It seems we’ve officially entered a phase where the world’s Coral Reefs are entering a stage of extinction. Recently a panel of scientists from all over the world came to Oxford University to discuss their findings – and they weren’t hopeful. But despite the tragic warnings sent out by the scientists, it appears little is changing. And while it may destroy entire habitats and ecosystems, some are wondering if it means we will be seeing more previously undiscovered species washing ashore on beaches.
Mysteries have always surrounded creatures of the deep as it is one of the few places on Earth left unexplored. Despite the fact that we have in recent years been carefully charting as much as possible a staggering 95% of the ocean has not been explored or even seen by human eyes. The fact that the entire deep sea may be entering an extinction phase means we may not ever see the majority of the species that exist on our planet.
And so with this mass extinction about to unfold, it is with grave interest that another sea monster just recently washed up on the beaches of Guangdong China. The creature, which was estimated to weigh approximately 50 tons was seen laying on the beach and no marine biologist has yet been able to classify it. There have been suggestions by locals in the region that it is like nothing they have ever seen before. It’s still unknown what precisely could have caused this creature’s death, but it is eerily similar to a few other unidentified creatures that have been spotted over the years.
Humanity may finally discover the sea monsters that lurk deep beneath the waves of the waters that surround it on all sides. It may finally get a chance to gaze into the mystery of the unknown one final time. And yet, it seems these discoveries will come at a terrible price. With the destruction of Earth’s marine ecosystems, there will be a massive change. And as with any change, discoveries about ourselves and our world may follow – if the scientists’ warnings prove true.
But are things truly as dire as we fear? Humanity has a long history of declaring that the sky may be falling, that the sun will not shine tomorrow, and the very monsters we say are in danger now may come ashore and destroy civilization as we know it. Is this simply a more scientific version of an age old history lesson that has been ongoing since the dawn of time? The interesting thing is, we may never know.
But there is definitely change afoot. Scientists didn’t arbitrarily come to the conclusion that the Earth may be entering an extinction period. And when 60% of the planet’s oxygen comes from the oceans, it seems there will be plenty to be concerned about. What is to blame for this massive die off? Currently the panel is discussing the possibility that it could be man-made with some of the most catastrophic manmade disasters relating ot the Earth’s oceans happening in recent history beneath the waves. From last year’s BP oil spill to this year’s radioactive fallout from Fukushima, it seems power is at the heart of our current woes. And it may ultimately send some monsters ashore that we had never dreamed of before.