Consciousness may be defined as an awareness of change within its field or of the field in which it exist and vice-versa. To be aware a system should have field and it should have entity that is getting aware. This is a simple argument. A hydrogen atom that is aware of the change in heat content of the environment and changes accordingly therefore is conscious. It has a field and it has an entity, which is getting aware. Conversely, nature should be conscious and has an entity that is aware of every ignition keys we switch on, every mother bombs we test beneath Mother Earth, Cluster bombs we drop in the pristine mountains kissing the environment, the rockets we send to mars and so on. Just as billions pieces twisted out from a magnet are still a magnet, any minute particle twitched from the universal system is conscious and it has an entity that is aware. To understand it in the words of Max Planck, even a minute part of the universe is conscious and has a intelligent mind behind it that perceive the force affecting its field. Mind is the matrix of all matter, a mind exist in a minute part of the universal field.
Change is fundamental to nature. Nature is characterized by perpetual flow and motion that involves exchange of matter or energy in quantum manner. Even minute part of the system should have this property. I used the term perpetual because it out to be perpetual by some design. There cannot be a meaning to nature if the flow were to seize. Force is the cause of flow, the fundamental step to understand consciousness and intelligent mind is to understand flow and motion. This means to understand WHY’S, and HOW’S and WHAT’S of the consciousness and intelligence, we have to understand Why motion occurs? What causes motion? How motion occurs? It amounts to finding answers to the fundamental question that the great scientist avoided in their quest to bottle nature into a selected language and to make things predictable.
An attempt is made to review the foundation of nature and understand why motion occurs, How motion occurs? What causes motion? From this premise, the origin of force, the consciousness and intelligent mind in a particle is visualized and understood sensibly. From this fundamental foundation, it is shown how complex structures are formed in space, guided by basic principles. The research identifies intelligent molecules, having potential to evolve against time and its stress to form living systems. It discusses fundamental foundations that lead to the formation of mind of animals and humans and differentiates them. It goes further to understand universal consciousness and intelligence and its relation to Human consciousness and intelligence thus making the great unity of ancient spiritual knowledge with modern science.
The matter written here is the product of nearly two decades of research from a point of freedom in nature. It involved moving in every branch of physical and spiritual science repeatedly trying to understand its foundation without ever being attached to them. In contrast to modern science, which is moving from simplicity to complexity, it was a journey from complexity to simplicity that guides nature and its interaction. It was directed at knowing the fundamental foundations of nature ”“ the design and principle on which the whole system is constructed and working. The work is unique, to understand it, one should approach it with an empty mind that has ample time. We live in a world that lack time and where the feeling of “I” is in its maximum state. In case any one feels, matter in it is inferior at any stage, Jump to concluding remark and try to return.
1] Introduction
Consciousness is a term that science has failed to explain sensibly. The ancient spiritualists were more at home with this term. The great seers of the east who sought the secret of nature in life and “self” described the universe as conscious field in which intelligence exist as Master and Control. They noted that, just as a magnet twitched into billion parts is still a magnet every minute bit separated from it is conscious and intelligent and has relative existence with universal consciousness and intelligence. They understood nature qualitatively. Unfortunately, the modern man who has shut his senses and is seeking truth of nature in matter with a motive to conquer and corrupt nature than understand it, has failed to comprehend this simple truth that exists next to his skin both internally and externally.
The approach to understand the reality of nature/consciousness by the ancient and the modern people are different. The ancient sought the truth from a point of freedom within one’s “self”. In contrast, the modern man is seeking it in matter with a predefined motive. He is bound by perimeters and has not been able to free himself from the Plato’s chair of science at the mouth of the cave to perceive the truth. The history of modern study of consciousness, various concepts, philosophies, questions and theories involved are concisely written in one article in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. []
Though the modern world has its root in physics and understanding of matter, the field that is ruling it today [computational and information technology] has its root in biology. Modern interest in study of consciousness comes from the backdrop of computation, information technology and is motivated by the vision of developing super computers and intelligent machines. The problem of consciousness is the central issue in theorizing the mind. The fundamental foundation of modern consciousness research, thus exist in portraying human brain as a super computer and exploring the possibility of developing Intelligent Machines [Artificial intelligence]. However all their effort falls short when it comes to accounting for thought, feeling and awareness. Consciousness is far more than the brain acting like a computer.
Identifying the problems related to study of consciousness and answering them sensibly is the only way for us to understand the phenomenon of consciousness. The core problems related to study of conscious is well laid out in the article “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy” and goes as follows.
“The task of understanding consciousness is an equally diverse project. Not only do many different aspects of mind count as conscious in some sense, each is also open to various respects in which it might be explained or modeled. Understanding consciousness involves a multiplicity not only of explananda but also of questions that they pose and the sorts of answers they require. At the risk of oversimplifying, the relevant questions can be gathered under three crude rubrics as the What, How, and Why questions:
The Descriptive Question:
What is consciousness? What are its principal features? And by what means can they be best discovered, described and modeled?
The Explanatory Question:
How does consciousness of the relevant sort come to exist? Is it a primitive aspect of reality, and if not how does (or could) consciousness in the relevant respect arise from or be caused by nonconscious entities or processes?
The Functional Question:
Why does consciousness of the relevant sort exist? Does it have a function, and if so what it is it? Does it act causally and if so with sorts of effects? Does it make a difference to the operation of systems in which it is present, and if so why and how?
The three questions focus respectively on describing the features of consciousness, explaining its underlying basis or cause, and explicating its role or value. The divisions among the three are of course somewhat artificial, and in practice the answers one gives to each will depend in part on what one says about the others. One can not, for example, adequately answer the what question and describe the main features of consciousness without addressing the why issue of its functional role within systems whose operations it affects. Nor could one explain how the relevant sort of consciousness might arise from nonconscious processes unless one had a clear account of just what features had to be caused or realized to count as producing it. Those caveats notwithstanding, the three-way division of questions provides a useful structure for articulating the overall explanatory project and for assessing the adequacy of particular theories or models of consciousness
I hope to explain the secret of consciousness, intelligent computing and the secret of human brain by answering the above questions to the best of my ability centering it on the fundamental design and principle that nature revealed.
There are many theories of consciousness, metaphysical and modern specific theories, which includes cognitive, neural, non physical theory heralded by David Chalmers and Quantum Mechanical Theory heralded by brilliant Doctor/ Anesthesiologist, Stuart Hemeroff, who joined hands with brilliant Physicist Roger Penrose who is a master in quantum as well as relativity science. Their combined effort is taking research of consciousness to marvelous depth. They appear at the forefront of modern research world that is trying to understand consciousness.
Dr. Stuart’s vision suggest that, centrioles is the seat of mind and consciousness of the cell and micro tubules and its net works forms the nervous system of the cell.
The observation that triggered this brilliant Anesthesiologist and brought him to the forefront of Quantum consciousness research is worth calling attention. Let me put it in his words “
I spent a summer research elective in a cancer laboratory. For some reason I became fascinated and fixated by one particular question. When cells divided, the chromosomes were separated and daughter cell architecture established by wispy strands called mitotic spindles (“microtubules”) and cylindrical organelles called centrioles. Somehow, the centrioles and spindles “knew” when to move, where to go, and what to do. The uncanny guidance and orientation mechanism of these tiny biomolecular structures seemed to require some kind of motorized intelligence
” The fact that Stuarts mind fixated on the centrioles and its associated structures, appears to have led him to search the secret of consciousness and intelligent machines in it.
