Popular Astrology, Buyer Beware!
By Sirman A. Celayir
People who seek to improve their lot through astrology do so at a time when
they are also hopeless, vulnerable, and gullible. Thousands of these people
are led astray by false hopes derived from ridiculous techniques that are
essentially scams masquerading as astrology. There are few people outside the
ranks of practicing astrologers who can scrutinize astrology competently.
Money-making schemes have reached such proportions that many astrologers
themselves have difficulty spotting the credible theory and techniques in a
sea of “incredible” astrology. There are also no objective references and
guidelines on the market. Progress in astrology is defined increasingly as
“if it sells, it is good.”
The Environment.
Some of the blame for the scams goes to the “sensible” majority. While the
public apparently does not mind being entertained by astrology columns in
newspapers and magazines, the prevailing consensus is that a more serious
coverage on astrology would lend credibility to this dubious subject.
Astrology will not disappear simply because the establishment does not wish
to appear to acknowledge it. This attitude only drives astrology to
underground where it flourishes as scams among many victims.
Who are these victims and how and why does astrology thrive in the West,
especially in the USA? Americans are strong promoters of the thesis “man
makes his destiny,” where “destiny” places considerable emphasis on money,
power, and life’s comforts. Based on this criterion, every life is obviously
not a success story. Some people feel left behind by the system. They are
alienated, because by definition they see themselves as failures. Moreover,
the structured work-oriented daily life in the USA may contribute to a
setting in which many persons are left alone and lonely. Alienation,
loneliness, boredom, monotony of routines can have “robotizing” influence on
people. The high and rising rates of divorce, crime, homelessness, and
alcohol and drug addiction in the USA may be studied from different
perspectives, but collectively they represent the other side of the “American
Dream.” The primary motivation of people who feel left behind and bored is to
find ways of passing their time. Traditional solutions seem no longer
satisfactory for many.
Popular astrology seeks followers among all potential candidates, but in need
of a growing constituency, it caters primarily to people who feel left
behind. It attracts them with a bribe they can hardly refuse: “whatever
happened to you in the past, or will happen to you in the future, is caused
by planets.” People who are in need of a crutch are suddenly rejuvenated. “I
am this way, I did so, I failed, my marriage did not work… but only because
my planets forced this outcome.” Such use and promotion of astrology is
unfortunate, but it does provide substantial income to promoters.
Astrology allows a person to be both patient and doctor at the same time. It
can be also attractive financially. After making the initial investment, a
free indulgence can be pursued in the convenience of one’s home. Anyone with
a computer can purchase astrology software and advertize a chart service
without being an astrologer – this is a rapidly growing vocation.
Astrology is a catalyst that brings about immediate intimacy between total
strangers: “here is my birth date, tell me about my love-life over the next
six months…” Astrologers form local groups, join larger national
organizations, participate in parties, trips, conferences… For the person
who felt alone and alienated just a few months ago, there is now a sense of
purpose and belonging, all thanks to astrology.
This explains how, given the right circumstances, astrology can become an
addictive vocation for many. Once people are into astrology it is futile to
attempt to persuade them that the hours spent with charts of strangers, and
analyzing each moment of one’s own life, could perhaps be used more
productively doing something else. Unfortunately, astrology allowed to become
an addiction, need, or escape, soon becomes superstition. For example, many
astrologers will not sign a document, make a purchase, write a letter… if
the “conditions” are not favorable. They will definitely not do these things
during periods – up to about three weeks – when Mercury is “retrograde,”
which happens three or four times annually. (They will deny this if they are
questioned by outsiders.)
Astrology, a Macro View
Many modern astrologers are obsessed with the idea of developing astrologic
charts for individual countries, cities, rivers, plants, minerals… (Yes,
there is also a chart for the KGB.) Some astrologers perpetually devise and
upgrade astrologic charts for the USA. The date July 4, 1776 is the most
commonly used reference “birth date,” but dates of other historical events
are also used. The date, July 4, 1776, makes the USA to a “Cancer” country.
These exercises obviously contradict common sense. Long before July 4, 1776,
there was life in the USA, a continuous process during which hundreds of
babies were born every day. They grew up, married, made more babies, worked,
lived, and finally died. There were leaders, a government and social system,
a flag… Evolution and history were in the making. Yet, these ingredients of
“life” before July 4, 1776 are discarded as irrelevant, and the occasion of
the signing of a single document is seen as the day life began in the USA.
Although astrology cannot “find” Picasso in his own chart, it can claim that
it is able to predict and debate the destiny of a country, simply by treating
an entire country as if it were a person.
So why are astrologers busy with these types of seemingly nonsensical tasks?
Many do so because they do not know any better. They associate all juggling
acts involving the planets as profound wisdom. Others are encouraged by book
publishers who specialize in astrology. The articles that appear in astrology
magazines and “research” journals are not arbitrary. They are designed to
publicize selected topics as “new” discoveries and “progress” in astrology.
Although the contents of many of these articles are nonsensical, only
supportive reviews are included – by authors who have reached fame through
similar means. Fliers, announcements, and similar promotions continue to
develop and fuel interest in the topic. Soon the author and the material
become “hot topics.” Once this introductory promotion is concluded, there
appears next a book on this subject. National and local conferences follow.
They are arranged to introduce the (by now) “famous” author and “the topic
everybody talks about.” The purpose of the conference is supposedly to share
with the attendants the benefits of the wonderful new theories and
techniques. In reality the authors are there to promote their respective
topics and sell books.
Asteroid Chiron is the latest example of this kind of scheme. Discovered by
Dr. Kowal in November 1977, already in 1986, when Chiron had completed only
about 20 percent of its circle in the zodiac, there appeared articles
attributing to Chiron “healing” qualities. There are now at least two books
on Chiron the Healer by two major publishers of astrology books. A software
version displaying wonderful graphics and selling at $395 (more or less)
invariably follows. I can say with confidence that if 99 percent of astrology
books, tapes, and software were abolished today, astrology would gain. No
skeptic has caused more damage to astrology than these “tools” by greedy
Historically, while astrologers have always yearned for ways of predicting
the future as an ultimate proof of “God-like” powers, in practice they keep
stumbling over banal hurdles such as personal charts. Some astrologers with
a mind for business have concluded that “it would not hurt” to perpetuate the
myth that “I can see it all…” These types of brain storms began to emerge
in 1960s and 1970s, promoted by authors like Alan Leo and Noel Tyl. Book
after book by these authors filled the shelves. Some of the insightful
astrology proposed by them included profound observations such as “parsley is
a Gemini plant…” As long as parsley did not vociferously object to the
classification, the designation stood as solid as “E = m c^2.”
Astrologic lexicons of countries, cities, rivers, organizations,
corporations, plants… enabled these authors to infiltrate every facet of
life. It became possible now to predict historical events for a country; to
devise stock market astrology, medical astrology; to start exotic treatments
by squeezing minerals… If one can extrapolate from past trends, it should
not surprise anyone to see by year 2000 “Cancer, Scorpio…” pills advertized
as quick medicine for changing one’s natal potentials, “doing better” in a
relationship, and looking forward to a more optimistic future.
Many modern astrologic theories and techniques came into being simply because
no one took time to scrutinize their ridiculous premises. In any other field
of endeavor the authors of such brain storms would have been thrown out of
“their area of expertise.” In astrology they are admitted to astrology’s
“Hall of Fame.” Because they have paved a path for other astrologers… they
are founders of “How to make money from astrology.”
Common Sense and Astrology
It is obvious that many factors external to astrology (i.e., heredity,
environment, culture, upbringing, education, and circumstances) can almost
totally void astrologic predictions. This is a fact that popular astrology
avoids mentioning. Examples abound:
o The quality of life and expectations of a deformed baby born to a mother
who unknowingly took thalidomide during pregnancy has nothing to do with
that baby’s natal patterns. The same is true of babies who inherit genetic
deformities, AIDS…
o Astrology may paint a wonderful picture and predict a long life for a
natal chart showing several very positive patterns, until the astrologer
is told the chart is that of a young Somali woman dying of starvation in
the Summer of 1992.
o Six million Jews did not all share the same astrologic patterns – thus,
the same predicament – when they were put into gas chambers, hundreds at a
time over several years.
o Astrology, as perpetuated by popular astrologers, totally discards
concepts of “free will” and “personal effort” in practice, while
occasionally acknowledging their existence for philosophical consistency.
