of nature are complying with. All I’m asking you to do is check the facts and do the math to see if I’m telling the truth or not. To do this you have to play the “what if game.” You have to look at what would it take to make something orbit at twenty feet. What laws of nature would have to change. There is only one way that something like this can be done. Only one way in which gravity is produced. You would have to be able to change the laws of nature. In order to do this the laws of nature would first have to have the ability to change. And they do. Let me dive a point home here. The strength of gravity changes naturally in nature. Because it changes in nature and in the way that it changes allows man to have the ability to make it change, when he needs to. If nature is doing it in the right way then there is also a way that man can do it. If gravity is a force that is produced locally by the mass of the electron s that make up atoms, man can change it. But if it is the other way, man would be powerless to do any thing about the force of gravity. Man cannot change the laws of nature that cross the universe as a hole. He cannot make the hole universe change just because he wants it to. He can change a little piece of it though. The atoms that make up the UFO. By forming a small universe around the UFO. He can change what is happening in side of his on little universe. The strength of gravity gets weaker the further out you go from earth. The strength of the atoms gets weaker due to the mass of the electron. The mass, of the electron is constant. But it is like money. Either you got it or you don’t. Gravity doesn’t turn on and turn off like mass. It varies in its strength. From 100% down to all most zero. What every is happening in the dynamic of the atom due to the mass of the electron would have to have this ability. There is a way for this to happen. If you take an object and drop it from your hand, it will move to the ground. The object obeys the laws of gravity. But the strength of gravity produced by the atoms at say one million miles distance from the earth. Is much weaker. If the object that you drop from your hand has the same strength that it does at one million miles distance from the earth. When you drop it. It would not drop. It would levitate. ( Which is some thing that a geostationary satellite does. ) It would be complying with the laws of nature. But if you dropped an object from your hand and the atoms in this object was producing the strength of gravity that an object would at two million miles distance from earth. When you let it go, it would rise to a higher orbit. It is complying with the laws of gravity. But to someone that didn’t know better would say that the object was over riding the gravitation force and violating the laws of nature. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even thought the object would be failing up. It also would be complying with the law of nature. When we see a UFO fall to the ground, every thing looks all right when we see a UFO levitate. It may look wrong, but every thing is all right. And when it goes up through the clouds without any visible means of propulsion every thing is still all right by the laws of nature. Not naturel, but right. The unnatural part about has some thing to do with man. To but what I’m doing in its simplest terms, I’m lowering the odd, of the endless things that could be happening in nature in order for us to have some thing like gravity. Lowered to 50/50. I’m pitting gravity as curvatures of time and space against atoms that have the ability to move their self. If you can prove that different aspect of mass induced forces that the atom can produce are all related somehow. And that they are linked to the mass of the electron. A mass that is constant at full strength. pitted against it’s ability to very from 100% to zero in deferent way. Why I have chosen the path of atoms that move there self is If atoms have the ability to produce the forces of mass then all the pieces of the puzzle of nature ( the four forces of nature become united as one.)all fit together. And at the same time we are able to see why UFO can levitate. It is an illusion that UFO are levitating. What they are doing should be called “In a geostationary low earth orbit “. This little thought brings the “how” part of UFO back to the real world.. A theory that can be tested scientifically. We know that the moon is not levitating Our geostationary satellite (space station )that are up there at say 200 miles . UFOs are not levitating. To us, it just looks like they are levitating. Their really in orbit. Just like the space station. But it is a low earth orbit. How low. “30 feet.” But what is need ed to know is like Feynman says; we know “how” they go we don’t know “why” they go. You say that this can’t be done, because in order for a object to made of matter, to orbit at 30 feet it would have to be violating the laws of nature. Not true. It is complying to the laws of nature. Here’s why. Dr. Feynman states ” That the force is directly related to the mass of the electron that make up the atom. The strength of the force varies inversely as the square of the distance. The key words in this statement are “Strength” and ” Varies”. If