It was no coincidence that a UFO appeared in the background when current UFC Welterweight Champion of the World, Georges St-Pierre was talking on camera about acquiring insight into his life. A new video from MMACanadaTV
shows a UFO shadowing the Canadian fighter during an interview taped in
Montreal, like a lingering memory from his unresolved past. The
mysterious object is seen hovering silently in the background while the
man Sports Illustrated named their 2009 Fighter of the Year discussed how the film The Striking Truth
revealed “a real insight into his personal life”. The UFO’s mysterious
and unexpected appearance highlighted dimensions of Mr. St-Pierre that
he himself admits are clouded by feelings of uncertainty. A new report
from Vancouver suggests some answers to Mr. St-Pierre’s questions and
this report is the subject of today’s new episode of SecretMessageTV plus an all-new Secret Message Report , Podcast Edition.
Abduction Anxiety
The Honourable Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National
Defense, has issued numerous public remarks concerning the ET presence
and the need to end UFO secrecy since his presentation to the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium in September, 2005. Apparently following in these giant footsteps, Georges St-Pierre has offered full disclosure of his perspective on UFO’s which he shared with television’s UFC Primetime
in 2010. “[My] biggest fear , and I know it’s very stupid and I don’t
even know why I’m scared of this , but it’s being taken by alien. That’s
my biggest fear. And I know it’s totally stupid, but since I’m young
I’m scared of it. I remember my dad used to tell me all the time, “It’s
because you’re a kid. It’s going to go away with time.” No, it doesn’t
go away. I’m always scared of this thing ”¦ I’m always in black, dressed
like a ninja when I run, so if that spaceship come[s] to get me, I’ll be
able to run away from them.”
Finding a Solution
Like an archeologist studying Google Earth to identify forbidden secret historic sites, a Vancouver-based mobile audio lab undertook a study of a 2010 MMA Junkie talk radio interview
with Georges St-Pierre in an attempt to identify secret messages
encrypted backwards within his speech that could shed light on the UFO
incident captured on tape along with possible sources for his feelings
of fear surrounding the concept of abduction by ET.
The open source analytic methodology used in detecting the secret
messages of Georges St -Pierre reflected a graph of his digitally
sampled speech from the interview across the Y axis,
enabling audio playback and monitoring in reverse. The messages
detected through this procedure are formed by unconscious processes
related to sleep talking and Freudian slips. They repeatedly provide
involuntary disclosures revealing the contents of the speaker’s
unconscious mind. has reported how such analysis has proven
effective in the gathering of intelligence for military, political, forensic, clinical and UFO Disclosure applications.
Below is a partial transcript from portions of the interview along with
secret messages and their interpretations from the newly released
Vancouver report.
George St-Pierre’s Secret Messages
GSP: “That’s all right you know. It’s okay if they bet money with me. I
just don’t bet money you know. They’ve got that money. I mean, it’s no
problem with that, you know. They bet money on someone they think that
he’s going to win. If he’s the favorite they odds are not good for them.
So they have to bet a lot of money and they’re not going to gain a lot.
It’s like Vegas, you know, that’s what they came for. Everybody have
different passion. You know, me, my passion is sport and other things
but to them, it’s gambling. I respect that, it’s all right.”
Secret Message: Know when I see the alien.
Secret Message: Strobes in the ship.
Interpretation: Mr. St-Pierre describes his ability to resolve
visual contact with ET’s, suggesting previous contact in his lifetime.
With regards to the second message, strobing behavior of UFO’s
as seen from the ground has been reported previously in
Strobing may also be a lighting characteristic of the visual environment
within these objects as well.