Peggy Fleming did not became a world champion ice skater because her
astrologic chart promised this outcome. There are no such explicit
patterns or promises in astrology. Many other charts may show similar
ingredients without similar results. What made Peggy Fleming the Peggy
Fleming we know is six to eight hours of practice on skates, day in and
day out for almost two decades. She developed her art through single-
minded dedication, by severely limiting other indulgences, by sacrifices
and self-discipline, and through the ability of her parents to support her
vocation in the early years. The medal goes to Peggy Fleming, not to her
astrologic chart.
In many instances and in many parts of the world, higher order variables can
severely restrict or void astrology. This would lead to a conclusion that
while astrology is promoted as a universal phenomenon, in reality it is a
luxury in which only persons in selected societies can indulge. Astrology can
only describe potentials, tendencies, and inclinations. It can flourish only
in societies in which individuals are “freer” to respond to astrologic
oscillations. (For example, a Saudi woman will not attempt to rejuvenate
herself by a new mate because she is tempted by a “transiting Mars conjunct
her natal Venus.”) It is no surprise that in modern times most of the clamor
about astrology originates in the West, especially the USA. But even in the
USA, the majority of people can and do insulate themselves against
astrological influences through free will and personal effort.
What is Astrology?
Astrology is the quasi-science of planetary patterns and their affect on
people. The definition of the term “quasi-science” may also be offered as a
definition of astrology. The “science” part is based on the extent that
astronomy is used mechanically for astrologic purposes. Although many
forefathers of astrology were also competent astronomers, based upon the
substance of their contributions, modern astrologers cannot be designated as
scientists. Astrology is not a like a “pure” science that can postulate neat
and precise scientific laws such as E=mc^2. There are many unknowns, gray
areas, and much confusion in astrology. Thus, the “quasi” part provides the
hint that, like economics, psychology, and social sciences, astrology is a
qualitative endeavor. These sciences speak in terms of observations,
expectations, and likelihoods. The best they can offer is empirical evidence.
It is not possible for astrology to postulate concrete and irrevocable
An exact astrologic chart for a person requires only three variables: the
date, time, and place of birth. The chart is typically represented by a
circle that is divided – like a pie -into 12 30-degree segments, called
“Houses,” including a horizontal and a vertical line through the center. The
center of the circle represents planet Earth. The circle is a schematic
diagram of the sky around planet earth as seen from the place of birth at the
time of birth. The point of intersection of the horizontal line and the
circle on the left represents the East. The intersection of the vertical line
and the top of the circle is South. (This is in contrast to astronomic star
maps or even road maps on which the East is generally on the right, North on
The time of birth combined with the latitude of the place of birth
establishes the ascendant or the rising sign of the person. The ascendant is
the portion of sky that was rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of
birth. (Since planet Earth completes one revolution around its axis in 24
hours, a new 30-degree segment of the sky appears on the Eastern horizon
every two hours.) The ascendant is jotted down next to the point representing
the East. It is also called the “cusp” of the first house. (Houses are really
“house affairs.” For example, the 7th house is associated with affairs of
marriage and business partnerships.) The remaining 11 houses are numbered
counterclockwise so that the 12th house is the 30-degree segment above the
first house on the left.
Once the sign and degree of the ascendant is determined, the signs of the
remaining houses follow in the order in which the signs appear: Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces. For example, if the ascendant is 29 Sagittarius 42
(i.e., 29 degrees and 42 minutes), according to the so-called Equal House
system, the cusp of the 2nd house is then 29 Capricorn 42… 7th house, 29
Gemini 42 (where Gemini is the “opposite sign” of Sagittarius on the cusp of
the first house)… 12th house, 29 Scorpio 42. Thus, the ascendant, serves as
a reference point. The house cusps proceed in this neat sequence – 29
Sagittarius, 29 Capricorn… – only according to the Equal House system.
Based upon personal preferences, astrologers utilize about a dozen house
systems, such as the Placidus, Koch, Campanus, Regiomontanus… which can
yield conflicting interpretations and predictions. The house systems are a
source of continuing controversy among astrologers.
The date and time of birth are used next to determine the positions of the
planets. These positions are marked on the circular chart. Astrology
recognizes the following planets and planetary entities: Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Moon’s Node. For
example, if the Sun’s position is at 21 Cancer 31, it is marked in the 7th
house – where 21 Cancer 31 is larger than 29 Gemini 42, the cusp of the 7th
house, and less than 29 Cancer 42, the cusp of the 8th house. The other
planets are plotted in a similar fashion.
The chart now displays a complete set of astrologic finger prints for a
particular person. Astrology recognizes five major angles or “aspects”
between the planets. The square (90 degrees) and opposition are interpreted
as conflicting and challenging, the trine (120 degrees) and sextile (60
degrees) as positive. The conjunction signifies intensity and may be positive
or adverse, depending on the planets involved.
The signs, houses, and planets are associated with particular characteristics
and personalities. The interpretations of personal characteristics are
derived from the combination of these. For example, astrology views Aries as
an “aggressive and pioneering” sign. If Mars, the planet of energy, courage,
aggression, and drive, is located in Aries, then this person is really a
dynamic “go-getter.” If this combination occurs in 1st house, a very strong
placement, then, other things being equal, this person is likely to be a
pioneer or mercenary of sorts. However if Mars forms a square to Saturn in
10th house, the picture changes somewhat. This person is truly “driven,” and
is not likely to stop at anything to achieve his or her aims. There is also
a potential for violence and cruelty in this combination, for “Mars square
Saturn” denotes extreme inner “frustration.”
It is not immediately apparent that 13 planetary entities including the
ascendant and midheaven (the highest point on the chart), in 12 signs and in
12 houses, forming five aspects (or none) among themselves, yield
(13*12*12*6) 11,232 combinations about a person which astrology must
interpret. (And this is less than half of what it must interpret for
relationships and predictions.) In practice It can only do this for some of
the combinations and in a general way. For example, while astrology can
delineate a pattern such as “Mars square Saturn,” it can never be certain
that it recognizes all ramifications of that pattern. Also, astrology cannot
interpret a complex pattern such as “Mars square Saturn” where “Saturn is
trine to Jupiter.” It can only look at these patterns individually. These are
some of the reasons why a personal report at best “rings a bell,” but never
really depicts a person as he or she really is. This inherently “teasing”
quality of astrologic interpretations is also a mechanism through which the
schemers can entice novice astrologers to purchase more and more useless
books and tapes. “Here is something new that will tell you MORE about
yourself…” The so-called “AZTEC,” “VEDIC,” “MAYAN” Astrology and others
discussed later are examples of this type of schemes.
Astrology and Reality
When astrology is applied to real-life situations, the severe limitations of
a natal chart become even more clear. For example, consider the following
scenario on the maternity floor of a large hospital. Three babies are
delivered in three different rooms by three different doctors, but all at the
same time. Let us call the babies baby Rich (a girl), baby Poor (a girl), and
baby Ill (a boy). An astrologer standing on the sidelines is asked to prepare
a chart for each baby. Since the three babies have the same birth data, all
the astrologer has to do is to prepare a chart for one baby, make two copies
of it, and he is finished.
The fact that the three babies share the same natal chart challenges one’s
credulity. This shared chart will serve as the reference chart for the babies
throughout their lives. It will be used to map their evolutions, to project
their relationships, to predict events affecting them. If Baby Rich is the
only daughter of well-to-do parents, Baby Poor the daughter of an unwed
mother of five who is on welfare, and Baby Ill a dwarf and the son of a
middle-class couple, their shared natal chart is not concerned with these
The real differences are underlined better twenty years later. At age four
Baby Rich demonstrated interest for the piano in her home. She has been
taking piano lessons since then is now a concert pianist. Baby Poor’s life
has not fared well. She is pregnant by one the three men she has been dating.
She is living on welfare. Baby Ill has been cranky since his childhood. He
has no friends and is living with his parents.
The natal chart, to the extend astrologers can interpret it without knowing
the external circumstances, will reflect identical potentials and
opportunities for these three adults, regardless of the decisive differences
in their circumstances. This is not all! Astrologic predictions about them,
at any age, will also project the same opportunities, using exactly the same
The question as to why there are so many unknowns and gray areas in astrology
should be addressed. If six top-rated astrologers were invited to an official
examination and asked to jot down the profession and some of the more obvious
characteristics of the person depicted on a chart (that shows no name or
date), it is doubtful that the astrologers would agree on these points.
Conversely, if the same six astrologers were asked to jot down independently
the patterns that “made” Picasso the great artist he was, there would be no
agreement about these patterns, especially if they were also asked to
reconcile their results to patterns on Rembrandt’s chart. There would be a
series of educated guesses, some astrologers agreeing with one another about
some patterns, but there would no categorical “this is it” response.
