The Gravitational Propulsion Data Site
This is to announce the formation of the Gravitational Propulsion Data Site. This site is formed from prior research in the field and contains a history of research and the prior Gravitational Propulsion Research Groups, which were on Yahoo and MSN. These earlier Groups were disclosed here, but have now been combined into the new ” Gravitational Propulsion Data Site ” which can be found at;
This new site has the early Gravitational Propulsion Theory and Research Proposal free for the downloading by anyone on the net. You do not need to sign up to become a member or anything, just download Data to your heart’s content. It also has a history of the earlier Research and links to where old versions of the Groups can be reviewed. Also included is a page of Alternative Propulsion Systems Definitions, (and subsystems) for information review.
and enjoy the new data,
Jim Stevenson