the electrons found in atoms produce the strength of the force then it must also have the ability to make the make the strength vary. If what is happening in the atom can make the strength of the coefficient of G change in the laws of gravity. Then man can change it in the atoms. He does not make the laws of nature as a hole change just the the laws of the atoms in the UFO. Then the atoms that the craft is made of would act accordingly. If it complies with the laws that governs the orbits of satellites then it could achieve a lower earth orbit that what would normally take place in nature. . Do the math If you where in a universe in which the laws of nature acted different moons would orbit around the earth at a different distance.. Its not ” change it’s mass” It’s change its ability to produce mass ” it would rise to a higher orbit. Which in turn to point of observation would look like it is violating the laws of nature. defying gravity . Doing the impossible. Falling up , instead of falling down. Because UFOs are real. NASA has UFOs They just don’t know how the work. For the same reason that we don’t have a theory of gravity that works. How to build a UFO is not the problem. What needs to be worked on is a better theory of gravity. A theory of gravity basses on the mass of the electron. Speaking in term’s of mass that comes and goes. In the dynamics of the atom.. We landed a probe on asteroid year. The asteroid was 20 miles long and 12 miles wide. It was big enough to land on. And they did. But because the asteroid was so small that it’s gravity was so weak. That they could get the prob to orbit at a very close range. Lets just say 30 feet. But if the asteroid was round and it was spinning and we were on the asteroid They prob would look like to us like it was levitating. There is no difference between what UFOs are doing here on earth and the probe on the asteroid. On earth the strength of gravity is so strong. On the moon it has a different strength. On Jupiter it is still a different strength. On think of this .If the atoms are the producers of the force of gravity. Then atoms are what changes the strength of gravity . What I’m getting at is the force of gravity can change. When a satellite go around the earth there are three forces acting on it. Inertia or forward momentum . Centrifugal force and gravity. When we change the speed of the satellite it effects centrifugal force and makes rise to a higher orbit. But if we can change one of the three factors of the forces that regulates orbits . If we could change the strength of gravity ,it to would make the satellite rise. But if we could change the strength of gravity in just the right amount . Well, we could get a satellite to stay in a geostationary orbit at 30 feet. To us it would look like it was levitating. But it is really in a low earth orbit just like the probe on the asteroid. So if this is what has to be done to get a UFO to levitate or. rise up through the roof. . then this is what they are doing They have found a way to manipulate the strength of gravity Now how did they do that? They fiddle with the hidden root that governs the energy of the universe Roswell NM. The piece of metal at Roswell has fringes in it. There fore I know that they knew about the hidden root in nature. They didn’t know what it was. But they did know that if they did this , then there radar experiment would do this . This is called progress but studying cause and effect . Or trial and error . It was luck that found it and trail and error. An a lot of work. They were using a technique. Hologram. It went from photo graphic technique to a photo copying technique. Space shielding four color root alternating hologram. The info of some kind of optical device like a lens, screen. Blind spot It can be one or more of a hundred different thing. I have every thing but just what they did. And this is where I stand today 6/18/01 8-04-1 up date I went to Roswell for the week end after the forth of July. I wanted to look at the piece of copper and silver metal. I found what I was looking for. The metal. piece was grown like crystals are grown. It is composed of substandard metal. When at the copper and silver mines when they take the ore from the mine . They grind it up into a fine power. Then they add nitric acid. The acid dissolves the metal. in the power. Then they take the acid and use a electro-plating technique to make the metal collect on a plate that grows thicker. The metal. grows like a crystals, like frost grows on things that are in the refrigerator. Close up it looks just like frost., But as it grows it from pits, little air pockets, or cavities, pitted. If you look at sub-standard or un-processed metal it has pits. That why they take the ingots some place else where they melt it down in order to get the pits out and to remove trace elements that are copper or silver. Like any dirt or chemical . Like silver nitrate. A by product that forms when nitre acid and silver are mixed together. When you cold roll metal. you use process metal. The copper and silver piece of metal at Roswell is not processed metal. It is unprocessed metal. This means that it is not costume jewelry But some form of Hologram. A space -gram Probably came from one of NASA Black project. Space Optics Laboratory. There is no such thing as NASA Space Optics Laboratory???????? It’s like Area 51. It does not exist. But it’s real and there just the same. I got pictures. And you can see them to See Kock
