I’m not saying there is not intelligent life out there. All I’m saying is that they have not been here. Ever. Nor will we ever be able to reach them. Ever.
If there is intelligent life out there, then they have to reside in “our” universe. If they reside in our universe, then the same laws of physics govern them as well.
As Einstein points out, there is nothing in our universe faster than light. In order to travel as fast as light you would have to build a craft that had the same properties as light. In other words, in order to travel the speed of light, you would have to become light itself.
Most of you know this. Light, in space, travels at 186,00 miles per second. It can lap the world 7 times in one second. By multiplying 186,000 by 60 we can figure out how far light travels in one minute. Multiply it by 60 again and you got how far it travels in one hour. Multiply that by 24 and you got how far it travels in 1 day. And multiply that by 365 and you can tell how far it travels in one year (5,865,696,000,000 miles). The closest star to our sun is 4.2 light years out. Take the distance that light travels in one year and multiply it by 4.2 and you get how many miles away that is (24,635,923,200,000 miles away). Thats the closest area from us that life could exist. No chances of intelligent life are closer. Is there life at the very first and closest star to us? Not likely.
Now, as far as I can find, the fastest clocked speed of one of our shuttles is around 20,000 miles per hour. Not bad! I am truly impressed. The Earth is a little over 17,000 miles around at the equator, meaning we could get around it in less than one hour in a space shuttle. At 20,000 miles per hour, calculating the same way we did with light speed, you will find that a space shuttle will travel 175,200,000 miles in a year. Again, that is pretty impressive. We could reach the sun in a little over 6 moths!
Here’s the problem. How long would it take us at 20,000 miles per hour to reach the closest star to us? Oh . . . only 140,616 years. To cross our galaxy? 3,348,000,000 years. To reach the Andromeda galaxy? 66,960,000,000 years.
Intelligent life is not travelling anywhere near the speed of light. If they were, then aliens would be nothing more than a ball of light. Sling-shotting off the gravity of other planets would not help us achieve significant speeds able to hurl us across the vast depths of space much quicker than were already able to travel. Wormholes? Highly unlikely due to the fact that intelligent life would first have to make it all the way out to a wormhole which would probably be many, many, many light years from their birthplace in the first place.
I’ve been a ufo freak all my life (I’m 36). I love the mystery. I love the photos and the video and the stories. Hell . . . I live in Gulf Breeze, FL for crying out loud. Distances beyond our planet in reality are, I’m afraid, inconceivably huge. Most people are totally unaware of the huge distances in space. Ask your co workers which is closer to the Earth, the sun or the moon. You will be amazed at the response.
Everyone has seen the movie “Star Wars”. Remember the seen where they are in the Millennium Falcon and they hit the light speed throttle. LOL. The stars streak by them in a blur and they zip across a galaxy in a matter of seconds. If you left earth in the Millennium Falcon at light speed, just remember it would still take you 4 long years of your life just to get to the closest star to us. Beyond that star are 200 billion other stars, just in “our own galaxy” that are much, much , much further away. Better pack that little ship with enough fuel and food for the journey. Also take a mate of the opposite sex. It will take generation upon generation upon generations to reach what were looking for.