It is important to note that though much of the modern mind-set is still materialistic and physical; all the vital and unflinching developments in physical science have their root in observation of life and living characteristics. It is worth calling the work of another Doctor, Dr. Mayer who contributed the first law of thermodynamics and the scientist who contributed to cybernetics that paved the way for the world of computation and information technology. Very clearly, life appears as a mirror holding the great secret of the universe and its reality. My own interest to explore the reality of nature and the backdrop for writing this article comes from my association with the living world as a farmer living in an interior village surrounded by forests, and my stint as a researcher in the field of biotechnology trying to manipulate life and its information. I took to research from consciousness hoping to contribute something to humanity. Little did I understand that my approach is a misfit to survive in the modern research world especially in the east. My Research with living system began to unfold as a communication with life and nature. This communication brought innovation to my research and produced quick results in every difficult topic I touched. It fetched me job in a multinational company and opened the gates for lucrative positions, but at the same time, it disturbed my consciousness and the foundation of my research objectives
. The life and nature was questioning my right to tamper life and its information without knowing the fundamentals of life and nature. I realized that I have no answers to why information is paired one dominant the other recessive. Why DNA is double helical? Why gene is a triplet code? Why mitotic and meiotic divisions? And so on. A flood of similar questions broke the ego of my education and I felt my education was worth nothing
I wished to move to an academic environment to enquire into the fundamental questions, but had to give up this dream after 8 years of research to stay with my consciousness than submitting it to obtain a doctoral degree. I chose to pursue the reality of life and nature from a point of freedom – the way the great eastern seers pursued their search for truth. I am not an expert in any field of modern science, neither of the ancient spiritual science, but I have traveled repeatedly, through the thought that molded them, with out being attached to them. These journey to the foundation and fundamentals of science, only reveled the more and more WHY’S, WHAT’S and HOW’S that remain unanswered. In fact, I began to feel that modern man exists in an era of total ignorance. I realized a need for a fresh out look into nature. This necessitated detachment and emptying of the mind to observe nature from a point of freedom, raise questions to the Mother Nature in whose womb I exist as a dwindling breath.
The Journey of my mind, its thought, was opposite to what the modern research world is taking. Modern world is moving from simplicity to complexity in a unidirectional manner, in contrast my mind was seeking the simplicity behind the complexity or the fundamentals on which nature is constructed and functioning. The approach was not linear but was random. The search had no specific goal or aim, no guidelines or framework; it was an attempt to know or an attempt at being with nature.
The search was based on reality of nature I observe and of which I am part, than assumptions made to put reality into a chosen mathematical language
Nature appeared inter related and one through a fabric that bind it. Physicist, by virtue of their language over ruled the existence of any fabric. What science has negated with advancement is what haunts them today. Hemeroff and Penrose seems to be struggling to invent a fabric in micro tubules and seek the truth of consciousness in it, Chalmers and his advocator seem advent the concept of the unseen with out being able to link with matter. The truth of consciousness exist between them as inseparable way through a simple design and principle
Before I write the secret of consciousness and intelligence revealed to me, let me speak certain truth plainly. I have great respect to the modern thinkers, the likes of Feynman, Fritjof Capra, Ilya Prigogine, Gary Zukav, Stephen Hawking, Murray Gell-Mann, Freeman Dyson, James Lovelock, Mitchell Feigenbaum, Swinny, James Yorke, Steven Smale, Mandelbrot, Doyne Farmer, Stuart Kauffman, Paul Davies, Carl Sagan, Stuart Hemeroff, Chalmers, Roger Penrose and scores of them whose minds, along with scores of brilliant philosophers and spiritualist who are struggling to advance science and knowledge of nature into higher realm. I must admit the work of Stuart Hameroff and Penrose is highly imaginative and scientific, yet I regret to say that these intellectuals are so near to truth, yet are far from it. They exist as cells of the growing tip of one branch or the other of one tree. They cause a vegetative advancement but are ignorant of the truth of the tree of which they are part. Since the foundation of science broke down, there has been welcome development where occupants of various branches do communicate to ensure at least some peripheral advancement. However, this is not taking them anywhere near the truth of the tree. They still exist bonded to Plato’s chair of science, which hinders their 360-degree freedom to perceive the whole tree. They are so lost in the complexity that they fail to see the simplicity and unity that exists next to their skin. The ancient spiritualist did perceive the secret by detaching himself or herself from the tree and to become part of the free flowing force moving around the tree, thus seeing it grow from seed to form a tree, which in turn produces the seed, to survive time. Many approached the truth taking an alternate and more real path of freeing themselves from the sedentary or bonded state to be part of the free flowing force within the system that causes the growth and reduced themselves to become part of the seed, which conquers time and perpetuates.
Modern science has made the simple truth so complicated, that hardly few understand it. It is true that the mathematics of quantum and relativity has changed human life, yet there are only handful of people who have understood it fully. For a common person it makes no sense. I must admit that, with out a teacher, it took me repeated journey into these fields to understand the thoughts behind them superficially. Stephen Hawking concluding his book “Brief History of Time” wrote “
However if we discover a completer theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone not just few scientist
”. My goal was not to develop a theory; it was simply directed to acquiring sensible knowledge, a knowledge that satisfies my quest and help me and others to live one with nature in peace and happiness. Knowledge I believe out to have brought order, peace, security and happiness. One look at modern scientific knowledge clearly shows the opposite. The mathematics of quantum world, relativity science has failed to bring what life actually seeks. It is time we stop to look back, empty our mind and listen to whispers of the wind, sense the warmth of the flowing blood within, that always been trying to speak to us, the simple secret of life and nature.
Let us respect the words of Max Planck the father of quantum vision, and undertake a journey back in time, from the tree to the seed and beyond it to the matter, principles, design and the
that go to form the tree.
It is more than decade since I discovered the fundamental design and principles over which nature works. They have relevance to every field of human interest. However, my attempts to reach out to the temples of science and its occupants to discuss the matter never materialized. Every one seems to be lost in their little worlds. The circumstance in which I live does not permit to produce a serious research paper or a book at least to satisfy people existing in one branch. Therefore, I chose to work to fine tune the fundamental design and principle of nature and leave it on the Internet, for it to be discovered when the time comes. When we look at the state of the world we live in, take into account those unusual events taking place in distant space and our solar system, the time seems to have come for us to evolve into higher order of knowledge that can save humanity from the brink of self-destruction. The delay in understanding the truth could cost us dearly.
Most articles written in the parent site, “The system design and secret of nature” [] focuses on to a simple design and principle on which nature functions and when expanded it can answer every paradoxes of science and spirituality. To answer the secret of consciousness/intelligence here again I bring simple arguments that expose the fundamentals on which nature is constructed and working. Give me a little free thought that is not clouded by what is taught through generation of darkness. My aim at this stage is not developing, intelligent Machines; [though I visualize blue prints of developing them] it is to save the existing ones!
