Venus, the second planet from the Sun is often called the Earth twin sister because of its similar size(9.28×1011 km³) and mass(4.8685×1024 kg). It is also the nearest planet from Earth and it appears in the Earth’s sky as the most shiny sphere behind the Sun and the Moon. We don’t know yet if there is life on it, Most scientists believe that the life is not possible while some argues that it might be possible that some life evolves in the Venus’ high atmosphere. Venus is a very special planet, its rotation is retrograde and its revolution duration(224 days) is almost equal to its rotation duration(243 days). Furthermore, it appears as an Earth’s moon because it appears in the sky in the same way every time and is quite visible. It also shows always the same face as the moon does.
Venus is the goddess of Love. It is feminine and is said to influences the women sexuality, for men, it is said to influence their wedding. The duration between conjunction and elongation is 266 days which corresponds to the average human pregnancy. Furthermore, its symbol is the biological symbol of women which symbolize the spirit over the matter. Venus has also as attributes, the light and the knowledge. Venus is full of anomaly, it is more hot than Mercury even if Venus is farther from the Sun.
Some scientists say that Venus is recent. Velikovsky, the man who wrote “World in Collision” even said that Venus came in the Solar system only around 1600 B.C. He add that Venus was a comet. Some facts are definitely in accord with his theory: NASA detected the trail of Venus (only comets have trail) which is still detectable nowadays. In Velikovsky theory, Venus collided with Jupiter first to then come near the Earth and going in collision with Mars, the Greeks for example described these phenomenons in their mythologies. Furthermore, in any part of the world, in any mythologies, a new planet appears in the texts and traditions around 1600 B.C. We can also add that each of these traditions described the same battle as the Greeks did. Velikovsky add that these collisions affected the Earth and destroyed all the human civilization explaining in the same time what the historians cannot about the fall of the great civilization: Egypt, Indus, Maya…