This brings up a most frustrating problem in astrology. While a natal chart
may display some characteristics that explain, for example, why a person
eventually becomes a high government official, it can never provide a
specific promise that a chart with these patterns will necessarily lead to a
specific profession or talent in adult life. It cannot, because individual
circumstances, self-will, personal effort all combine to mold the adult
Astrology does not have a monopoly on superficial personal profiles. A
documentary on WETA about the efforts of the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit to
arrive at a “typical characteristics” profile for mass murderers, indicated
results that were that were at best rudimentary. The main difference between
psychology and astrology in such practice is that psychology is a recognized
profession and is therefore subject to scrutiny. On the other hand, one
wonders if psychologists are indeed more competent in explaining human
motivations – perhaps they have “conned” the society better. The profound
recitals of Freud, Jung… become academic gymnastics, if psychologists
cannot explain real-life situations, such as the ingredients that induce
people like Dr. Lecter and Mr. Dahmer to eat human flesh. (Is this a
permanent genetic, psychological… disturbance, or a case of astrologic
mutation where inner clocks – i.e., planets – alter the flow of hormones in
such a way that they trigger “primitive” impulses?) Are the (obvious and
common sense) explanations offered by a Dr. Ruth on TV more profound than
those made by a perceptive and eloquent Henry Miller or Norman Mailer? THE
One reads and hears occasionally about a police department in a large city
that is confronted with murders it suspects are committed by a serial killer.
Having no clues about the identity of the murderer, it seeks the assistance
of a psychic. Since the story typically is not conclusive about the actual
contributions made by the psychic, the public is essentially misinformed and
left with the impression that if pragmatic police departments use the
services of a psychic, there must be people who can legitimately claim such
powers. Consequently, some readers probably think that psychics are able to
look at a dead victim and write down the murderers name and address.
Combine these types of impressions with visions acquired from many science
fiction books and movies, “psychic” talk shows on TV… and a case can be
made that some American minds are permanently acclimated to scientific
superstition. Besides people who seek quick bandage solutions to their
problems, those whose minds are infiltrated by superstition are likely to be
a second major target group for psychics and popular astrologers.
Common sense dictates that if there were people with genuine psychic powers,
the scientific community, the government, TV channels, and other sectors
would find ways of engaging them lucratively. It follows that it is very
unlikely that a person with such unique powers would have to make a living by
sitting and waiting for telephone calls. Moreover, while everyone experiences
a premonition of sorts about events that affect their personal lives
occasionally, it is doubtful that these persons receive such “vibes” about
total strangers, immediately when the telephone rings. Therefore, common
sense would conclude that the people who advertize as psychics are not true
open an office on Park Avenue and declare myself a psychologist, soon I would
be arrested. Yet, I can perform a similar function, give similar advice…
by declaring myself a psychic. Something is awry here.
The Media
The media should be more responsible about how it breaks the news about
supernatural events. Everyone is not bestowed with equal dosage of common
sense. For example, a prediction in December 1991 Parade magazine (on the
inside cover page) was accompanied with the name and a photo of an astrologer
who predicted something like “in 1992 more and more people will use credit
cards…” Astrology cannot postulate such detailed predictions about a
national trend. Yet, this person is granted nation-wide publicity. Although
the prediction about the credit card lacks basis in astrology, this is
irrelevant to people who are worried about their future. “If this astrologer
is viable enough to be published in Parade, that’s good enough for me…” is
the rationale by which these people function.
Joyce Jillson is even a better example. For several years, month-after-month,
there have appeared two-page advertisements by her in almost every astrology
magazine. The ads have nothing to do with astrology. Her photos next to
President and Nancy Reagan, imbedded in an assortment of news clippings,
convey a simple message: “if I can help a president, imagine what I can do
for you.” Yeah, imagine…
A news story in October 1992 informed the public about an attractive lady in
California who built an empire by passing on to hundreds of her followers
messages and wisdom from a warrior – in his own voice – who died 2000 years
ago. The lady was apparently also endorsed by Linda Evans (of “Dynasty”
fame). This common practice of using people who enjoy name recognition as
endorser of “products” about which they cannot know more than the average
person is nothing but institutionalized fraud. It is assumed that the public
will see through these schemes and be able to protect itself. Unfortunately,
Indefensible Techniques
There are no rules or regulations governing the popular practice of
astrology. It is more or less self-regulated. As it happens, the potential
for abuse is inherently built-in. The increasing popularity of personal
computers since the late 1970s has opened a lucrative market for developers
of astrology software and publishers of astrology books. Many “psychic” shows
on TV have joined the effort. The abuse is no longer a potential; it is a
fact. There are no FDA or “Consumer Reports” to protect people from these
“mind-altering” commercial products. The only defense people have is their
own common sense, and this is subjected to a continuous bombardment of
commercials and endorsements about nonsensical and farfetched claims. The
following is an overview of dubious and indefensible techniques that are
marketed as viable astrology. People who order astrology reports or consult
psychics and astrologers may receive advice derived from one or more of these
o “WOODOO” Astrology, SUPERSTITION… “What DATE should I Choose for my
WEDDING?” is the type of question that is asked frequently by well-meaning
but innocent novices who wish to make astrology a part of their lives and
major decisions. Many business-minded astrologers and psychics promote their
craft as a “supernatural science of karma” to gullible clients, for the
deception creates and perpetuates a demand for their services. (The
“Psychic” shows on TV are an excellent example of such practice.) This type
of (intentional) abuse or (incompetent) misuse of astrology is not a new
phenomenon. It is a more modern version of “fate” seen by a Medicine Man in
patterns of bones scattered on the ground. The practitioners of Chinese and
Hindu astrology – see below – rely on infinitely more complex and elusive
patterns – which are meaningful only to them – to promote the myth of their
powers, especially in the West. One of the most popular pastimes in the Mid-
East is to foretell the events in a person’s (near) future from the patterns
formed by coffee grounds left in the (small) cup this person has used to
drink coffee. (After the cup is emptied, it is turned over on the plate on
which the cup is served and left a few minutes to cool and for the patterns
to solidify.) Superstition comes in many forms. I attended the first
meeting of the Washington, DC chapter of NCGR. It was the occasion on which
the local chapter was to be formally established. The members, many among
them well-educated professional people, waited for more than an hour,
erecting about a dozen charts in the interim, to predetermine the exact
moment for putting signatures on the document. It was the first and last
meeting I attended.
Returning to the question about the wedding, the progress and outcome of
a marriage depends ultimately on the personalities of the couple and the
effort they put into their marriage. Whether the couple married on October
1 or October 23 five – ten, twenty… – years earlier is irrelevant, except
perhaps for the (real-life) circumstances; e.g., she intentionally became
pregnant to “force” him to marry her, when he was not sure they were right
for one another… Where astrology can help is in situations such as, for
example, if a person met another under a deceptive Neptunian influence (e.g.,
Neptune square natal Venus or Moon) and fell in love, only to (possibly)
regret the affair later. (“Possibly,” because astrology cannot postulate
concrete and irrevocable predictions. It can only point out tendencies and
“likely” outcomes.)
o Publishers of astrology books impatiently await the discovery of large
rocks floating in the sky. If they are large enough to qualify as an
asteroid, they are attributed a few arbitrary characteristics (e.g., Chiron
the Healer) and sold to the public. A typical scene – probably bogus – may
proceed as follows. Question: “I have been suffering from acute such and such
for several months. Doctors are unable to help. Can you?” Answer: “Chiron
will be on the cusp of your sixth house of health in March 1993. You should
expect a healing process to begin on or about that date…” Soon readers are
conditioned enough to begin requesting interpretations for Chiron and other
asteroids in their charts. Popular astrology is happy to oblige.
o “STOCK MARKET, INVESTMENT, LAS VEGAS… Schemes.” Astrology is ideally
suited as an investment scheme. Astrologic investment (software) modules
appeared on the scene about six years ago, promoted by one of the “foremost”
names in astrology. These schemes are not so much promoted among astrologers
– presumably because astrologers know better – unless they want to make money
using these schemes. The victims are people who are perpetually in search of
“get rich quick” formulae. Some of these modules are based upon “forced”
correlations between planetary positions and price of and dividends paid by
individual stocks. (This is similar to some of the econometric studies in
1960s, where there were attempts to seek relationships between unrelated
variables. These attempts were later humorously referred to as “A Study of
Rainfall in Texas versus Height of Pygmies in Africa.” If one insists, any
two variables may be correlated. The variables do not care one way or
another.) Other schemes perform such “analyses” by attributing to individual
stocks artificial birth dates – as described for countries – presumably the
date on which the stock was issued – i.e., printed.