2] The Tools and Method used for Consciousness Research
Research of consciousness was conducted based on the reality we observe in nature. One of the realities I accepted is that I am unique. Extending into space I live in, it meant that the place I live in is unique, this meant earth that inhabits life is unique. It brought the attention of my mind, to my life and the work I adopted to live. The work I adopted was research form consciousness hoping to contribute something to humanity. The profession I involved was life, [biotechnology]; it brought my minds attention to conflict with consciousness. To be conscious is to be aware of the opposite. I felt that modern research world, with its classification, chairs and positions as a hindrance to true search. Eventually, when my consciousness mind was sought as a price to stay with modern research world, I revolted to set my mind free to root in the consciousness and let it explore the space and time [surface and depth] of nature and life. Mind let loose in the conscious field is double-edged sword, as it penetrates the external field of consciousness; it simultaneously reveals the internal consciousness and vice-versa. I used this tool for the research. The method was to freely move in space-time and use it. They all pointed to one center, the moving Spirit or intelligence, which is Master and whole ”“ a mind that is superior and holds the secret.
3] The Foundation of Consciousness and its Principle Feature
Consciousness may be defined as an awareness of change within its field or of the field in which it exist and vice-versa. To be aware a system should have field and it should have entity that is getting aware. This is a simple argument. A hydrogen atom that is aware of the change in heat content of the environment and changes accordingly therefore is conscious. It has a field and it has an entity, which is getting aware. Conversely, nature should be conscious and has an entity that is aware of every ignition keys we switch on, every mother bombs we test beneath Mother Earth, Cluster bombs we drop in the pristine mountains kissing the environment, the rockets we send to mars and so on. Just as billions pieces twisted out from a magnet are still a magnet, any minute particle twitched from the universal system is conscious and it has an entity that is aware. To understand it in the words of Max Planck, even a minute part of the universe is conscious and has a intelligent mind behind it that perceive the force affecting its field. Mind is the matrix of all matter, a mind exist in a minute part of the universal field.
Change is fundamental to nature. Nature is characterized by perpetual flow and motion that involves exchange of matter or energy in quantum manner. Even minute part of the system should have this property. I used the term perpetual because it out to be perpetual by some design. There cannot be a meaning to nature if the flow were to seize. Force is the cause of flow, the fundamental step to understand consciousness and intelligent mind is to understand flow and motion. This means to understand WHY’S, and HOW’S and WHAT’S of the consciousness and intelligence, we have to understand Why motion occurs? What causes motion? How motion occurs? It amounts to finding answers to the fundamental question that the great scientist avoided in their quest to bottle nature into a selected language and to make things predictable. Let us not waste our energy discussing the fundamental errors of science. The matter is addressed in the parent site.
The concept of flow, motion and consciousness
The concept of flow necessitates the existence of a left and right and a non-equilibrium design, such that a flow occurs. Newton built his gravitational theory on such assumption. Here is a simple design that was deduced from the premises of the reality we observe in nature of which we are part.
1] The site deduces that nature as a whole and the systems in it has 4:3 non-equilibrium design on the left and right. A quantum spirit flows from the dominant to the recessive reversing the ratio and leading to perpetual existence. ”“ The flow of spirit leads to break down, inversion and reunion where left changes into right and the direction of flow changes. The process manifests as spinning and curved displacement of the system in space. One can imagine here a number 8 with the arms having the ratio 4:3.
2] The flow is motivated by an instinct to seek equilibrium but by design, equilibrium is prohibited, leading to perpetual existence in time.
3] The quantum flow of spirit or energy or quantum action is four-step process. It basically, is a process of twitching and simultaneous exchange of energy between two systems, which oppose each other. The exchange simply is non-equal leading to a resultant motion and displacement. [This is the basic discovery to which I have struggled to call the attention of the world through my site. see article “Secret of Quantum World”, , “Secret of Quantum Action”].This is followed by a four step reactive process. It completes one action and reaction cycle, which manifest as spinning and curved displacement in space. 8 such action and reaction completes one cycle in nature. Each step of action or reaction comprises of three minor steps [units]. This makes one action and reaction 24-unit process divisible in to 8 steps, 4 related to action and other 4 related to reaction. The unit 3 is universal function of energy transfer and is known from the mechanical era ”“ see article “The secret of 3” . This 24-unit quantum cycle of energy exchange, action and reaction is reflected in day and night cycle, in which we all live and find energy to survive.
4] The force of equilibrium acting in the system is paired one dominant the other recessive and is visualized as winding. Force is understood as curvature in space moving from one plane to another with a twitch. A quantum force is discovered here as curvature that comprises of three units. This vital break through of Quantum flow explored answers the origin of UNCERTAINTY. It brings out the qualitative state that exists behind quantum state we observe. [Read the first three chapters of the parent site] Our notion of force as a directed arrow is wrong. As the system reaches the first critical point, it collapses into second order of non-equilibrium. The second order of non-equilibrium is a relative equilibrium state. [See fig -1]. It is capable of winding and unwinding by a unit between the first and third critical point. It forms a balance that is supremely conscious and has instantaneous communication between the left and right. The consciousness and instantaneous communication [ ] comes from the spirit and the design of the system. This is the state in which nature and all its part [systems enclosed in it] wishes to exists. Any attempt to push the system to the third or first critical point leads to collapse of the system that leads to initialization. The system goes through breakage inversion and reunion in to new state where the direction of time and its flow is changed. [See fig-1]. This is the fundamental secret and the great discovery of quantum nature and is discussed elaborately in the site.
Now this answers, at the basic level, the fundamental question WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS and its principle feature
. The principle to the consciousness is the Spirit or Force one dominant the other recessive moving in opposite direction. The design of the conscious systems could be compared to a balance. A balance perceives the force before it manifest as oscillation. As is understood by majority, it is not the domain of human life alone, but is the foundation of all systems in nature. A hydrogen atom that adapts to energy [heat] fluctuation in nature is conscious. A true statement is that the human system is not truly a conscious system and in it exist origin of all problems. It is important to note some fundamental points
The system exist in two possible states creating a fluctuating existence under an external force, the source of external force will be dealt later.
The consciousness comes from the Spirit or Force dominant and recessive. The point to which the force of spirit in the system exist directed is off centered. See fig -1. This is the mind point. It should exist in all systems as the point of communication and exchange of energy. This will be dealt in detail later.
The system provides two opposing channels, through which forces moves. It covers the boundary and goes the center of the consciousness. One can visualize probable precursor of tubules that Stuart Hemeroff and Penrose are focusing their attention. The matter that acts through these channels is spirit, force, energy or information that David Chalmer is trying to visualize.
The breakdown, inversion, and initialization do give us primitive synaptic transmission of information
. Here information simply becomes exchange of quantum energy or force.
Now if we extend our picture into space
then the left and right becomes two spheres one enclosed in the other. The fluctuating existence now transforms into pulsating existence that goes in cycles. Here the force gets once directed to the center and then it is directed to the periphery, causing an expansion and contraction. It gives the two time directions of nature or the cycle of energy depicted in day and night cycle. It leads to understanding of nature and its foundation from two principle forces, gravity and anti-gravity, [ a force that Einstein struggled to invent for much part of His life] one existing in the other in a concealed [ recessive] manner and giving way for the other as the system is pushed to the critical state.
