The New World Order
We, the O.·.A.·.I.·., conspire, both in the internal and external, to bring to an end the false religion of Christianity, to bring about the New World Order for the New Millennium of the ANTICHRIST, and to usher in the New Age of Liberty. We seek to make free all men and women upon the earth, to give them the Wisdom and Power to be what they are in truth, that is, self-sufficient Gods of infinite space, free to flame forth in the Cosmos of Infinity as bright and glorious Stars, unique and supreme.
The O.·.A.·.I.·. is a symbol of the New World Order which is now emerging in the world of men and women, preparing for the New Age of the ANTICHRIST, which will, in the minds of the profane, arise on the first day of the year A.D. 2000. A new calendar will commence on this day, to accord with this doctrine of the New Age. The first year of the New Age of the ANTICHRIST will be represented by the numerical symbol 0 with the abbreviations A.A. for Anno Antichristus (Year of the Antichrist). And the ANTICHRIST will reign upon the earth, causing all men and women to worship the Law of Liberty. Christianity will become obsolete, and an evil upon the earth; and the Christians will forsake their false god and worship the ANTICHRIST as Lord of the World.
The ANTICHRIST is a Universal Principle whose work is to free humanity from the fatal restrictions of Christianity and to make possible for all men and women the essential opportunity to know and to be the gods that they are, to live freely and joyously according to their own true natures in the New Age of the ANTICHRIST. The real law of the obsolete Christian religion was restriction. But only in freedom can we perform and accomplish the Great Work of Human and Spiritual Evolution. The Law of the ANTICHRIST is the Law of Liberty which makes for the dynamic growth of all. It is the Law of Thelema – that is, the Law of Will – which emancipates men and women from the evil fetters of restriction, aligning their soul, mind and body with the essential and creative ways of Nature and the Universe.
The O.·.A.·.I.·. is dedicated to the propagation and preservation of the Works of the ANTICHRIST, who was the Anointed Cherub of God, Lucifer, the Light-Bearer and Morning Star, the Seal of Perfection, full of Wisdom and perfect in Beauty, but who, with fierce angelic pride, rebelled against the Most High and fell from grace, and with Him a third of the Angels of Heaven, and who is now the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Seed of Satan, the Son of BAPHOMET, the Child of the Beast 666, the Proclaimer of the New World Order, and the Dark Lord of the Great Tribulation who shall cause the people of the earth to worship the Beast 666, to forsake the false religion of Christianity, and to spiritually initiate the New Millennial Kingdom of the ANTICHRIST from the draconian depths of the Human Psyche.
The ANTICHRIST was born in a physical body on October 24, 1964 e.v., 44 minutes in the Sign of Scorpio, in the City of LA (Los Angeles), in the State of California of the United States of America. Scorpio is Typhon-Apophis-Set, and 44 is the special number of the Egyptian God Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child of Force and Fire. The ANTICHRIST is both Set and Horus, Two-in-One, the Lord of Double Power. The O.·.A.·.I.·. is the Antichristian Current of Set-Heru (Set and Horus).
All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. accept the Chief of the Order as the Physical Incarnation of the ANTICHRIST, and as the Sole Authority of the Order, entrusted by the Secret Chiefs of the A.·.A.·. to both rule and constitute the Order. The Chief of the Order is publicly known in the world of men and women by the name David Cherubim, but whose magical name in the Order is Frater O.·.A.·.I.·. to signify his position as the Founder the Order. The Sacred Emblem of His High Office is the Eagle of Liberty, which is also our Sacred Emblem for the New World Order, which is the Antichristian Order of the Liberated Ones.
All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. are Self-Willed Antichristians, that is, they are voluntarily dedicated to the spiritual emancipation of themselves and all of humanity from the Evil of the World – Christianity! – through the proper application of the Law of Liberty and the creative execution of the dynamic principle of Revolution. The Law of Liberty is the Law of Thelema, that is, “DO WHAT THOU WILT”, which asserts that a WoMan should know and be the god that s/he is, living according to the unique formula of his/her own True Will.
All members of the O.·.A.·.I.·. are Self-Willed Citizens of the New World Order, which is, in Antichristendom, the Unification of all Nations, Races, Tribes, Peoples, and Religions in One Universal Spirit – the Eternal Spirit of Freedom! The New World Order is ultimately dedicated to the dynamic creation of an Universal Nation, a New Race and a New Religion which embraces all Nations, Races, Tribes, Peoples, and Religions in the Eternal Spirit of Freedom. But to accomplish this Great Work of Human and Spiritual Evolution we must annihilate the Evil of the World – Christianity! – which falsely proclaims itself to be the One True Religion, negating, and thus separating itself from, all other Religions and Peoples. Christianity has been the one great curse and corruption of the human spirit, and the principal cause of human division, restriction and suffering in the world. Ergo, it is the complete antithesis of the Spirit of the ANTICHRIST, which is universal in kind, embracing and liberating all things under the Great Sun of Eternal Joy!
The New World Order is the manifestation of a New World Philosophy of Independence and Freedom. As Citizens of the New World Order, we are to be self-governed, autonomous beings, liberated from all political, racial and religious impositions and restrictions, free to govern and to control our own lives in accordance with our own inner natures. This Philosophy is ecumenical or global in nature, and all-embracing in kind; and it is the annihilation of all those false religious, philosophical and political systems of thinking and living which bar us from the Truth of the Unity of all things. It is the Understanding of the necessity for diversity in the world, and it is the Wisdom that such diversity constitutes the Spirit of Unity. It is the realization that all men and women are unequal, and that such inequality constitutes the actual freedom of the individual and the only true form of equality among men and women.
The Law of the New World Order is the Law of Liberty, which is the Law of the Beast 666, which permits for the free expression of each individual in the world, allowing for each individual to discover and pursue their own True Will or Path in Life. This Law demands that we free ourselves of all standard ways and codes of conduct, that we exist by way of our own inner light, and that we calculate our own unique orbits in the Universe.
The Law of Liberty is the Law of Will – Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. It is also the Law of Love – Love is the law, love under will. Doing one’s True Will is a sacramental Act of Love; it is the uniting of oneself with the Universe, and with the infinite All. It is the formula of Change by the sacramental dedication of the Will, and the sacramental dissolution of the self in the Universal All. By this Law we are all made true partakers of the New World Order, to live as free men and women upon the earth. Every man and every woman is a Star, that is, a self-sufficient Centre of light and power, with his or her own unique orbit or True Will to pursue in the Universe. As Citizens of the New World Order, we are to live and reign like the wondrous Stars of the beautiful night-sky, in universal harmony, without clash or conflict, free and mighty to flame forth on our own unique orbits in the Celestial Order, all in the Sacramental Ecstasy of Infinite Joy.