In Richard P. Feynman’s book which comes with a auto tape. “SIX EASY PIECES”. On Tape 5, Lecture 5: “The Theory of Gravity”, given on October 17,1961. Feynman lays down the ground work for a truly workable, a more complete Theory of Gravity. A theory that takes us from what Feynman calls “a natural root hidden deep with in nature” to “ Newton’s laws modified to Einstein’s law, modifies once more to be consistence with the uncertainty principle. This last modification has not yet been completed..”to Carrying the quantum-mechanical aspects of nature over to the gravitational force.. Uniting Quantum-Mechanic with General Relativity. Develop a mental picture of what gravity is, that can be verified experimentally One that is able to explain how the uncertainty principal of electron can produce a force that goes beyond the energy equivalent of the electrons that produces the force. One in which the strength of the force is able to very smoothly ( a smooth transition of the strength). It would have to go one better, in which the force could be manipulated naturally in nature. and be manipulated by man. A theory of gravity in which man would be able to make products from this “ a much deeper understanding of the way gravity is found in nature. What I mean by a workable theory of gravity is a theory of gravity that is nature’s laws that can be understood to the point that one could grasp the concepts of gravity and be able walk as a mental picture all the way from the root to useful products. to make produce products. Beautiful and simple laws. Beautiful and simple laws to the point you could explain them to a child, and they would be able to grasp the concepts of gravity. See it and experience the force first hand See It. Hold it in their hands. Play with it. Fill the force by their on hands Make the strength of the force. stronger or weaker. Only when any body and every body can do these things will we truly be able to understand gravity. Why the need for a deeper and simpler theory of gravity? If you can not put your theory in simply enough term that children can not under stand them. And demonstrate what you are saying to a child. There is a very good chance that the theory is not right. Simplification is one of the goals of this theory. I find in Feynman’s works is a bass for forming such a theory of gravity. Feynman speaks of a need to look at gravity as some kind of a machine .If gravity is looked at as a machine then there would be a way to applied math to the theory. This is why I’m calling the theory Feynman’s Machine. It way Feynman that suggested this approach back in 1961. FEYNMAN’S MACHINE I’m using Feynman’s lecture to open up the subject for debate. Because Feynman talks about all the right things that are at the root of the problem. The different aspects of nature that needs to be look at more closely and understood better in order to have a theory of gravity. That is right by man’s law of gravity as it is right by nature’s law of gravity. Feynman speaks of the natural root. A machine like mechanism found in nature, that man can envision in his mind that would be capable of producing a force that has an infinite amount of force. Where does source of the force come from? It is not a energy force like electricity and nuclear, that has a particle that is responsible for the energy force. Particles are nouns. But a force as way of propelling the atom as some form of movement, and resistance to being moved, being repelled away from each other, or being attracted towards each other. And a form of pressure or compression. These words are all verbs that show action . Action verbs. Man walks. Man is a noun. He is made of particles. Walk is a action verb. There are no particles that make up verbs. Atoms move. The movement of atoms towards the earth is referred to as gravity. There are no particles that is responsible for gravity because it is a verb. There is a particle that is responsible for the movement of atoms. The electron. It is the only particle found in the make up of atoms. It has to be the right one. It’s’s the only one. Do the math. 1-1= 0 Take the electron out of a atom and the atom disappears. The electron is the atoms. Electrons that are smeared out over time and space in the form of a membrane that takes on the shape of a sphere is what we call a atom. Atoms are electrons. Electrons are atoms. The electron when it is smeared out over time and space is a shape shifter. Just like in science fiction moves where the monster changes it’s shape from one thing to the shape of some thing else. Same person. Different shape. Same electron. Different shape.. The force is inexhaustible. The electron that is responsible for the source of the fores never runs down. When man has to compete with this force by way of using electrical or nuclear fuel to produce his source of propulsion. His fuel source soon run out in comparison if the gradational source.. The source of the force that gravity springs from never stops. ( oh. And by the way, I would