”“ This is a one dimensional vision of consciousness. The real nature of consciousness is discussed under the subheading “Spatial Vision of Consciousness”]
5] The system inherently opposes this tendency of the system moving towards collapse and initialization. This opposition manifest as creativity and formation of complexity [this is discussed later]. This invariably means
There exist a factor that disturbs the system leading it to its oscillating existence and lead it to the critical point forcing the system to initialize it self
The system opposes this force. One of the ways the parental system can oppose it is by dividing the left and right further, Such that force is not directed to the center and leads to collapse but be dispersed by repeated division. It can also add matter to the balance to oppose the winding force and thus build a body. This necessitates the existence of other matter. This means the wholesome understanding of nature and its existence should be dealt from reality we perceive in the nature that is force/spirit and matter
Important Note
”“ For those who can comprehend the foundation I am writing, let me put a hint- The foundation of nervous system and circulatory system that sustains life has their root in the two channels of spirit visualized above.
The balance becomes the conscious field; the spirit spread out in the field becomes the intelligence fabric of the system. It is a field, which carry immense information. The weight, switched by the intelligence in order to oppose the force disturbing it and pushing it to the critical state becomes the basic information unit. The body we witness is created maintained and renewed by intelligence based on the information in put. The information is fundamental non-destructive, its transfer in the conscious field is instantaneous, but the action generated takes time to complete.
At this point, many of you, who attempted to read the article from an empty and aware mind, would have noted the potential in these simple arguments to review and remold all the knowledge systems, modern and the ancient into sensible form. Let me not stop here; let me move few more steps so that more intellectuals can perceive the simple secret.
The Reality of Nature
The reality of nature is what we live in, with billions of living systems, material systems, and the energy cycle that manifest as day and night cycle. Most important among it is the human system made in the image of God – the Creator, Controller, the Absolute Knower and the Known, who is enquiring into nature of God with a negative intent such that he can take control and determine things. The foundation of knowledge system lies in this quest of humanity. In order to do it the first thing he does is to break the law, question the superiority of central and controller. Let us not directly seek God and the Law but try to perceive the reality of nature in which we live.
The reality of nature is energy and its flow, which sustains us. Energy and its flow is best understood from the day and night cycle to which we are exposed. As the west awakes to light and unwinds the east sleeps and winds forming a sink for this energy. As the light peaks in the west, the seed of darkness is sowed in it and simultaneously the east peaks in darkness and the seed of light is sowed in it. An instantaneous communication thus exists between the left and right of the system and form the essential aspect of nature and its communication to maintain the balance. The earth thus acts as a double pump or the heart of the universe in terms of energy flow in nature and the whole universe works constantly to maintain the balance between the left and right of the system. The universe is conscious and it is maintained by the spirit spread out init, that forms the control and intelligence that helps it survive. The design represents 24 unit comprises of two cycles of 12, one light and the other dark, one is embedded in the other in an inseparable way, supporting and balancing each other. Each of these cycles contains 4 units of 3. Number 3 is fundamental to energy transfer. It is proven fact in science. [See article – Secret of 3] It is the point at which left turns right and a quantum qualitative displacement occurs in space involving energy exchange within the system and between the systems. The system breaks, inverses and initializes at the end of 12-unit cycle.
The Role of Life in the Reality of Nature
There is an important aspect, which exist discovered but failed to catch the attention of scientist and intellectuals who are caught in material vortex and exploitation of material world. All matter is gravitational and tend to work as a centripetal force pointing to a collapse. [The third critical point discussed in the above action and reaction]. However, life in contrast to matter is Anti-gravitational. By its instinct, it works against Gravity and time direction directed to the collapse. The second law applied to living and non-living system speaks this truth. When material nature tends from order to disorder, the living system tends form order to greater order. This becomes evident when we look at life, its instinctive process and actions. All the living system that is existing in the above reality, exist supporting the one universal living system abiding to the law working in unison with the day and night cycle and energy flow. It means as the west gets energy from sunlight, the matter in it gets mass and thereby gravitational force increases, the life, which has opposite function acts as a sink for the gravitational energy and converts into anti-gravitational energy thus supports the whole living universe. This amounts to local time and its negation that emerges from the intelligence of life. This action and reaction is instantaneously communicated to the opposite, and is supported by balancing action of the whole and this manifest as Universal Time and its negation and comes from the Universal Intelligence. In fact, the out come of this action and reaction process determines the magnitude of sunlight or energy coming from sun. The universe is self-balanced. Strictly, it has no time direction it is a random world that is self-sustaining.
Important note, The Key Stone
”“ Since the foundation of Gravity is non-equilibrium; the foundation of Anti-Gravity should be the opposite of it. Lie should have its foundation in a particle that has equilibrium and it is constantly working to protect its balance. If universe is living then it should have the same design as life. This thinking is the basis of the article “Physics of Soul” Now the only exception to the above statement is humankind made in the image of God, which has failed to respect light and dark cycle. The question now is that, does this make nature not self-sustaining? Alternatively, is there a greater secret of self-sustenance of light and darkness and its differentiation? This key stone will be discussed later
The Spatial Dimension of Consciousness
We understood nature as consciousness that manifest as a balance with a balancing entity that has one dimensional movement to the left or right depending on the force acting against the balance and working constantly to sustain the balance. The balance wishes to exist balancing around the second critical point and thus enforces a law. However, a force exists that breaks the law and acts against it and pushes it to two limits. This means the balance needs to recreate and initialize the balance at the limit. The key exist in knowing this secret. The picture of the balance we visualized is one-dimensional one. The space we live in is three-dimensional. It is important that we extend our picture into three-dimensional space. The space we live in has 8 components with three left and right frames, which form three directional planes.
To understand it, all one has to do is to take an apple and cut it twice vertically through the center at right angles and once horizontally through the center. Those who have studied the brain structure should be aware of it. It is the
, [axial] dorsal/ventral[coronal], and medial/lateral[ sagittal]
. It gives space 8 equal components and three left and right frames.
Now the fig -2 represents our imaginary fundamental particle in space. It exists in twitched state and because of the non-equilibrium; it left and tight has an angular bend.
We can now try to construct a wholesome system in space out of these particles.
Since the instinct of all system is to seek equilibrium, we can imagine possibility of the above particle forming pair with another particle of same design but opposing twist. The two particles should have a ratio 4:3 between them. This is a fundamental necessity for the flow to occur. See figure- 3. The particle formed has more stability.
This is the first possible system in nature. It possibly is the hydrogen atom formed from the collision of two light or energy particles. [Note – Einstein energy equation E=m [c × c] does suggest that energy enclosed in a system comes from two light particles] In space, one of it goes to form an inner core and the other outer cover and exist in 4:3 ratios. It is four-layered structure. Each layer opposing the next one at certain angle. The outer and inner however are directly opposing, one inferior, the other superior, and the middle being equal. Technically, it is a spiral structure in space with a left or right predominant twist and capable winding and unwinding by a unit. The stability of such system can further increases in space when a system with right spiral bonds with left spiral one. This explains the formation of H2 elements. This means these systems are formed in pairs. Since space consists of 8 components a more correct answer is that, they are formed in 4 pairs. This system here is relative equilibrium state as shown in fig-1 and at this state, the system has 1:2:1 ratio and becomes capable of winding and unwinding by a unit.
Now the whole of the periodic table could be visualized as the product of collision of light particles or energy particle. Here the inert element, Helium, Neon and Argon calls for special attention. The helium atom fills the 8-component space. See fig ”“ 4 one must note that the pairing process is such that it allows the quantum flow.
