Part 2 of 12. If you were born between April 20th and May 20th, then you are attached to the zodiac sign of Taurus , the bull , whose head and horns has served as a symbol for the sign in nearly all cultures. The signs connected to a Taurus are used to represent the strength and determination of those born under this zodiac. The ruler of this sign is Venus, which centers on the element of Earth.
If you know a Taurus, you probably aren’t surprised to learn that they possess the following qualities: endurance, materialism, productivity, thoroughness, security, sensuality, stubbornness, possessiveness, patience, slowness, and sometimes self-indulgent.
The personality of a Taurus is often overpowered by their determination, which is a key attribute for those with this zodiac sign. Since a Taurus is most likely to stick to their routines because of the sense of security they receive as a result, they are prone to becoming stuck in a rut. However, they are highly reliable and are devoted to duty. If they say they will do something, rest assured it is bound to get done.
Loyalty is another personal quality that is quite attractive in a Taurus. With all of these qualities, a Taurus fits well as part of a team. When under pressure, they tend to show great stamina. Doesn’t this sound like the type of person you want to choose for your team when playing pick-up basketball at the YMCA? When exploring the lighter side to a Taurus, they are often lovers of music, the arts, and experiencing the good things in life. Yet, this can spiral out of control and become self-indulgent behavior that can easily become a turn-off. In the bedroom, this pleasure seeker likes to take advantage of his or her sensuality.
When taking a peek into the mind of a Taurean, they are often slow and deliberate, but do not mistake this for a lack of intelligence. They are good at thinking problems through and if you do not receive a response right away, they are probably mulling over a proper solution. They like to pay close attention to detail and can come to a suitable outcome that is practical and showcases their creative side. A Taurean will use a combination of intuition and data to reach a conclusion.
Once a decision is made, they will rarely retract their statements. However, even with the firm beliefs that they hold , you will find that they do not like being judged and are especially not in favor of having their intelligence questioned. A drawback to all of this is seen in the Taurean who cannot embrace the perspective of anyone else but his or her own. This often becomes a form of intolerance not easily ignorable.
Strengths and Weaknesses
When it comes to the strengths of a Taurean, you will find that they are dependable, resilient, and full of integrity. They possess a lot of common sense and are great at planning and organizing. Usually, those born under the sign of Taurus are creative and artistic. On the other hand, Taureans are unable to accept other ways of thinking. They stray from taking risks or trying anything new.