like to state at this time that the electron never gives up it’s inertia when it is found in atoms. It’s one of those never never land thing just like gravity is one of those never never land thing.) And because of this gravity is said to have a infinite amount of Force Not energy, but force. Some people are trying to mix apples with oranges. There is a difference. Energy is like electricity and nuclear energy. Gravity is not like that . It is not like energy it is like force. mass weight. It’s some thing that matter produces a after effect. Ont some thing that matter is There is no particle that is linked back to gravity like thee is a particle that is linked back to electricity or nuclear energy there is a particle that is responsible for gravity. The mass of the electron.. Gravity can produce a force. that will out last electricity and nuclear by a lot lot lot. is made by man but a machine like event that is found in nature The shape of the atom. That incorporate the is based on the mass of the electron. The three forces that are mass related, coupled with the Newton’s laws of motion Quote; “But is this such a simple law? What about the Machinery of it? All we have done is to describe how the earth moves around the sun, but we have not said what makes it go. Newton made no hypotheses about this; he was satisfied to find what it did without getting into the machinery of it. No one has since given any machinery. It is characteristic of physical laws that they have this abstract character. The laws of conservation of energy is a theorem concerning quantities that have to be calculated and added together, with no mention of the machinery, and likewise the great laws of mechanics are quantitative mathematical laws for which no machinery is available.” Since has all ready given us the needful things to build such a machine. All we meed to do is but it together What Feynman is saying is we know how they go. But we don’t know why they go. It’s one of those “why” will give you “how” thing. The “how” and “why” of things. We need to take a atom and make it like a machine that has the ability to move across empty space. The things that an atom would need to build such a machine is some thing that never runs down about the atom. We’ll use an electron. It never runs down The electron never gives up it’s inertia in the atom. We need some thing with mass. I know! We’ll use the electron . It has mass. WE need a way to make it move . Away to turn the force off and make it come back on and a way to make the strength very with the square of the distance. The Word that Feynman uses is, “analogies”. If you look up the word in the dictionary and thesaurus. to get a filling of what this word means. We are looking at two different thing, but are a like as the same thing. Feynman expresses it in these words. Gravity Quote “Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which for any two bodies is proportional to the mass of each and varies inversely as the square of the distance between them. And An object responds to a force by accelerating in the direction of the force by an amount that is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.” Quote “ Finally, let us compare gravitation with other theories. In recent years we have discovered that all mass is made of tiny particles and that there are several kinds of interactions, such as the nuclear forces, (. It is not an aspect of electricity or something like that.)etc. None of these nuclear or electrical forces has yet been found to explain gravitation. The quantum-mechanical aspects of nature have not been carried over to gravitation. Quote “ Newton’s laws modified to Einstein’s law, modifies once more to be consistence with the uncertainty principle. This last modification has not yet been completed. This is the way it stands today.” Quote “ Finally, let us compare gravitation with other theories. In recent years we have discovered that all mass is made of tiny particles and that there are several kinds of interactions, such as the nuclear forces, (. It is not an aspect of electricity or something like that.)etc. None of these nuclear or electrical forces has yet been found to explain gravitation. The quantum-mechanical aspects of nature have not been carried over to gravitation. Quote “If we take some natural units, the repulsion of two electrons ( natures universal charge ) due to electricity, and the attraction of two electrons due to their masses, we can measure the ratio of electrical repulsion to the gravitational attraction. The ratio is independent of the distance and is a fundamental constant of nature.” The key words in this passage is “due to their mass.” Quote “We have considered two aspects of the same thing , an electron.” Then he goes deeper in to the subject and states. Quote “Next we discuss the possible relation of gravitation to other forces. There is no explanation of gravitation at the present time in terms of other forces. It is not an aspect of electricity or something like that. So we have no explanation. But there is the interesting thing that other forces and gravitation are very `similar. It is very interesting to note analogies. For example, the force of two electron obey varies understood…….Looks just like that ( you can hear Feynman writing on the black bard and talking at the same time, the tone of his voice has changed, he is excited. Because of this I know that this is one of his pet peas ) The force of electricity is a constant x (times )the product the charges inversely to the square of the distance and a minus sign.”