These exercises are contrary to the most basic assumption of astrology.
Astrology is based on the hypothesis that planets generate forces that are
received by people on Earth. These forces presumably affect the flow of
hormones in human body, inducing people to behave in certain ways, which
astrology attempts to predict. In contrast, a stock is merely a name printed
on a piece of paper. It makes no sense at all to suggest that printed words
on paper, in documents and books, “oscillate” with planets.
This type of promotion of astrology is very lucrative for the promoters
and it is a rapidly growing money scheme. For example, one astrologic
investment group in Chicago offers three-day seminars at $4000, the
advertisement highlighting the $195 one would “save” by attending all three
days. Other people view astrology as a gimmick by which they can predict the
outcome of sport events. They run periodically thousands of charts for
football, baseball, basketball… players, teams, managers… always hoping
that some day they will be able to “beat the system.” These people possess
quick and sharp minds otherwise, but nevertheless they are at the mercy of
their greed, which the promoters exploit.
o Linda Goodman’s “SUN SIGNS” is one of the most imaginative marketing
schemes astrology has ever devised. It is essentially a book about “Party
Astrology.” Its premise is derived from two simple principles: 1) “a great
majority of people do not know their astrologic chart,” and 2) “most people
know their Sun-sign.” The book is an inspiration that indulges the second
principle in an expanded form: “since these people are also uninformed about
astrology, it should not be difficult to convince them that a well-written
and entertaining book titled ‘Sun Signs’ is the only astrology they need to
understand themselves and their relationships.”
The book is party astrology, because it hopes to popularize astrology (and
sell itself) by suggesting that astrology can be a mild aphrodisiac – to
imply and test intimacy – for common people in everyday situations. It is
true that people will be informed about the characteristics ascribed to their
Sun-signs, but that would be it. Even if one disregards all else but
planetary interactions, this still leaves (12 by 12) 144 combinations between
his and her planets. Either astrology is accepted, or it is not. If it is
accepted, then there has to be an agreement that an entire relationship
cannot be meaningfully reduced only to the interaction of natal Sun-signs,
except in fiction.
o The “MID TIME/SPACE” is one of the latest indefensible relationship
techniques. (A software version of it has existed for about six years.) The
technique is presently rejuvenated by a new book. The absurdity of this
approach is illustrated by the following example. I was born in Istanbul on
7/15/1942, my companion in Cumberland, MD on 8/16/1961. Accordingly, we are
supposed to “analyze” our future prospects with planets erected for February
x, 1952 (mid-time), and at a location in the Atlantic ocean (mid-space).
There might be some use to this technique. It may depict the character of a
baby whale born in these waters on that date.
o “PROGRESSIONS,” promoted by the late Alan Leo (a member of astrology’s
Hall of Fame), is one of the most widely used predictive technique in
astrology. It has actually become a branch of astrology and is promoted as
“primary, secondary, tertiary; direct and converse progressions, solar-arc
directions…” The premise of progressions is utter nonsense. It assumes that
each day after birth represents a year of life. So if a client is curious of
events awaiting him or her at age 40, the planets on day 40 after birth are
used. Why the adherents of this technique use hypothetical (i.e., day 40 does
not represent age 40) planets instead of real planets at age 40 is not
explained. “It works,” they say.
o Traditional astrology is based on the theory that people live on planet
earth and receive some sort of energy from the planets. It takes a
“Geocentric” view of planets. A recent trend promotes also the “HELIOCENTRIC”
theory. A proponent of this approach, a “famous” name in astrology, justifies
the new insight as follows: “Helio not only offered another way of
considering myself, but it also placed my previous geocentric experience into
perspective.” Modern astrology is overwhelmed by this type of “reads
profound, says nothing provable or disprovable” fuzziness. If people lived on
the Sun, and wished to promote astrology, Helio would be the plausible theory
to use.
o There are many novice astrologers who are deeply disturbed about some of
the patterns in their charts. They feel these patterns “doom” their prospects
forever. They spend hours after hours examining these patterns to find some
redeeming qualities about them. There are now new schemes that alleviate this
type of concern, both in natal and relationship charts. On the natal front,
a technique called “LOCAL SPACE” utilizes the azimuth coordinate of planetary
positions to erect entirely new natal charts for the same person, depending
on the address of the person. Thus, Local Space maintains, person XYZ, who
lives a problem-prone existence at his present address on the left side of
Main Street, facing south, may improve his or her lot by moving – this is not
an exaggeration – a few blocks south to the right side of the street. This is
not all, Local Space also recommends the desirable routes leading to shopping
centers, schools… the position of the sofa in the living room…The sad
truth is that there are astrologers who spread city maps across their kitchen
table and spend days trying to determine the “right” route to a Safeway
o A technique called “HARMONICS” uses a different mechanism to get similar
results for relationships. Harmonics has its origins in Hindu astrology.
Since people in the West are automatically enthralled with ideas and
movements that originate in the East, this technique is popular in software
and among astrologers. According to its promoters, this “teaching” supposedly
“magnifies the potential of the natal chart in marriage situations.” Charts
are “arc-transformed” to bring pairs of planets into magnification, “as if
(note this!) they are in a conjunction.” This transformation is encouraged
for all possible combinations of planets.
In other words, as if two natal charts do not generate enough “real”
patterns, planets in both charts are manipulated until all of the “as if”
(i.e., non-existing) patterns are also taken into account. One feels sorry
for a John and Jane who rely on advice derived from these types of
techniques, for the advice is not about them. Their charts have been altered.
As an analogy, imagine a prescription for Patient-1 that is based on test
results for Patient-2. This type of arbitrary “transformation” of charts is
frequently the real “mystique” of Hindu astrology.
o I CHING. The problem with I Ching, the Chinese Astrology, is the
complexity of patterns. They are the most ponderous in astrology. I Ching
relies entirely on the date and time of birth. (No other date is used.)
Therefore, it promotes a “set” view of karma. That is, given the date and
time of birth, the entire future is set. As long as people are not aware of
“what I Ching does,” it can be promoted in the West as a source of wisdom.
Based upon inputs for date and time, I Ching develops dozens of
“hexagrams” that apply to particular hours, days, weeks, months, years, and
phases in the future. There are hexagrams that respond to particular
inquiries. Although I Ching is described as “astrology,” there are no
references to planets. All interpretations associated with these hexagrams
must be accepted by faith and trust. The complexity of the hexagrams also
makes their interpretation fuzzy. Depending on where the mood and imagination
roam at a particular time, many patterns can be interpreted – i.e., biased –
in a multiplicity of ways. They have certain “meanings” in the short-term,
other interpretations in the long-term. In either case, they read like
riddles. In view of the practical bent of the Western mind, there is a real
possibility that the interpretations can be “twisted” to fit any outcome or
bias. Although I Ching stresses the importance of free-will in modifying the
forces of karma, this seems more like a built-in escape clause to address a
discrepancy between the prediction and real outcome.
o Trans Neptunian Astrology, TNA, is a proof of how resourceful astrology
can be. The main purpose of TNA is to attribute influences to non-existing
planets. In other words, some astrologers suggest that there are planets “out
there” that are yet to be discovered. When confronted by unexpected
experiences that cannot be explained from a chart containing the known
planets, rather than admitting that they do not know, an invented planet is
placed in a house corresponding to the experience. This way the event is
explained and THE UNKNOWN PLANET is “CHARACTERIZED” before it is discovered.
TNA modules are profitable and included in several major astrology software.
o CARTOGRAPHY MAPS. Cartography maps, as a technique of astrologic
prediction, emerged on the scene in mid-1980s, as computers became popular in
many households. Cartography maps induce people to feel they are getting good
astrology and their “money’s worth” of their expensive equipment – by
observing wonderful maps on their screens.
Cartography maps are world maps with “funny” curved lines on them. The
lines represent the positions of transiting planets, as seen from different
parts of the world at a particular time. They run in a general “top to
bottom” direction. The maps support the theory that a major event at a
particular spot on earth happens because the planets are aligned in a
particular fashion over that region. It caters to and promotes the “blame the
planets” superstition. The most “famous” of these world maps appeared on the
eve of the “Desert Storm.” All astrology magazines published a map of the
Iraq War, showing a “Mars line” over Iraq. This one map had such an impact on
the astrologic community that the developer of the technique was recognized
as the astrologer of the year on the occasion of a major astrology conference
in Washington, DC in 1992. (The astrology community was not disturbed by the
fact that an article by the same author, predicting major world events for
1991, that appeared in October 1990 did not mention a word about Iraq,
Kuwait, or a war in the region.) The map of the “Iraq War” conveys the
message that since Mars line was passing over Iraq at the time when the war
started, it was Mars – alone or in conjunction with other planets – that
brought about the war.
