Our planet is just a speck in the big black beyond, which we refer to as outer space. The universe comprises of millions of galaxies with their own sets of planets and satellites. While we revel in the majestic Milky Way and the unique atmosphere on Planet Earth that sustains life, we cannot deny that there could be life elsewhere. With this thought, comes the brain storming on whether the creatures that may inhabit other planets in other galaxies are more advances than us or not.
For some reason, all our images and imagination about aliens or extra terrestrials are about creatures far more superior to us. To add to the intrigue is the fact that most of the alien sightings on record and that of their splendid flying saucers have a lot in common, giving the sightings a sense of being real. They all go on record as having interacted with creatures with extra ordinary communication ability. The vehicles thought to be alien carriers are all on record as saucer shaped and able to move at a very unearthly speed.
We cannot deny the fact that our information on the space beyond the planet is very limited, in fact very negligible. We have a long way to go, inspite of the advancement we scream, before we can spread out our knowledge beyond our very own galaxy! The possibility of life beyond planet earth is fuelled yet once more with NASA’s attempt to research on whether life is possible on Mars or any of the other planets in the Milky Way. This is about as far as we go and it is real food for thought , what may lie beyond!
Things of this world and the others out there may not be the same, but the characteristics of inquisitiveness and the urge to master all around cannot be denied. All through the ages, NASA authorities and government officials have shown cold shoulder to recorded eye witness accounts. They have repeatedly announced the sightings as part of the earth bound experiments that are secret in nature. However, their endeavor to probe on other planets and get all excited at a few free breaths and the sight of water are undeniable.
We cannot rule out the possibility of alien visits as it would be very prudish and very un-21st century-like to believe that we are all that exist in the ‘life form’ category in the universe. The unexplainable craters and the weird and unearthly speed and directions maneuvered by the sighted alien flying saucers on record are enough for a start. There are a number of hard core believers who are actually gearing up for an alien attack and the final take over of planet earth by robots and super empowered beings.
Well, our concept of ‘advanced’ has been tapped in the various robots that are soon replacing man the world over, but whether the attack will be part of an operation already in motion or not is yet to be seen!