. Quote; “ It is a fact that the force of gravitation is proportional to the mass, the quantity which is fundamentally a measure of inertia. Quote; “If we take, in some natural units, the repulsion of two electrons (nature’s universal charge) due to electricity, and the attraction of two electrons due to their masses, we can measure the ratio of electricity repulsion to the gravitational attraction. The ratio is independent of the distance and is a fundamental constant of nature.”. Quote; “Many attempts have been made to unify them; the so-called unified field theory is only a very elegant attempt to combine electricity and gravitation; but, in comparing gravitation and electricity, the most interesting thing is the relative strengths of the forces. Any theory that contains them both must also deduce how strong the gravity is.”. Quote; “Perhaps gravitation and electricity are much more closely related than we think.”. Quote; “For example the force of electricity between two charges objects look just like the law of gravitation: the force of electricity is a constant, with a minus sing, times the product of the charges, and varies inversely of the square of the distance. It is in the opposite direction””likes repel. It is very remarkable that the two laws involve the same function of distance.” What he should have said is” While in the shape of a atoms like found in nature, the inertia of the mass of the electron, that is never given up, is what lies at the root the source of the force that propels the atom that gives us the force we refer to as the gravitational force”. Quote; “We have considered two aspects of the same thing , an electron.” Quote; “There is no explanation of gravitation at the present time in terms of other forces. It is not an aspect of electricity or something like that ( Gravity is not like electricity or nuclear energy in that it does not absorb a particle or admits a particle. There is no particle for gravity. But there is a particle that is responsible for the force. The electron. Not the energy aspects of the electron. Based on the mass of the electron Any thing that has mass will obey Newton’s laws of motion The forces that are related back to the mass of the electron are Mass it’s self The resistance or force that is produced when the object is accelerated. Centrifugal force. Which is the very same thing as the laws that govern mess. When centrifugal force is being produced the object is being accelerated. In both cases the shape of the electron changes it’s shape when accelerated The shape of the electron also is changed when the gravitational force is present All three forces are linked together due to the fact that the in each case the shape of the atom changes when the force is present. Keep this thought in the back of your mine because it plays a very big roll in understanding what gravity is.) Quote; “Next we discuss the possible relation of gravitation to other forces. There is no explanation of gravitation at the present time in terms of other forces. It is not an aspect of electricity or something like that. So we have no explanation. But there is the interesting thing that other forces and gravitation are very `similar. It is very interesting to note analogies. For example, the force of two electron obey varies understood…….Looks just like that ( you can hear Feynman writing on the black bard and talking at the same time, the tone of his voice has changed, he is excited. Because of this I know that this is one of his pet peas ) The force of electricity is a constant x (times )the product the charges inversely to the square of the distance and a minus sign.”. If you apply this rule to the inertia of the mass of the electron in which the electron never gives up it’s inertia like that , that is found in the dynamics of the set up of membranes of atom Coupled with what the electron is capable at the quantum level while in a state of uncertainty Where mass and inertia comes and goes. Add worm holes to the wall and tunneling and holes to the set up. And there we have it atoms that are able of propelling their self’s. because I fell that Feynman lays down the ground work for a truly workable Theory of Gravity. What I mean by a workable theory of gravity is a theory that works to the point that man understand gravity in a very simple and beautiful way that all most any one can understand it to the point that they can manipulate the gravitational force and make free energy devices like , like, say, a UFO. UFOs is not the subject matter here. Also a GUT is not the subject. Gravity? No. Getting to the root of the problem that is gravity is the bottom line. Not man’s gravity, but gravity. like that is found in nature. If we can understand what is happening in nature. Then and only then can one see in our minds what is happening and start to work on thing like math, proofs, a way to manipulate the force, and produce products from