Cartography does not make sense even from a “mechanical” stand point.
Since the line also passes over other regions at the same time, there should
have been an earthquake in central USSR, a sea war in the Indian ocean, a
revolution in Madagascar… Cartography reduces people and nations to mere
puppets who fight wars not for their own interests, but to entertain God(s).
In this case, 25 nations became involved in a war not to drive Mr. Hussein
out of Kuwait, but to entertain the planet of war: Mars. It was not President
Bush who ordered the US forces to attack, it was Mars…
Cartography stresses the significance of ZONES in personal charts. The ads
cater to novice astrologers with the following line: “… so far 810 people
have happily reported meeting love mates in their Venus zones.” This claim is
as meaningless as the map of the Iraq War. For example: 1) What percent is
810 of all people who reported one way or another? 2) How many people with
unfavorable Venus zones also reported meeting love mates? 3) How many people
with favorable Venus zones did not meet love mates? 4) How did authors
conclude that it was the Venus zones and not a favorable “environment” that
caused this happy turn of events?
The point is that “810” by itself is an utterly meaningless statement. If
a person is bestowed with the looks of a Warren Beatty or Kim Basinger, or
has the personality of a Madonna, and lives in an environment that
facilitates mating, then the probability of meeting a love mate should be
very high. Compare this to the prospects – REGARDLESS OF THE VENUS ZONE – of
a person who suffers from severe acne and lives in an Amish village.
Time of Birth
The time of birth is the most “taken for granted” input in astrology, even
though all computations depend on it. The general view is seemingly one of
“since I cannot be really sure of the accuracy of the time I am using, I will
assume it is precise.” Even in 20th century USA all clocks are not correct
nor synchronized. All births are not recorded at an exact procedural moment.
Nurses and midwives do not follow a golden rule when they record time. The
recording of (a precise) “time of birth” is not a high priority function in
a delivery room. Astrologers should consider themselves fortunate, if the
time of birth is correct within 15 minutes.
Astrologers utilize a technique called “RECTIFICATION” to use a first-time
major event in a client’s life (e.g., first marriage) to modify the recorded
time so that, it is, they suggest, precise to within a second. They do not
mention that the time derived in this manner never agrees with time(s)
derived from other first-time major events. Many novice astrologers who
insist on having an “exact” chart pay a substantial fee for this service.
The artificial time concepts such as daylight saving time (DST), War Time
(WT), Double Summer Time (DDST), are seen by astrologers as the greatest
obstacle in astrology. The dates and times of time changes, from regular time
to daylight saving time and back to regular time, are recorded for most parts
of the USA. The situation with time is in total confusion in other countries
around the world. The data about DST, WT, or DDST are not available, or where
available, not reliable. Therefore, in these instances, unless the customer
specifically provides this information, the chart provided by a service may
not be this person’s chart – a fact chart services seldom mention.
A source that outlines time changes, including the effective dates for
Daylight Saving Time (DST), in countries around the world is obviously a
potential gold mine. There is a such a volume. It contains more than 400
pages of neatly tabulated time data, going back for decades, for more than
100 countries. I decided to check the data for Turkey, my native country. I
obtained the response on a letterhead from the Ministry of Inner Resources in
Ankara. As I had suspected, the data in the Atlas pertaining to Turkey is
entirely wrong. I surmise that the data about many other countries is also
invented. I reported these findings to a major astrology magazine. The
editors refused to publish it, even after I offered to pay for it.
Daily Astrology Columns
The generalized astrology columns one reads in newspapers and magazines
should be viewed more as entertainment. The authors obviously cannot know the
birth information of all the readers. So the predictions are prepared in
general ways to communicate to all persons who have their Sun, for example,
in Cancer: “what is happening to the sign of Cancer?”. The predictions also
apply to the Ascendant. Thus, a Cancer Sun sign with Capricorn ascendant
should read the text for both signs.
The predictions for the Sun-sign are based on the so-called SOLAR chart
representation. For example, if one reads something like “romance on the
rise,” the author is emphasizing the effect of the planetary activity on that
sign in the 5th House of romance, creative work, children, and speculation.
This type of prediction may be offered to persons with Cancer on the
ascendant, when, for example, transiting Pluto in Scorpio and in the 5th
house (i.e., counting from the Ascendant: 1.Cancer, 2.Leo, 3.Virgo, 4.Libra,
and 5.Scorpio) is conjunct to transiting Venus. Since the 5th house is also
the house that affects children, “romance” is singled out as the criteria
that would appeal more to most readers. Due to limited space the author had
to make a choice.
These generalized predictions may be off significantly for two additional
reasons: 1) the type of event predicted – for example, for “Sun in Cancer” –
depends on the rising sign, which, in turn, determines the house – i.e., the
type of event – in which the event takes place. Since there are 12
possibilities for the rising sign, the predicted event applies at best to
(1/12) 8.5 percent of all persons who have the Sun in Cancer. 2) Sometimes
predictions are based upon an important aspect formed by a transiting planet
to the entire Sun-sign. These “event- triggering” aspects apply within about
plus or minus two degrees – of the total of 30 degrees allocated to each
sign. (The +/- 2 degrees is called “Orb of Influence.”) Therefore, even if
the prediction is conceptually valid, it may not be valid in practice. For
example, an event that applies only to people who have their Sun at 15 to 17
degrees of Cancer is frequently generalized to all Cancer natives. In
reality, people who have their Sun at about 0 to 15 degrees of Cancer have
already experienced this event, while those whose Sun is at about 17 to 30
degrees of Cancer will experience it in the future. If the prediction is
based on a distant planet, such as Pluto or Neptune, “future” may mean
several years. Thus, the prediction that supposedly applies to the entire
Sun-sign, in essence excludes about 28 of every 30 (93 percent) Cancer
natives. Reasons (1) and (2) combined with the “romance versus children” type
of choice by the author may indeed render “irrelevant” the daily, weekly,
monthly… predictions in newspapers and magazines.
The duration of astrologic influences depends on the planets involved, for it
is the speed with which a particular planet moves around the zodiac that
determines the duration. “Exact” Lunar influences generally last a few hours;
influences by the Sun, Mercury, Venus for one or two days; Mars usually up to
about four days; Jupiter nine days; Saturn 20-30 days; Uranus 38-50 days; and
Neptune and Pluto for up to three or four months. These are the exact
influences. There are also the “behind the scenes” influences, the duration
of which are directly related to the time it takes for a particular planet to
traverse a sign. For example, a romantic cycle of about a month may be
predicted as soon as Venus enters the 5th house.
Conclusion for public
The limitations of astrology do not invalidate astrology as possibly a valid
phenomenon. Increasing numbers of people are turning to astrology to seek
solutions to problems affecting them. These people should not be left at the
mercy of popular astrologers. On a personal level, “common sense” is the best
deterrent against abuse. However, common sense does not function in a vacuum.
People must be informed about what astrology is and what it is not,
regardless of the claims.
Conclusion for astrologers
Due to the many unknowns, gray areas, and significant interference from
external factors, personal effort… the natal chart by itself is of limited
significance. However, it is a foundation and reference for all other
astrologic charts, especially predictive transits and, to a lesser extent,
relationships. It is true that the natal chart of a particular person does
sometimes reflect the achievements of that person in life. For example, four
well-aspected planets in 10th house may explain and confirm why this person
is the CEO of a major industrial corporation. On the other hand, astrology
does not promise perpetual prominence to all persons with similar “elevated”
charts. There may be also “homeless” people with the same four planets in
10th house. That is, there are many other variables which contribute to the
outcome, “what a person eventually becomes:” the country and culture of one’s
birth, the financial and other circumstance of parents and family, genetic
and hereditary inputs… The situation is further complicated by the fact
that opportunities, personal effort, self-will… also play a major role. The
transiting influences, rather than natal potentials, may be even more
important in personal evolution. For example, a highly successful
entrepreneur (with the Sun, Saturn, Mercury in 10th house) in 1988 may be a
bankrupt entrepreneur in 1990, if he or she lost his or her fortunes in
pursuit of a speculative deal under a misleading Neptunian influence. The
situation is totally different in two years, and it is not the natal chart
that changed. It may be different again two years later… This is why a
“static” natal chart cannot be a “proof” for all phases of life.
