Human beings possess God’s DNA?!
Dean Hammer, chief of gene structure and regulation at the Laboratory of Biochemistry at the National Cancer Institute has cast doubt on the fact that it is spiritual enlightenment from Heavenly forces that nourishes our faith in God.
According to him, this process has to do with certain electrical impulses that take place in the brain, or rather within the genes. Such statement resulted in major criticism from religious authorities.
Dean Hammer is especially well-known for his 1993 discovery of a gene responsible for one’s homosexual predilection.
In accordance with the researcher’s hypothesis, deeply religious people possess a particular gene in their bodies which bears the name of VMAT2. Atheists, on the contrary, lack such gene. Hammer was able to prove his initial hypothesis after conducting a study involving more than 2000 peoples’ DNA samples.
Hammer doesn’t rule out the possibility that the so-called “faith gene” could have been inherited by Christians from Jesus Christ himself, whereas Muslims could have inherited it from Prophet Muhammad. The professor also mentions Buddha; although the latter hasn’t actually been referred to as God.
If were to implement Hammer’s logical way of thinking, it could also be said that Satanists possess devil”s genes and those who strongly believe in UFOs have in fact inherited some alien genes. This may seem like nonsense at first. However, it is also highly likely that this VMAT2 gene could possess universal quality awakening peoples’ inner desires to perceive spiritual and/or mystical realms.
The research does not intend to undermine the existence of God, claims Hammer. On the contrary, the existence of the “faith gene” only proves Creator’s greatness.
Vladimir Lagovsky