At the relative equilibrium state, it would have resulted in a balance with four pans on each side, which are capable of producing flow within it. This system is conscious and instantaneously communicated between its left and right and is capable of with standing local fluctuations in time/force as well as universal directed time/force by turning inside out. In short, it has one level of symmetry and two level of freedom in space. See figure -5. [Note one can view this symmetry as one level of resistance against Gravity]. It can also develop information system at near critical state, by adding matter to it such that it opposes the external force. Think of a balance that gets balanced by adding weight. This leads to formation of body. This entire information bit is a triplet code, one dominant the other is recessive. Why it is a triplet code, one dominant and the other recessive becomes evident from the figure -4. This system also because of the basic non-equilibrium design has left and right twist orientation and are created in 4 pairs.
When it comes to neon atom, the system has two level of symmetry and one level of freedom. It has inner and outer world, the inner world is an encapsulated helium atom. [See figure -6]. The outer system, against local time/force and its fluctuations cannot break and turn inside out exchanging energy as the helium atoms does. When the system is exposed to energy fluctuations that manifest as force, the inner core of helium does perceive it and respond through breakage, inversion and exchange of energy leading to initialization and balancing process. This internal action manifests into mobility to the whole system and thus forms the primitive motorized intelligence that Stuart Hameroff spoke. I hope my readers are following this important aspect. The outer word forms the information system transferring the information to the inner world. These systems thus have two level of opposition to gravity
When it comes to Argon atom system has three level of symmetry and no freedom
Table ”“ 1 The Difference between Helium, Neon and Argon atom
Helium Atom |
Neon atom |
Argon Atom |
Level symmetry |
1 |
2 |
3 |
No of freedom |
2 |
1 |
Nil |
Freedom against directed Universal time initialization |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Creation of time direction |
Does not create time direction |
Does not create time direction |
Creates time direction |
No of worlds |
One |
Two |
two |
No of fields |
8 |
8 inner and 32 outer |
8 inner and 64 outer |
No of level opposition to Gravity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Information and body is built on
Primary core |
Secondary core |
Secondary /Tertiary core
Dynamic Unit of Information |
Two paired |
8 paired |
16paired |
Helium Atom |
Neon atom |
Argon Atom |
Level symmetry |
1 |
2 |
3 |
No of freedom |
2 |
1 |
Nil |
Freedom against directed Universal time initialization |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Creation of time direction |
Does not create time direction |
Does not create time direction |
Creates time direction |
No of worlds |
One |
Two |
two |
No of fields |
8 |
8 inner and 32 outer |
8 inner and 64 outer |
No of level opposition to Gravity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Information and body is built on
Primary core |
Secondary core |
Secondary /Tertiary core
Dynamic Unit of Information |
Two paired |
8 paired |
16paired |
We all know that inert elements respond only to heat induced stress and heat is the basic form of energy. This is due to the certain amount of spatial symmetry or equilibrium they have. This means it should instinctively work to protect its symmetry. In short, it should work against the gravitational force that instinctively is directed to the center and seeking equilibrium. Nature thus seems to be made of two basic forces coming from two principal systems, material [non-symmetrical in space] and symmetrical system in space which oppose each other by design and function
One of the prime thinking that rooted in me as I began to observe life from a point of freedom is that, life is something more than simply information unfolding and enfolding. The observation I was making in the laboratory and the environment was speaking a truth that information is not a stable, separable quantum unit as taught to me, but some how a dynamic one, that has infinite qualitative states. These qualitative states are being determined by some thing that perceives even a minute change in energy state in the environment in which the living system exists. In short, I perceived something more fundamental within life that is trying to survive in space/time [energy]. I concluded that all aspects that biologist deal with, such as information, the chemistry, physics of living system, the various organs its functions and the whole body is simply the product of this internal factor that is trying to survive in space/time manifesting as Gravity. For the sake of non-biologist let me list few important factors of life, which even a biologist fails to give importance.
1] Life and its survival are characterized by constant input and out put of matter and energy. In short, it takes gravitational energy and converts into Anti-gravitational energy. We must note Gravity is centripetal energy and system under this energy should contract in space and time, but life in contrast expands in to space causing expansion of space and time.
2] The second of law of thermodynamics applied to living system proves this truth.
3] Life is endowed with the gift of surviving both local and universal time/force by a process of mitosis and meiosis. The living system replenishes its cells from time to time, thus its information system and essence is renewed periodically. All life in addition to this process goes through a reduction and union with the opposite that creates new body such that the essence of life conquers death, survives in universal time and perpetuates it self.
4] When stressed to the critical limit and given time, life has the capacity build new information to survive the stress and death forces.
If Dr.Stuart Hameroff became curious by the observation of centrioles, my curiosity not only rested on centrioles but also on the object [Centromere] to which spindles from centrioles bind to pull the chromosomes apart to create two out of one.
The whole phenomenon of mitosis and meiosis is fundamental to life and amazing to overlook as simply means of division. The elongation and contraction of chromosomes, their pairing at the Centromere, replication followed by separation assisted by centioles and spindles coming from them appear and its eventual disappearance speaks a deep rooted secret written in Bible, Vedas and other ancient scriptures. As a biologist trying to clone life, I had observed thousands of thousands of cells in test tube struggling to initialize to form complete life under various physico-chemical factors, to simply accept life as simple stable material information amenable to my manipulation. I am not sure what imagination powered Stuart Hemeroff to see consciousness in the matter of centrioles and tubules and what imagination powered the argument of Chalmerrs to non physical theory. However, I imagined in centrioles the sun that shines giving energy [spirit] only to set and return perpetually. I began to see, the secret of the universe in a cell and its functioning process
It is natural that my mind freed and submitted at the feet of Mother Nature and Her Master, rested its attention on these inert molecules as possible candidates behind life. The Helium atom as the particle behind sedentary plant kingdom, the Neon atom as the particle behind animal life, and Argon as the particle behind Human life [see articles Beyond genes and Physics of Soul].These molecules are capable of unwinding and winding in response to energy change in the environment in which it exist. At the extreme situation of distortion, it can develop information and thus construct a body and evolve against nature and disorder. It simply means every individual living system has a basal identity in the form of a particle that has a unique relative space/time existence with the universal system. The situation could be compared to a living system containing billions of cells developed from one cell, which in turn comes from the union of two cells. I began to visualize universe as Argon Atom in whose field all life, matter and all system we visualize in nature exists. See article – Physics of Soul
Deeper observation of life led me to conclude living particle’s existence in one of the centromere, in one of the chromosomes
. The whole living system we study is the manifestation of this particle and its instinct to survive in space/time that has local and universal attributes. I realized an immense potential in this fundamental view to explain everything about life, nature and its evolution sensibly. I could perceive not only the unity of all the partial knowledge that science has accumulated, but also its unification with great spiritual knowledge known of the ancient.