The natal chart is also limited in relationships. The interaction between two
(static) natal charts only shows a potential. If the potential is seemingly
promising, it provides some comfort that during adverse cycles the couple has
a cushion of protection. However, the success of the relationship ultimately
depends, again, on the circumstances and, again, on transiting planets. For
example, the successful entrepreneur may have also enjoyed a wonderful
marriage in 1988. In 1990 he may be divorced – e.g., Donald Trump. Again, it
is not the natal charts nor the potentials that have changed; rather, the
circumstances. It is meaningless to “analyze” a relationship based on the
interaction of natal charts alone. The transit patterns affecting each
partner must be included in the analysis, for otherwise the potential always
remains the same while the reality proceeds according to circumstances and
If astrology is going to “prove” itself as a valid phenomenon, it is going to
be through transits, by predicting the general trend of events in personal
lives, preferably before they happen. The following study, Clinton
Transition and Presidency, provides an example of a real-life “Astrology at
Work” using transits. It is the only predictive technique I use and
recommend, for it involves current planets and real signs, houses, aspects…
Applied Astrology: Clinton Transition, Presidency
By: Sirman A. Celayir
On March 17, 1993, this study was mailed to “Authorities…”
If astrology is going to “prove” itself as a valid phenomenon, it is going to
be through “transits,” by predicting events in personal lives, preferably
before they happen. Astrology does not work in a vacuum. Personal effort,
“doing one’s homework” (or not doing it)… are elements that can
significantly affect outcomes predicted by astrology. If the prediction says
something like “job outlook is bright,” it applies almost exclusively to
persons who wrote job applications and made contacts in anticipation of the
predicted cycle. Otherwise the prophesy is not likely to materialize and it
fades away as “lost opportunity.”
Although the mechanism through which the planets influence humans beings is
not identified, it is likely that the flow of hormones in human body –
electric impulses in the brain? – is somehow affected. The planets may be
functioning like inner clocks. Some of influences apply in the short term,
others over a period (i.e., up to 18 months), depending on the distances
involved. In the short term, the effected individual may be, for example:
nervous (or less nervous… stable); absent-minded (or clear-headed and
focussed); violent (or “only” aggressive, merely assertive… defensive);
romantic (or less romantic… sober); energetic and ambitious (or
scattered… lazy); amorous (or disconnected)… These are common
characteristics and “moods” displayed or felt by everyone on a daily,
weekly… basis. Based on the composition of their natal charts, some people
may demonstrate these traits stronger and more frequently than others. And
these “oscillations” in personality are further molded by genetic factors,
circumstances, environment, upbringing, level of education… (It is difficult
sometimes for most stable and “sensible” people to fully appreciate the fact
that some people are bestowed with more volatile “chemistry.”) The long term
influences are evolutionary and process-like: pursuit of an illusion rather
than a concrete goal; adhering to the “right” strategy rather than relying on
wishful thinking; investing rather than gambling; preparing well for a goal
rather than relying on luck alone…
For example, a person whose Sun (individuality), Moon (mood, perception),
Mercury (mental capacity, speech), Venus (receptivity), and/or Mars (energy,
drive, ambition) is adversely affected by Neptune – the planet of enhanced
inspiration and imagination when positive; of illusion, self-deception,
deception, fraud, treachery, disappointment, regret… if adverse – is prone
to suffer a major loss as result fraud (Sun), commit a major strategic error
(Moon), suffer a treachery or pursue unrealistic goals (Mercury), fall in love
with the “wrong” man/woman and seriously regret it (Venus), experience severe
emotional instability (Mars). These consequences follow because the mind,
perceptions, faculties, and judgment are “fuzzy” and less reliable during this
period. In the case of Mars, one is also on a short fuse, tolerance and
patience thin. These are some of the worst times for major decisions.
PART-I: 1992 Elections
I estimated that Mr. Bush would lose the 1992 elections already in January
1992, when his popularity was very high. (I mailed my prediction to more than
1000 astrologers around the world and also showed it on the “Greeting Screen”
of my Bulletin Board.) How did I estimate this outcome? By “running” transits
for Mr. Bush. At that time there was no clear opponent and I did not predict
“who would win,” only that Mr. Bush would not win. (The details leading to
this conclusion are discussed later, after Mr. Bush’s chart is presented.) By
mid-summer, Mr. Clinton was the candidate of the Democratic Party. The transit
results for November 1992 were as follows.
a) Mr. Clinton, Summary
The AsterPro output shown below summarizes Mr. Clinton’s points for days 1 to
24 (upper row) of November 1992. The points allocated to the 12 “Affairs of
Life” (column 1) and the Total Daily Points (last row) are very nice for Mr.
Clinton to November 16. Note the increase from -15 to 6 on November 4.
COMMENT: The points are derived from the angles – called “aspects” in astrology
– formed between the current transiting planets and transiting planets and (Mr.
Clinton’s) natal planets. The table shown below is a “Summary” that is
produced at the end of a day-by-day monthly run. The details of planetary
patterns follow the Summary.
MR. Clinton: Daily Summary for November 1992
DAY! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
! S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T
H 1! -4 -2 -2 11 9 15 10 6 0 0 0 16 16 16 -9 9 -4 1 5 6 0 0 11 2
H 2! -4 -4 -4 -4 -1 -2 10 7 -2 6 -4 -4 -5 -4 -4 -4 -6-14-14 -9 -9-10-10 -8
H 3! 6 16 5 4 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 11 11 10 11 9 3 3 2 4 2 0 0 -6
H 4! -4 -4-22-18 3 3 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0-20 0 -4 1 5 0 0 0 5 -4
H 5! 2 4 4 13 11 16 21 17 2 12 2 18 17 18 13 11 0 0 0 4 -2 -2 4 4
H 6! -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -3 -1 -4 -4 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6-14-14 -7 -7 -8 -8 -6
H 7! 0 2 -9-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H 8! 0 0-10-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H 9! -6 -6 -6 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 5 1
H10! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H11! 6 14 14 14 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 11 11 10 11 9 3 3 2 4 2 0 0 0
H12! -6 -6-24-16 5 4 7 4 4 2 2 2 2 -1 3 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 5 1
TOT! -5 5-15 6 25 29 34 30 18 26 15 26 26 23 12 19 -2 -7 -4 6 -1 -5 4 -4
b) Mr. Bush, Summary. The output for Mr. Bush for the same days, November 1
to 24, 1992, shows that this would be a trying month for Mr. Bush!
DAY! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
! S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T
H 1! 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0
H 2! 0 2 2 2 0 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -7 -6 0 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 5
H 3! 0 2 2 -8 2 2 4 2 4 -8 0 0 12 2-18 0-13 2 6 2 0 0 6 -2
H 4! 2 8 18 2 0 -4 8 8 10 16 0 2 2 2 -2 -6 -6 -6 -5 -7 -6 -6 -6 -6
H 5!-12-10-10-10-10-10 -8-10-10-12-12-12-10-11-10-12-12-12-12-13-13-12-14-12
H 6! 0 0 -6-20 3 3 9 6 8 -4 4 4 14 4 -6 4 -8 5 9 4 4 4 9 1
H 7! 2 7 15 2 2 -2 3 3 8 14 0 2 2 2 -2 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6
H 8!-11-11-21-21-11-11-11 -9-11-11-11-11-11-11-21-11-11-11-12-12-11-11-12-11
H 9! 0 0 2 -1 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
H10! 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H11! 2 2 2 2 2 -6 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 1 4 2 2 6 6 2 2 2 6 8
H12! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOT! -7 -2 8-18 -5-20 -8-11 -4-10-17-14 -5 -5-17-12-25-13 -8-12-13-12-10-12
c) Mr. Clinton, November 4, 1992. The planetary aspects which contribute to
the empirical points tabulated above for Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bush are outlined
next. Bill Clinton moved above the required 270 electoral votes with the vote
from Ohio at 10:48pm. Thus, points on November 4, 1992 apply. (Since Mr.
Clinton’s time of birth is not known, his “Solar chart” is used.)
(Effects true for 0hr Gmt. At BIRTH PLACE:LG=093W36;LA=33N40.
