Not all areas of astrology focus on the sun, moon, stars, and planets, as medical astrology takes into consideration the inner-workings of the human body. When you come in contact with a professional medical astrologer, you can receive a birth chart that analyzes your ins and outs concerning the strengths and weaknesses associated with your body. In this article, you will learn what sort of things you can become more in tune with when exploring medical astrology.
Medical astrology can shed light on an array of bodily characteristics and functions, such as any nutritional deficiencies you may possess. Sometimes, your susceptibility to certain diseases is revealed. In times where sickness or disease strikes, some people are interested in what a medical astrologer has to say because they use predictive methods to assess the intensity and possible duration of a particular medical ailment. As a result, one may create a decumbiture chart, which can help determine the path that the disease may take.
The practice of astrology itself is quite ancient and probably has links to the earliest concepts of time. In the past, the movement of items found in the sky was used to assess the best times for gathering food and hunting. It also aided in the predicting of long-term stretches of weather patterns. In later years, the practice of using the sky as a resource helped people to locate the best times of the year for planting and sowing crops. However, the first shreds of evidence of its practice only date back to about 4000 BC.
Over time, the practice and knowledge linked to the sky began to differ from culture to culture. They began creating their own system of myths that incorporated their own tidbits of knowledge and experience. As more time passed, ancient individuals started to learn an increasing amount of knowledge pertaining to the Sun, Moon, planets, and the sky. This allowed them to better predict when certain events were to take place, including eclipses. All of these experiences and events of the past have played a role in shaping the astrological trends and beliefs that we see today.
The distinction that we see between astronomy and astrology isn’t that old when compared with other things. The lines between modern scientific astronomy and astrology were often blurred, as many greats in the science field were known to turn to the stars for answers, including Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 – 1543), Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630), and Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727).
However, it is believed that the true origins of astrology are traced back to the Chaldeans of Babylon, Mesopotamia (which is now known as Iraq) during the 4th millennium BC. Inside of religious temples, individuals ranging from farmers to doctors utilized the method of predicting events. It is also thought that the concept of astrology reached Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC, which assisted Egyptian rulers in advancing the results of their agricultural plans.
In Part II of “The History of Medical Astrology,” you will learn how the Egyptians used this concept to better their existence. You will also encounter the many different cultures that helped shape what astrology is today.