A video posted on a video sharing site has what it claims to be proof that a monster swims in New York’s Lake Seneca. The Nessie counterpart is said to share some traits with the mysterious serpent of Loch Ness, but up until recently little evidence (or alleged evidence) of the creature existed. Let’s take a look at the video and see if we can judge how real this is.
The poster uploading the video states in the description that they do not know where it came from, and that it’s possible it could be a hoax. As with any video of the paranormal, these are bits of information we readily can ascertain even before actually looking at the first frame. Still, the lack of a source is the first red flag. Generally, if someone gets any proof of an extraordinary occurrence they will likely wish to profit from this proof or at least have their name attached to it. While we hope the final proof of ghosts or aliens will not be held hostage for a dollar figure, it’s human nature to wish for some sort of benefit in return for providing extraordinary evidence of the paranormal.
Upon first viewing it seems clear within the first few moments that something is in the water approximately a hundred yards from the witness. As the waves shimmer around the object reportedly beneath the water an eerie soundtrack starts playing. This is the second red flag, as any sound evidence to accompany the video would give analysts something further to examine. A lack of sound means there is nothing to examine the sounds the creature (or even the waves) make during the sighting. And since it’s exceedingly difficult to fake sound effects in a way that is convincing for people who study sound, many hoaxes have their audio completely gutted and replaced by something else.
Third, and possibly the most damning aspect of this footage is the fact that despite the fact that the film was obviously shot using a digital camera, there is a sepia tone to it accompanied by lines making the film seem more like an old film reel. This is a hokey effect that many hoaxes use in order to make their material appear to predate digital editing effects. This also indicates that the digital editing effects were a large part of the hoax itself.
Without even establishing whether or not the subject in the footage “looks” real, analysts and paranormal researchers can establish the likelihood of a hoax by examining the parts that would have most likely been problematic. These effects are the first thing many hoaxes overlook. The most convincing footage would not only have images of the subject, but sound as well. There would be no editing of the footage as those working the camera would understand that the incredible shots would stand on their own rights. And even if there is sound, it’s important to listen to what the subjects in the film say and how they say it. Many hoaxes (the prime example being the Incident at Lake County footage) use actors who are inexperienced or who don’t know quite how to convey a genuine reaction to seeing something paranormal for the first time.
Without saying conclusively whether or not the following footage is a hoax, examine the points we have covered and judge for yourself. Is this truly a creature in Lake Seneca? Or is something fishy being done here?