GeoCentric Equal Solar Houses
Mr. CLINTON, 11/4/1992 WED
Transit NN:23Sag29 H(So: 5/Na: 2) A 60 NATAL JU:23Lib15 H(SO:03/NA:12)
COMMENT:In other words, Transiting (Moon’s) North Node at 23-deg Sagittarius
======= and 29 minutes (at 0-hour of the day leading to November 4), and in
Mr. Clinton’s Solar 5th house (of Luck, Popularity) was “APPROACHING”
(“A”) SEXTILE (“60”-degrees) to his Jupiter at 23 Libra 15 in his Solar
3rd. Astrology “values” Sextiles and Trines (120-degree angle) as
positive; Squares (90-degree) and Oppositions (180-degree) as adverse,
challenging, and conflicting. The Conjunction (0-degree) is an aspect
of intensity and may be positive or negative, depending on the planets
involved. “Houses” in astrology refer to “Affairs of Life” and
represent 12 30-degree segments of a circle, which, in turn, represents
the sky around planet Earth. Thus, this is a study of “how current
planets affect Mr. Clinton” who is represented by his natal chart.
Transit PL:22Sco26 H(So: 4/Na: 1) (i.e., No aspect by Pluto on this day!)
Transit NP:16Cap33 H(So: 6/Na: 2) A 2 Transit UR:14Cap47 H(So: 6/Na: 2)
COMMENT:Aspects between two transiting planets apply to ALL persons (but in
different houses), whereas aspects between a transiting planet and a
natal planet apply only to individuals who have their natal planet
Transit UR:14Cap47 H(So: 6/Na: 2)
Transit ST:12Aqu 7 H(So: 7/Na: 3) A 90 Transit SU:11Sco49 H(So: 4/Na:12)
Transit JU: 4Lib58 H(So: 3/Na:11) A 2 NATAL MR:06Lib27 H(SO:03/NA:11)
Transit JU: 4Lib58 H(So: 3/Na:11) A 2 NATAL NP:06Lib52 H(SO:03/NA:11)
Transit JU: 4Lib58 H(So: 3/Na:11) S 60 Transit ME: 5Sag 3 H(So: 5/Na: 1)
Transit MR:23Can49 H(So:12/Na: 9)
Transit VE:18Sag30 H(So: 5/Na: 2)
Transit ME: 5Sag 3 H(So: 5/Na: 1) A 59 NATAL MR:06Lib27 H(SO:03/NA:11)
Transit ME: 5Sag 3 H(So: 5/Na: 1) A 58 NATAL NP:06Lib52 H(SO:03/NA:11)
Transit SU:11Sco49 H(So: 4/Na:12) A 90 NATAL PL:11Leo52 H(SO:01/NA:09)
Transit MO:29Aqu25 H(So: 7/Na: 4) : Moon’s angular motion is 11.89 Deg/24H
Points by House Affairs & Overall Rating: +27/-21= 6: Favorable
COMMENT: The highlighted aspects are “wonderful” influences which were
acting on Mr. Clinton on November 4. The points derived from
individual interplanetary aspects are next allocated to Mr. Clinton’s
12 houses or Affairs of Life.
2ND:FINANCES, POSSESSIONS : 2/ -6= -4 :Caution!
4TH:HOME, DOMESTIC, PROPERTY, PRIVACY : 0/-18= -18 :Agitated!
8TH:ENFORCED CHANGES, INTENSITY… : 0/-10= -10 :Eventful!
11TH:SOCIAL LIFE, GROUPS, HOPES/WISHES : 14/ 0= 14 :Favorable
1. Points between -3 to +3 may be discarded, unless they represent a jump/drop
between two dates, as in the Summary Table shown earlier.
2. Negative points do NOT always indicate adversity (which depends on the
planets involved), BUT also events, action, activity…
3. Generally, adverse aspects by Saturn are accompanied by an arduous
“restructuring” of some (ie, house affairs transited) aspect of one’s life;
Uranus by “uprooting,” sudden, and unexpected developments; Neptune by
illusion, self-deception, treachery; Pluto by “endings, new beginnings…”
e) Mr. Bush, November 4, 1992. Note the role of NEPTUNE, the planet of
illusion, mistakes, regret, disappointment… on Mr. Bush.
(Effects true for 0hr Gmt; at Birth Place:Lg=077W02;La=38N54.
GeoCentric Equal (Solar) Houses, and Tropic Natal (Birth) Asc: 08 Vir 14
Trop.Asc in Washington DC:02 Vir 48
Mr. BUSH, 11/4/1992 WED
Transit NN:23Sag29 H(S 7/E 4/L 4)
Transit PL:22Sco26 H(S 6/E 3/L 3)
Transit NP:16Cap33 H(S 8/E 5/L 5) A 89 NATAL MO:17Lib48 H(S05/E02/L02)
Transit NP:16Cap33 H(S 8/E 5/L 5) A 2 Transit UR:14Cap47 H(S 8/E 5/L 5)
Transit UR:14Cap47 H(S 8/E 5/L 5)
Transit ST:12Aqu 7 H(S 9/E 6/L 6) A 90 Transit SU:11Sco49 H(S 6/E 3/L 3)
Transit JU: 4Lib58 H(S 5/E 1/L 2) S 60 Transit ME: 5Sag 3 H(S 7/E 3/L 4)
Transit MR:23Can49 H(S 2/E11/L11)
Transit VE:18Sag30 H(S 7/E 4/L 4)
Transit ME: 5Sag 3 H(S 7/E 3/L 4)
Transit SU:11Sco49 H(S 6/E 3/L 3)
Transit MO:29Aqu25 H(S 9/E 6/L 6) S 90 NATAL ME:29Tau24 H(S12/E09/L09)
Transit MO:29Aqu25 H(S 9/E 6/L 6) : Moon’s angular motion is 11.89 Deg/24H
Points by House Affairs & Overall Rating: + 4/-22= -18: Agitated!
These points are allocated as follows:
2ND:FINANCES, POSSESSIONS : 2/ 0= 2 :Promising
8TH:ENFORCED CHANGES, INTENSITY… : 0/-21= -21 :Agitated!
f) My Prediction Explained
The influences of far planets, such as Pluto and Neptune, last (on and off)
for more than a year. In Mr. Bush’s case, Neptune is in a Square (90-
degrees) to his natal Moon. Astrology attributes to Neptune nebulous
qualities. While no astrologic pattern can guarantee a concrete and
irrevocable outcome, in January 1992, I considered possible ramifications of
Neptune’s influence on Mr. Bush’s Moon and postulated an “educated guess”
about how this influence could manifest: lack of clarity and focus, pursuit
of a “wishful,” rather than a “well-organized and well-targeted,” (election)
campaign; illusion, false hopes… Combined with the significantly negative
Summary results for November 1992, I concluded that things did not look
promising for Mr. Bush on November 3 and 4, 1992. I still hesitated
reaching a final decision, because a president has many advisors who are
presumably not affected by Neptune. My prediction turned out right, I
suspect, only because Mr. Bush apparently did not obtain the advice he
needed. (I voted for Mr. Perot.)
g) Conclusions
The transit output fully confirms the following realities.
(magnetism), 3RD (communications, trends, news), 5TH (popularity, charm),
AND 11TH (groups, public, support) HOUSES.
a) Preliminary Work
After Mr. Clinton became the new president, I knew that his Sun at 26 Leo 9
would soon place him at the mercy of one of the severest aspects in
astrology: “PLUTO (in Scorpio) Square Sun.” This could be a “make or break”
cycle of his presidency. Astrologic influences begin when the transiting
planet moves to within about 1.5 degrees of the natal planet and last until
the former moves .5 degree past the natal position. So it was a matter of
plotting Pluto’s position relative to Mr. Clinton’s Sun. Due to the
retrograde motion of transiting Pluto, this cycle repeats THREE times,
starting with a MILDLY adverse cycle early in January 1993 that lasted until
about March 1, 1993. The really challenging and “testing” periods are as
follows. COMMENT: Obviously the adverse influence by Pluto may be exacerbated
or mellowed significantly by aspects formed by other transiting planets.
October 29, 1993 to December 31, 1993
April 1, 1994 to June 28, 1994
August 8, 1994 to October 17, 1994
Since the transiting planet is Pluto, the implication of adversity is not
(merely) differences of opinion about policy issues. It entails something
more substantive, perhaps a significant challenge to his overall
effectiveness and prestige. Of course, all of us want him to succeed, but he
is under adverse cycles during these periods. (One note of comfort though!
A President of the United States enjoys almost limitless “cushion” against
adversity. A “Pluto Square Sun” would be really severe for a (regular)
John/Jane Doe who is “wide open” to life’s bumps.). April 1994 would
seem to be a potentially difficult month and is analyzed next.
b) Analysis, Level-2
At this level the analysis is still a “bird’s eye” view of the influences
derived from the Monthly Summary Tables – like the one shown for the
elections – for the months listed above.
