A mysterious streak was recorded in the Hawaiian sky on December 17th. Many major news websites picked up on this info, and are broadcasting the news.
Many witnesses and camera’s caught this streak in action. Even NASA. Many experts are currently putting together a list of possible causes, so-far, the most credible explaination is, there is no explaination.!
This isn’t the first time Hawaii has had unidentified flying object activity. 400 some odd days ago, unexplainable.net published a picture of the 1974 Hawaii UFO sighting. You can see it here https://www.unexplainable.net/pics1/hawaii1974/index.html
This time around, NASA Reported:
Explanation: What in heavens-above was that? Not everything seen on the night sky is understood. The Night Sky Live (NSL) project keeps its global array of continuously updating web cameras (CONCAMs) always watching the night sky. On the night of 2004 December 17, the fisheye CONCAM perched on top of an active volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii, saw something moving across the night sky that remains mysterious. The NSL team might have disregarded the above streak as unconfirmed, but the Mauna Kea CONCAM on the next Hawaiian island recorded the same thing. The NSL team might then have disregarded the streak as a satellite, but no record of it was found in the heavens-above.com site that usually documents bright satellite events. If you think you have a reasonable explanation for the streak, please contribute to the on-line discussion. Current candidates include a known satellite that was somehow missed by heavens-above, a recently launched rocket, and a passing space rock. Volunteers are solicited by the NSL project to help monitor the operability of each NSL CONCAM, including looking for interesting anomalies such as this. Disclosure: Robert Nemiroff collaborates on both the NSL and APOD projects.
Keep tuned to find out more if new information emerges.