this knowledge. To do this we need what is already know and what is not know about nature. With out violating any laws of nature take some little thinks that I know could be done if man could do something that is impossible. Impossible to man, but not impossible to nature. If nature is doing what is being done. Then no laws of nature are being violated. There are some hidden messages that can be found on the tape , but are not found in the text of the book. Lessen to the tape . Read the book. And you will see what I mean. On the tape, when Feynman is writing on the black board he mumbling to him self, while he is writing , he becomes distracted, and his subconscious comes out . His true insight , his creativity comes alive. He states in what ways the gravitational force with the electro magnetic force are one and the same. With out even knowing that he has done so. In this lecture Feynman is spilling is guts out for this young students He has taken the kid gloves off and is bearing all. Even at the risk of looking foolish in the eyes of this students ( and his pears, It turned out that there were was more DR. in the hall that keep dropping in to lessen to Feynman speak than students. The lectures were that good. Lessen to the tape.) Feynman knows that in his hart of harts that one of these students will be the one. The one that will do what he can not. The one that will solve the misty of gravity. All it takes is for one to win at this game and every one wins. It is a very important lectures. Any one who is interested in gravity, what it is and what makes it go. Needs to study this lecture. and the things there in that Feynman is talking about. Feynman holds closely his dreams of gravity in the lecture. More so than any thing else. Because Feynman knows like every one else knows that with out having a gravity that is wright by man. There will be no infinite amount of clean, free energy for man .If our theories of gravity are wrong about gravity, then there is a chance that the rest of our theory’s on the laws of nature can also be wrong. Or at least what we have picture in our minds. The picture man has created. Man some times can be wrong. Wrong in the sense that what he has pictured in his mind can be the wrong picture we should be using. May be all that is need is to see gravity to be working in a little- bit differently than we did in the past. Some times this is all that it takes .And then as if by magic. Poof. Every thing starts to make sense. All the pieces of the puzzle fit in place. What I’m going to do is quote Feynman word for word off the tape. After each quote I’m going to go in to the subject a little deeper and try to explain why this statement in impotent to under stand in this way. I’m going to form a time line that forms a clearer logic. Simplified gravity to the point that what had seem to have been an impossible goal for gravity to have achieve in nature. Becomes laughable because it is so simple we just can’t imagine why it was that we didn’t think of it in this way sooner.. To what he is saying. The one part that is missing for his insight he puts in a statement . What he is really doing is asking the question. If you ask the right question in the right way sometimes you can find the right answer. But here we are forty years almost to the date later and that question has not ben answered. I’m going to filling that last 1% of insight, and give a way to answer Feynman’s question. In order to do so I will have to put in text what is on the tape, and was left out of the book’s text, and add what is know by me about the interaction of particles with their self. “THE “diagrams. The every famous y- diagrams. of Wheeler and Feynman. The y-diagrams of 1961 are known to have a higher dimensional shape . The 2001 shape of twin inverse vortex. Two tubes that change it’s shape to form one tube. What roll they play in forming the machine that Feynman asks about. If there is any one who has ever had the insight to form a Quantum Theory of gravity that would be compatible with the other two forces. It would be Dr. Feynman . Dr. Q.E.D. him self. What does he have to say about the subject? On page 109 and 110 Feynman is comparing the relative strengths of electricity to the relative strength of gravity. Quote “We have considered two natural aspects of the same thing, an electron.” What Feynman should have said is. Based in the mass of the electron when it is in a state of uncertainty and expressing it’s shape as a compound complex shape that is a machine that has the ability to make the atom move Attract due to gravity at the long range or repel at the short range due to its electrical charge. Their many thing happen in nature that makes gravity work. You can track down the different aspects of the problem but to see How it works you have to see every thing working at the same time. The big picture. The string people know that the atom has to have a more complex shape to form a atom. . Nine of space and one of time. This is enough dimensions to make ma atom based on the mass of the electron, that can move of produce a force bass ed on it’s mass but is it 10 or 11 dimension We can have atoms that move with 10D but there has to be one more dimension that allows atoms relate