DAY! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
! F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S
H 1! -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 0 3 -9-11 -4 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -7 -7 -9 -7 -7 -7
H 2! 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
H 3! -7-12-12-17 0 -2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -4 -9-17 -4-15-15 -5-11 -5 0 -4-22 2-15
H 4!-12-19 -8 -8 -9 -8 -5 -2-16-18-12-15-15-15-16 -8 -8 -8 -7 -8 -8 -7 -1 -1
H 5! 10 -8-24-17 13 6 9 9 6 4 11 2 -2 8 3 14 6 1 4 2 2 -8 -8 10
H 6! -3 -2-13 1 2 0 -1 -2 0 5 -2-11-14 -2-23-19 -5 -5 -6 0 -7-23 2-12
H 7! 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 2 14 0 -2 3 0
H 8! -2-38-33-27 13 4 9 11 6 4 5 2 2 2-11-10 0 -1 0 0 0 0 3 3
H 9! 8 10 -1 0 0 2 2 0 0 5 12 -4-11 6 -7 8 6 1 3 2 7-15 -8 6
H10! 0 2 -8 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 -4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 -9-10 3 0
H11! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
H12! -7 -7 -6 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -8 -7 -7 -7 -7 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 3 3
TOT! -8-21-37-19 0 -6 -6 -6-16-13 -7-21-28-11-26 -4 -6-11 -8 3-15-38-14 -3
^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^
Synthesis of April 1994: Critical days marked by “^” April 1994 may be the
SEVEREST test of Clinton Presidency. Difficulties, challenges, and/or losses
are indicated during the first FOUR days, and on APRIL 11, 14 and 15, and 20
to 22. A Foreign Policy concern arises on April 3, 11 and 12, and 22 to 23.
There are further indications that the month will be ruled by strained
communications and interaction with others (Congress?, public?) during the
entire month. These may also manifest as major differences which need to be
ironed out.
25 26 27 28 29 30! HOUSE POINTS FOR THIS CYCLE:
M T W T F S!
-7 -7 -4 -8 -8 -8! 1ST:MAGNETISM;SELFPROJECTION:Your Points= -6: Eventful!
0 0 0 0 1 -1! 2ND:FINANCES/POSSESSIONS :Your Points= 0: Static
-5 -4 -3 1 -5 -5! 3RD:MIND/DRIVING/COMMUNICATN:Your Points= -7: Eventful!
-1 -1 2 -2 0 -8! 4TH:HOME/PROPERTY/PRIVACY :Your Points= -8: Eventful!
2 2 2 2 9 8! 5TH:ROMANCE/CHILD/CREATIVITY:Your Points= 3: Promising
-5 -4 -9 -5 5 8! 6TH:HEALTH/PROJECTS/SCHEDULE:Your Points= -5: Caution!
0 0 3 3 0 0! 7TH:INTIMATE TIES/PARTNERS :Your Points= 1: Promising
3 3 3 3 5 4! 8TH:CHANGES/INTENSITY/SEX :Your Points= -1: Caution!
2 2 2 2 8 8! 9TH:DISTANT AFFAIR/VALUES/Ed:Your Points= 2: Promising
0 0 -6 -6 4 8!10TH:CAREER/SUCCESS/PUBLIC :Your Points= 0: Static
0 0 3 3 0 0!11TH:SOCIAL LIFE/HOPES&WISHES:Your Points= 0: Static
3 3 3 3 3 -4!12TH:CONFINEMENT/OBSTACLES :Your Points= -3: Caution!
-8 -8 -9 -6 4 3!SCORE: -12/ 0=-11. SUMMARY OF THESE 30 DAYS: Eventful!
c) Analysis, Level-3
The analysis outlined above can proceed into specific details. This is achieved
by concentrating on aspects which “trigger” events. “Critical Days” are defined
as periods during which one is on the “receiving end” of events, when one is
less in control and more at the mercy of external variables. These may manifest
as challenges, serious differences, unexpected developments, (for a president)
a drop in polls, mistakes, or some sort of crisis… Things “happen” on these
days. For the entire period, some of these critical days may indeed turn out
to be “Turning Points” in Mr. Clinton’s Presidency. These days are:
1. Dates on which the points drop significantly, especially from positive to
(very) negative – which were outlined at Level-2.
2. Oct 29 to Nov 5 – 1993 => Challenges and Conflicts
3. Dec 1993 => Sober, arduous, serious, and taxing
4. Jun 27-28 1994 => Challenges and Conflicts
5. Aug 21 1994 => Difficult
d) Analysis, Level-4
This is an arduous process involving a day-by-day and planet-by-planet review
of the cycles. Some of the critical days may be removed from the critical
list, other days may be added. This can happen when, for example, transiting
Venus – a planet considered to be inherently positive -is favorably positioned.
It mollifies, if not cancels, adversity elsewhere in the chart. I will not
proceed to this level. I believe the study contains sufficient amounts of
concrete data and observations to illustrate the way transits may be used to
project future opportunities.
Sirman A. Celayir
March 17, 1993, 4:23am Washington, DC
The Author, Sirman A. Celayir
Sirman A. Celayir was Born in Istanbul, Turkey (29E59,41N01) on 7/15/1942 at
6 p.m. (Time Meridian at 30E, Zone:+2, no daylight saving time, no war-time).
After completing grade school in Turkey, Sirman enrolled in an Austrian
(Jesuit) boarding lyceum. In 1958 his entire family migrated to the USA.
After a brief stay in Lakewood, NJ, Sirman enrolled in a gymnasium in Trier,
Germany. He joined his parents in USA in 1962 and began his university
education at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. He earned degrees
in Mathematics and Computer Science (BA), Engineering (BS), Petroleum
Engineering (MS), and Economics (MA).
His professional background includes teaching computer and business classes
at college level (UCLA most recently). For four years he was a public
utility consultant in Washington, DC. He was in Saudi Arabia for five years
where, as a project officer for the Saudi Fund (under the Ministry of
Finance), he was involved in development projects around the world (eg, Kpong
hydroelectric generating plant in Ghana). In 1978 he became an advisor with
SABIC (under the Ministry of Industry and Resources). There he directly
participated in the planning and development phases of $10 Billion
petrochemical joint ventures (eg, Saudex between SABIC and EXXON) that are
presently on stream. From 1974 to 1980 Sirman also presented about a dozen
technical papers and chaired several conferences in the USA and abroad.
Always restless (Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Ascendant) and attuned to
experimentation with mutually exclusive life-styles, each lasting about six
years, Sirman retired from his fulfilling professional position after 1980,
and returned to the USA to pursue real estate investments in Southern
California. On August 24, 1984 at 1 p.m. he began programming his astrology
software ASTERPRO on an Apple II+ in La Jolla, California.
On July 15, 1985, in search of a suitable location for programming the IBM
version, Sirman left California for the East Coast. After a year in New York
city and Morgantown, WV, Sirman settled in Washington, DC. He began
programming the IBM version at noon on January 8, 1988. As of April 1993,
the size of IBM version of AsterPro software has reached about 11Mb
(equivalent to about 6000+ single-space pages if printed). The software
includes all credible theory and techniques of Western Astrology. AsterPro
has been advertized as a commercial software since 1986 and is presently used
by many persons and organizations around the world.
Sirman was introduced to astrology by his (now ex) second wife and friend
Gayle, a Pisces, in 1973. (The data base for maintaining the names and birth
information of persons in the software I named “Gayle,” the rest of the more
than 100 modules after the names of family members and friends.) A residue
of skepticism that persisted in the initial stages of his introduction to
astrology vanished as he noticed post-facto that the date of their physical
separation, at 8 am Sunday, October 7, 1973, coincided with the (approaching)
conjunction of transiting Saturn and his natal Mercury in his 7th house of
marriage and intimate relationships, the effect exactly as predicted by
astrology for shaky marriages. (Problems which were ignored and avoided
until then surface and confront the couple. At the end of this 2.5-year
transit period, either the problems are resolved and the marriage grows
stronger, or it ends in divorce. Saturn is the “make a believer” planet of
astrology!) He has since reviewed and studied almost everything written in
and about astrology.
Since 1982 Sirman began testing empirically the predictive capabilities of
astrology. The results of this effort have been incorporated into a point
system derived from planetary, sign, aspects, and house characteristics. As
a result, AsterPro is not merely a sophisticated software, it is also an
original and substantive astrological work. Albeit, the text delineations
are also based upon and inspired by many name astrologers from around the