However, attempting to explain the foundation to fit the mind of people lost in multitude of branches of science and religion appeared a huge exercise to be carried out alone from a helpless situation of a farmer living in an interior village, thus I chose to concentrate on writing and rewriting the fundamentals and foundations. Max plank once said, “Fundamental research is a burden”. The world is in a vortex of material thinking and our education system decapitates minds and the senses of individual so that the simple truth that exists next to the skin moves farther and farther from him. In such a situation, nearly two decades have elapsed in my search for one more mind that is free to perceive this design and function that exist behind the complex world he is trying to explore. The more I look at what nature revealed, the more it appeared promising and vital for me to give up. There is going to be a time when the modern world reaches its peak, becomes suffocated and seeks the truth very dearly. Deep within me, my Master tells me to have patience.
The Secret of Development of Brain, Mind, Thoughts, Emotions, Dreams
Origin of Mind
[I am sharing certain fundamental foundation, which can go long way to explain these concepts and the whole life and nature. It is beyond this article that I touch it in relation to existing theories concepts and ideas]
We noted in fig-1, that the reality lies off centered to the central axis. This is an area in space to which the two spirits or force point and crosses each other with out touching each other and in space it manifest as vacuum point. We will call this a mind point here after. This imaginary point actually takes real form in space in the helium atom. See fig -8. [The real way to visualize this is to view the arrow in the figure as curved component].
Here eight points cross, forming spiral circle around a small space within which a point emerge. Let us call it “
White Hole
”! As the system is stressed, the forces or spirits collapses into this space first into 4 point state and then 2 point state, and then to point of break down unity and inversion, mixing and initialization. Initialization is a reverse process where what disappeared into
and reemerges into 2, 4 and 8 with a change in the direction of the flow. ”“ This is the Quantum Secret of Life.
This process is accompanied by sucking of matter from the field and simultaneous expulsion of matter from within to the outside. Considering that there is a mother field, it twitches the mother field and twitches out its own field into mothers. However, the contraction and expansion is simultaneous in one plane it contract and in the other it expands. Time stands still in the process. The mother system then should feel the opposite.
The contraction creates 8 channels, which fold into 4, and then into two and breaks down at singularity and reemerges. The spirit moves through these channels. At singularity these paths breaks down and inverses and re emerges.
This is the point form where Force Generates and into which force vanishes, it is the Mind Point that Max Planck visualized.
– in basic energy particle we visualized in fig ”“ I, has a mind point emerges as third point between two forces. In the first system formed [hydrogen atom] it emerges as the fifth point in the center. In the case of helium, it emerges as the 9the point in the center. And so on. The mind point exists on the vertical plane, where as the other points exist in the horizontal plane. One can imagine as the tip of a sphere where the vertical axis passes. The system initializes itself at the limit point. It is elusive point that drives growth.
The Mind of Plant Kingdom
The site notes that helium atom is the probable candidate behind plant kingdom. This mind point to which all force acts and that determines, exists off centered or above centered. The instinct of the system that seeks the mind point manifest as growth against gravity. This fixes the system on a vertical plane against gravity. In other words, the mind point and intelligence of plant kingdom becomes fixated in the universal system [
Fixated Intelligence
The 8 fields of helium here act as the field that holds the information. The information and body we deal with is built on top of it using matter in a spiral manner by the systems instinct to oppose the forces disturbing its relative equilibrium state and symmetry in space. This is understood as creativity. Imagine here a balance trying to balance it self when it is pushed to the critical limit by adding weight. Weights are added in 2 pairs. The creativity occurs near critical state. This has been well studied in science by non-linear scientists. The basic physiology and biochemistry of the plant is the product of its instinct to survive. Growth through mitotic division manifests against universal cyclic 24-hour energy change and its aberrations. Need for surviving against universal time direction manifest as meiotic division. No wonder Stuarts Hameroff’s attention collapsed at the centriole
”“ The simplest balance in space is a helium atom and it has two pans, each containing two more balance. In other words, each pan has 4 sub pans. The disturbance in one pan has a crisscross relationship. So the weight or information is added in 2 pairs to balance the system. Now creation and mixing helps it balance the system. Thus, two chromosomes come together in pairs during mitosis. This mixing however does not help the system survive against universal time direction. This necessitates mixing with the pair on the opposite pan. This leads to meiotic division and mixing. An important aspect to be noted is that whenever information is added on to the field, the field codes it in the form of folding of the basal field in space-time.
What this means the real information is stored in the spiritual level in the conscious field.
– The whole process of information movemennt with in a cell is analogue in nature. However, the actual process of duplication is a quantum digital process where the mind is involved.
The Mind of Animal Kingdom
However, the situation is different when it comes to life formed from Neon system. A life that emerges from such a system has an inner core and outer core. The outer core consists of 8 pairs of light particle colliding to form a cover, 4 pairs filling the space winding from right to left and 4 pairs filling the space winding left and right. In fact, we can imagine 8 hydrogen atom or system forming around the central helium atom. These hydrogen atoms have qualitative existence in space. In other words, they have particular position in space in relation to the center. They form a dynamic unit of information in life built around the basal core field, which perceives and reacts to the external forces. They communicate within themselves and with the internal core. When the internal core flips, they allow flow of energy through the whole system and thus they can relieve the stress acting on the left and right by mixing the left and right. This manifest as breath. As the central system collapses and inverses under the influence day and night cycle, the external system reacts by moving and changing relative position of the external in relation to the change in the central core and thus reacts to the external stress. This manifest as motion and formation of
Motorized Intelligence
Under the external force, it reduces from 32 points to 16points, to 8 points then to collapse as previously discussed. The collapse proceeds with the winding of 8 hydrogen atoms into 4 helium atoms, which then collapses as visualized earlier. Lets us visualize this mind point as “
Grey Holes
”. Between them the brains of animals that react to energy changes in the environment instinctively develop. This means animals have 5 basic mind points, one central [White hole] and 4 outer [Grey Holes]. When an environmental stress develops, the information flows through the “Grey holes” the “white whole” the conscious field where information is stored. Information from the central proceeds simultaneously from the central core. The firing of the core however happens when the threshold is reached.
The energy flow though associated with friction and loss it is open and is not hindered. The central core feels even minute changes and it responds simultaneously. It is communicated with the internal core through two planes. They do not accumulate or disturb nature with a negative intent. Around the inner Mind Point or “White hole”, the heart that sustains life develops and around outer Mind Points [Grey Holes], the brain develops. Thus, we are seeing a second planar development of brain. This can be considered a mind point of the body
Origin of Breath
We noted that helium atom has two level of freedom; it can freely flip its left and right without inversing. This flipping process is the beginning point of Breath in Living System and cause of analogue type of communication and flow. In contrast, when the system collapses and inverses, a digital form of communication proceeds. Life seems to be able to communicate both by waves and digitally helping the system to balance it self
The Mind of Human Being
When we come to a third inert element Argon, the inner core has two levels of freedom, but the external core has no freedom. The external core here consists of 32 light particles. This means it is made of 64 force points in space [8 ×8] force points, which under the external force reduces from 64, to 32, 16, to 8. Imagine here 8 helium atoms forming around the inner helium core. Here again the there is a qualitative difference in the helium atoms, one is dominant the one is recessive and other forms the intermediate such that a mechanical information flow can occur. This means human particle develops 8 mind points around the inner core; we will call it “
Black Holes
” [We called it Black Hole to differentiate it from the inner one “White Hole”]. The Black hole is similar in structure to the white holes. Thus, human living particle has 9 holes [mind points] one central and 8 outer. The outer is arranged in two group’s one right winding another left winding in the ratio 4:3. The structural disposition of these 8 helium atoms in space is similar to a helium atom. It can flip freely and also turn inside out and change the direction of the flow. However, this helium structure, made of 8 helium atoms separated in space, holds a 9th helium atom at its center.