or be connected to each other. Feynman states that one Photon will do the trick. The shape of the photon when it is connecting to atoms together. Is a vortex. Vortex’s are like bubbles. Bubbles are the same as a vortex turned inside out different in their shapes but the same in their function. Vortex are shape shifters. They are not only shape shifters but how many dimensions that they have changes .Atoms that are expressing gravity have to be connected to each other. The two forces produced by the same electron is the same . They differ in that the gravitational fores is stronger by a factor of one photon. at the long range The photon that connects the two electrons can have as many dimensions as the atom. The history of how many dimension changes. It can be expressed as one and go all the way up to ten then go all the way bask down to one. So atoms that can move have 10 dimension and atoms that have this unseen guiding hand (Gravity) as 11 dimension in the system, the big picture. For this to be true in the beginning nature would have to have different two system working in together as one system Like having to parallel universes Each having nine dimension of space and one of time One universe reduces down to one dimension and the other reduced down to the dimension of space and they both have the same dimension of time. So how does this work? In the beginning there is one universe that has nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time. The universe has the ability to duplicate it self in the form of a twin only the offshoot has a different shape, that of a atom. Which starts of as a point changes to nine dimensions then reduces down to three but the first universe when the first when the second reduces down to three the first reduce down to three the shape of a vortex. It is truly a three dimensional shape but we express it as one dimensional. This is the way we find thing to be in nature today. We have atoms that are expressed as three dimensional of space and one of time.. But all of the energy did not collapse down to form particle we are still connected together by the energy that has yet to be recorded. To loose the way that we are connected all of the energy would have to form matter, all at once. If this were to happen every electron would fly or be repelled a way from each other at the speed of light. Explode. Pop. Er, Band or big bang is what I should say. But when electron move at the sped of light in its state of uncertainty. This is when they form the membrane that connects the energy together the membrane is what forms the membrane that make up atoms. But is it the big bang that we come from or is it stars that produce atoms? When stars get so hot like in supper nova. It is so hot that the string that connect break down and when that happens the electrons fly away from each other atom The difference or the ratio between the two is, the relative strength of the gravitational attraction relative to the relative strength of the electrical repulsion between two elections is 1 divided by 4.17 x 10 to the 42ed. It is a very large number , but a very small difference. How much mass does a Photon have? Photon are said to be massless. But the photon is the carrier of the electron. Electron have mass. Einstein’s Relativity theory states anything that has energy has mass””mass in the sense that it is attracted gravitationally. But if the shape that the photon makes due to some field energy. Is also the same shape that electrons make when they are interacting due to the mass forces. It would be very hard to tell what is the root cause of the shape the two theory would be indistinguishable able from one another . But when the shape that is made by the particle in question here . Makes a shape that would violate the laws of mass. Then we would know that field energy is at the root of what is effecting the presents and direction of the particle. What is not found in the text of the book, but on the tape he states “ Hay, Well with in a factor of 2000, you can put a photon here, but it is only a factor.”. What Feynman Is saying is the ability for the electron to move is a fundamental constant of nature. Regardless of which direction it is moving, it is still the same. The only deference between repulsion and attraction at the very strong short rang is charge is one photon. The only deference between the attraction at the very strong long gravity rang is negative charge of one photon. Where does the photon come from? Due to the uncertainty principle That states that a photon can be smeared out over time and space. That while in this state of uncertainty, it can be extended in to the past. What this means that even though the photon passed this way many years ago, it is still has not been recorded. And can not be recorded due to the fact that information will not move backwards in time. The presents of its history is still with us. And can make it presents know as the negative energy that is able to connect two atoms together at a distance. All the photons that have a field energy is all part of the same system as light. There is light that we can not detect. This can be experienced using the holographic technique that I’m using. The form of negative energy can come up from out of no where.. The membrane of the vortex , that connects the two atoms together is negative in charge. Being negative makes the two atoms come together just like two negative ends of a magnet will make two positive end of a magnet come together. Take out the negative ends and the two positive ends repel Note; What all this is leading up to is if one could prove the mass of the electron is related to the ability of two electron to move a way from each other as being electrical and that the mass of an electron is related to the ability of two electron to move towards each other as being gravity. That the same law that allows both forces to comply with the same variant inversely as the square of the distance. It’s not two laws, it is the same law. It’s not two deferent particles . It is the same particle. The electron. And it’s all related to the same mass of the same electron. There is not two deferent electron to be found in nature . We only find one electron. One Electron responsible for two forces. No That’s not right. One electron responsible for the same force, expressing it’s self in two deferent ways. This is right because the electron only has one mass. One mass One law. Same electron. One force expressing its self in several deferent ways. All arrows or indicator are l pointing to the same thing. Feynman goes so fore as to tell you what has to be done. He even gives you some examples , but they are ones that don’t work He knows what has to be done and he tells you .I’ll list them. Has to be some kind of machine that is able to produce a force.. Has some thing to do with mass Has to be compatible with the varies inversely of the squar of the distance law. Has to be a universal constant found in nature that is related to all forces. never runs down., or stops, like a . Is not like electricity, not force that is made of matter , some thing that matter does , not some thing is. Has to be consistent with the Quantum effect.( Tunneling) Has to be consistent with the uncertainty principle. Has to violate known laws of physics. Feynman states that the laws must be wrong. It must be an interaction of particles. If it is not made of matter it does not exist, or you could say there is a particle responsible for every force. Feynman believes it is the electron. He States that the ratio between gravity and electricity is so small or so close that all it would take is the energy of one photon to make them as being the same aspects of the same electron.. varies inversely as the square of the distance between what is being observed and the observer point of rest. Einstein believes that they are as one. Which is the same thing as Feynman. Two deferent aspects of the same thing, the electron. Wheeler’s big picture states they are as one. Hawkins believes that lowly photon ,the carrier of the electron that is responsible for gravitational force. The laws of conservation can not be violate on a large scale But is being violated at the very small scale. Hawkins believes in the free lunch, which is the same thing. The question you must ask your self is not what is gravity, but what is mass, and how do you get it to change inversely to the square to the distance law ? Hears what you have to know that they don’t teach you in school. They don’t teach you what it would take to make a perpetual motion machine. They don’t teach you about the interaction of particles as bridges. That a worm hole in a bubble gets bigger or smaller with the changing of the distance , which gives you a machine that is able to produce a force that vary inversely to the square to the distance. That It’s relative strength is relative to the mass of the two atoms, or how much energy the atoms is equal to, or how many electrons that the two objects in question have. (A) The field energy that rest between two atom’s shape varies inversely as the square of the distance between them changes. Which in turn cases the (B)Shape of the atom to vary inversely as the square of the distance between the two atoms. Which in turn causes the (C) a worm hole to form that is able to very inversely as the square of the distance between two atoms changes. Which in turn causes the (D) relative strength of the force (gravity) to very inversely to the square of the distance between two atoms. (E) holes act like holes . Where the hole is there no mass forces to be found there do atoms have holes in them? Sure they do. On pages123, 124, and 125 of Nick Herbert’s book )”QUANTUM REALITY” we find evidence of worm holes in atoms. (Keep in mind that worm holes can take on the shape of disk like worm holes like that found between the shapes of double stacked dough-nuts. Page 125″But the probability for the electron to be found anywhere on the plain separating the two doughnuts is exactly zero. Keep in mind that holes have zero electrons to be found there also. Note the evidence found on page 123, of shape shifting atoms. But all the shapes on page 123 would not move. All the forces are being council out. The force is the same on all sided = no movement. But if you took shape H and in bread it with shape H*3 a hybrid. It would form the shape of a egg with no hole at one end and a hole at the other end.+ movement, or force of gravity.