Now this configuration means
1] The brain and mind of human has the features we discussed of helium atom. It can flip and turn inside out and its action only creates a physical stress on the inner core, which responds to cope with it.
2] Just as the helium atom, it develops another mind point and gets fixed in the gravity. The human mind develops “I” feeling and fixes it self against gravity. What this means in that, in spite of motorized intelligence, mind of human gets fixed in vertical axis and grows by process of drilling seeking the elusive 9th point. [
Unilaterally fixated and motorized Intelligence
] In short, he becomes the cause of Directed Time; he begins to feed on energy of field of nature taking it to the limit at which it collapses. Thus, mind of humankind becomes the conversion point of “White Energy” into
Dark Energy
Negative Energy and Human consciousness becomes the storehouse of it
The quantum vision extended to the universal system, sent fear through my spine because the picture emerged is that of a destructive initialization where much part of human life will be destroyed to begin a new evolutionary force. I began to understand why Max Planck, hesitated to reveal his findings. Considering the way humanity is exploiting fossil fuels and his reckless exploitation of nature with least consideration to day and night cycle, he is not only steadily pushing it to the limit of inevitable collapse, but also causing random aberrations in nature that is stressing his ecological system or his own abode dangerously. I am not alone I am sure all of you have asked the question, Where is this world leading to? The answer I that my mind visualized out of it is a no hope situation.
However, this vision changed and was replaced with a happy one, as Mother Nature led me to Her Master and Master revealed the Greater Secret. I will speak about it in the second part of this article. [It is already spoken in the site] Here let me restrict it to intelligent particles that can pave way for intelligent computers and machines.
We thus saw three possible intelligent molecules. This fundamental difference in design factor between them go to explain all the characteristics three prominent biological systems, the primary plant kingdom, secondary animal kingdom and tertiary Human kingdom that takes mastery over the other two. There is fourth Kingdom – The Kingdom of the Master we will deal with this later. The differences between the three kingdoms are listed in the following table.
The complexity we see today is the product of billions of years of evolution, controlled in a cyclic manner by the Master.
Table -2 Difference in Plant, Animal and Human Mind.
Plants mind |
Animals mind |
Humans mind |
Plants work and survive Through true mind. The mind of the soul*. The mind of body* and mind of soul are one. |
Have two mind, mind of the body and the mind of the soul. They work through inferior mind of the body and survives through mind of the soul, with which it has direct communication through the basal field or the universal field that bind them. All interaction is mediated by universal field. |
Have two mind, mind of the body and mind of the soul. Humans work through inferior mind of the body and attempts to survive through inferior mind. Thus, he creates his own world through thought and rational thinking. Creates a negative vortex and is caught inseparably init. He has no direct communication with the universal field |
What we assume as primitive mind/brain has the highest fluidity of communication with nature its outer mind, and inner mind.* [ heat induced] |
What we consider advanced mind/brain, in reality has secondary level of communication with nature its outer mind, and inner mind.* [ heat induced] |
What we consider highly advanced mind/brain has tertiary level of communication or indirect communication – mechanical |
Mind of body and mind of soul are one and ever communicated and flexible |
Mind of body and mind of soul are differentiated, but exist in direct communication |
Mind of Body, mind of soul are differentiated and has no direct communication. The communication does take place during the critical point of break down and inversion. |
No way upsets the universal consciousness and the spirit that is trying to balance the system |
Does upset the universal consciousness and intelligence, but is amenable to repair process by the mind of the Universal soul. Thus cause nothing to create imbalance and time direction to nature |
Stresses the Universal consciousness and intelligence, hinders the capacity of Fathers mind [ the mind of soul] to repair and maintain the balance and thus creates time direction |
Creates no time direction |
Creates no time direction |
Creates time Direction, pushing the system to the critical state, stressing the universal system to initialize |
Creates no negative energy and causes no accumulation of it in the environment and earth core. |
Creates no negative energy and causes no accumulation of it in the environment and the earths core |
Creates negative energy within his self with negative thought or “I”, it also becomes the cause of accumulation of negative energy in the environment and the earth core through his negative actions disturbing the light cycle and the ability of the system to repair it self |
Does not deplete vital energy of the universe |
Does not deplete the vital energy of the universe |
Depletes the vital energy of the universe. |
The Kingdom Needs no law |
Kingdom needs No law |
Kingdom needs a law to maintain the balance and life |
*The two minds are
Mind of Body that senses the fluctuation in energy in the environment and transmits the information to the soul to decide the action/reaction. The probable seat is centrosomes in cells of the plants, the centrosomes and centrioles in animal cells to which Stuart Hameroff intuitive observation focused. At the system level it appears to be the pituitary gland
Mind of Soul, senses the fluctuation of energy simultaneously, watches for the threshold and triggers the action and reaction. Even if the thresh hold is not reached. It works silently form its information base to correct the balance of the body when the mind sleeps. This is related to heart or soul in animal and human system ”“ probable seat at the cellular level is a point in the nucleus near to the original particle of life. In the system level, its seat appears as
sinoatrial (SA) node
situated in heart.
*The mind of the universal body is the Sun that illuminates and provides the input and sends forth an out put to the universe to balance
*The mind of universal soul is earth that functions as heart. It is the control point of input and out put. The design of the heart and heart valve calls for greater attention and comes as proof of non-equilibrium design and flow.
The difference between the living particle that go form animal system and human system goes to explain the basic structural functional difference between animal and humans. At the structural level it can answer
1] Lateralization of brain function, which is a result of the cerebrum being divided into two halves, being unique to humans
2] Unique “neural architecture” of the human brain
At the functional level, it can account for the characteristics that differentiates human from animal, such as intuition, rational thinking, guilt feeling, reasoning, introspection and so on. It would make this article very lengthy; personally, highly energy draining exercise, if I am to unwind the path my mind traversed making introspection of these aspects. I hope to do it if time and His will permits. However, let me quickly answer few
1] The separation of mind from soul and vertical fixation of human mind give rise to “I” feeling and come to lead a mind centered life.
2] Since the mind has two possible direction to grow one to the inside, the other to the outside, one directed to the soul , the other directed to the body, and since reality is the oneness of mind body and soul, when it reaches critical end points and begins to break, it feels the reality of the opposite, this possibly manifest as intuition.
3The method by which mind explores the outer and inner soul is critical thinking and it is rational because it feels different and superior to the other two world’s body and soul.
4] Every time he does something against law, the information is enfolded in the inner core. As the system reaches its limit of break down, these information begins to stem up, this causes the guilt feeling.
From this point of revelation, I cannot but appreciate the beauty of the spiritual knowledge written in Bible, Vedas, Upanishad, and Koran. The beauty of creation with a law not to seek the center written in Bible unfolds here. Vedas that speak of universal soul/intelligence and individuated soul/intelligence, inferior and Superior Knowledge, existence of spirit [Brahman] and so on emerges as supreme science. I do not wish to move into this realm. Many articles spontaneously written in the parent site deals with it
A Step towards developing Intelligent Machines and Creation of Life
At this point, I feel I need not elaborate the blue print for artificial intelligence and intelligent machines. The brilliant minds working Intel, IBM, AMD, MIT, and various universities that always seek applied aspects can hang on to the idea of particle behind life to develop them. The revelation has immense applied potential in all fields of human interest. The beauty of intelligent design of life/nature and the blue print for developing artificial intelligence and intelligent computers is evident in the above design of Intelligent Molecules. These intelligent molecules act as receivers, converters and storehouse of Analogue information into digital. They also convert digital information into analogue. There appears to be some fundamental difference in the way computers code the information and biological system code their information. Information in a computer is coded by 0 and 1, but biological information codes the information in terms of -1, 0, and +1, both negative and positive aberration from the equilibrium state is coded as information.
An information manifesting as change in energy is instantaneously perceived by these molecules by virtue of the spirit binding them and the reaction also is instantaneous. However, the transfer of information that manifest as visible action and reaction takes time in a complex system. What is important is the action perceived and reaction done is stored as information. I am speaking the foundation functioning of complex systems like life. There is freedom of action and reaction at the cellular level, but this freedom is not separated from the base or origin point. A tree is aware of even minute action and reaction that takes place at the tip of a branch. It is recorded in the base particle. At depth, the fundamentals spoken above can explain quantum molecular functioning, its switching on and off process, its coherent overlapped functioning that maintains life. It has potentials to explain the paradoxes of the micro world and macro world and its coherent functioning.
Chips made from helium, neon, argon atoms, alone or in combination with silicon chips can be an initial step to developing intelligent machines. This raw idea is one of the many ideas that emerged in the process of my communication with nature and my attempts to brace up with the modern developments in various branches. There could be many problems on the road to developing it. As I admitted earlier, I am not an expert in any field, yet feel confident by virtue of spiritual force to handle any problems in any fields when the ideas needs transformation into reality or developing new ideas to get over the problems that emerge.
These ideas are dead as long as no energy flows to it. The industry or the government-funded universities/institutes should come forward take it up. It is my pleasure to interact and to add the intellectual energy. Subjecting inert elements to near critical limits of winding and unwinding and testing its creativity potential could form the first step.
To be frank I have an empty mind, though I have braced every branches of science in my quest, I have grown through negation and forgetting. I am human my mind cannot hold everything in fore front and yet travel further. It was a unique method of enquiry. Yet from this emptiness, I am confident of retreating ideas and information to bloom new nature compatible technologies to sustain life, in any field pf science in quick time. As of now, I save my energy and resources to further the fundamental thinking.
Research in this direction has two-fold objective
1] It can turn as a proof for the living theory I am proposing which can bring vital changes in every field of human interest. It can bring vital changes in human health, agriculture and social thinking/order and save humanity from an impending disaster to which humanity is tending out of ignorance of the interrelationship and oneness. It can stop war, terrorism, and bring peace to humanity. It can put science and its quest on to a new foundation.
2] It can help survive collapse of the modern computers system in the eventuality of a Time Change ”“ a lot of thought should go into it. I have not let my mind penetrate this thought. It should be noted that in life the information is dynamic and always carries a mirror image, which come to its help to survive the direction of time and its change. Does the modern computer systems have such potentials? My initial instinct is of no danger, for all material system are created in pairs and is capable of flipping freely in nature. The worry comes to system organized around argon atom. Yet it is important to give a second thought by intellectuals, in view of the extreme dependence we have on computers.
At the technological front, the knowledge can pave way for revolution, medical/ health, agriculture and food industry, development machines that are less energy consuming and so on. At the social front, it can lead to better management of energy, health and order. Unfortunately, all this relates it self to first understanding of the new fundamental foundation of force, space, motion and the living characteristics of nature.
Concluding Remark
Consciousness is inseparable from matter but is different from matter. One points to the existence of the other. It can only be perceived from a point of freedom. Therefore, both Hemeroff/Penrose and David Chalmers are right in their own way, but they stand apart as quantum science stands apart from relativity. The Secret of Consciousness seen from the binoculars of science, which it self stand split and thoroughly confused, in two divergent fields called quantum and relativity science will only end in being in one or the other. Being in one and yet fully perceiving the other or simply by being is the only answer to understand consciousness. What this means we have to go beyond the boundaries to the root and understand the simple Fundamental Design and Principle by which nature is constructed. This was the principle aim when science began, but all along, his “self” has diverged his intelligence from the principle cause. When science was led to the point of break down, by the revelation of quantum nature, instead of searching the cause of uncertainty, we humans joined hands to bottle what nature reveled into another bottle and continued exploiting nature.
The field of the particle is true, so too is the spirit or intelligence that exist in it. The spirit by design creates and moves through groves and maintains the system that comprises of soul and body, thus the spirit not only beneath the skin, but also outside it. Complexity is generated out of simplicity to stand up against time and its death force. Both grove and the spirit moving in the grove are important. Spirit exists inside and out side forming a support for the system. No existence can manifest without the spirit.
The time and change is inseparable aspect of nature. Time is the creation of the outer mind, the mind of the body. It is separated from the inner mind and consciousness. The inner field and inner mind is real and living the outer is simply an illusion. The outer mind is incapable of perceiving the reality of nature. Yet by design, no way, it is inferior to the inner mind, except that it is not conscious of time and change, this becomes a serious limitation when it comes to END TIME.
The reality of nature is time and change. Humankind’s that has come to rest in the hold of outer mind has set out to conquer and corrupt the opposite has created a time direction, stressing the inner consciousness and intelligence. A law thus becomes a necessity to restrict and slow down time and death. So human kind is associated with many laws and he instinctively breaks everything, creating disorder and death. The death cannot be ultimate end of the living universe, so the Greater Mind should have plan that conquers time and death and Installs the law. This plan is what is discussed in the second part of this article.
The intelligent molecules discussed could lead to developing intelligent machines, what good are all technologies, if the design of our life is associated with a serious flaw of incapable of perceiving time and change that leads to disaster at the end. In short, the knowledge of the end is the beginning point of new and needs to investigated and understood before any technologies could be pursued. The second part deals with it.
The Author and researcher is a small farmer, the resources for the intellectual exercise were self-funded and is highly restrictive factor in both advancing and communicating the matter. The site is on a free space with limitation of Hourly Data Transfer, which temporarily makes the site inaccessible while down loading. Please bear with it.
Help is very much needed, to take this vital knowledge to the world and help the ideas to flower
The article was written spontaneously when I found a request for a paper in my mail. The themes suggested are,
Biological signaling at quantum scale, classical quantum correspondence, quantum logics in brain, cosmology and consciousness and so on. I am not equipped to write a specialized paper. I have no energy left to make a journey into these branches and remold my fundamental work to fit these branches, instead I took this impetus to write something that relates all of them to certain fundamentals such that the complexity dissolves into simplicity. I do not know whether I have succeeded in my objective. I am not expecting this paper to be published, but hope to send it to researchers in this field as part of my continuous struggle to bring out the simplicity behind the complexity. I would be grateful if some one could put it as poster presentation in the upcoming symposiums on consciousness, such that this line of thinking calls the attention of intellectual world. Given time/energy and if His will permits, I am confident of explaining any paradoxes and the unexplainable questions of nature from the fundamentals discussed in the site please feel to interact