In recent ages, archaeologists have begun to discard the shackles of outmoded adherence to “social truths” to pursue the actual truth – no matter what revelations may come of it. The re-examination of the construction of the Pyramids of Giza are just one facet of this new “investigative archaeology.” It can be accepted readily that the Pyramids of Giza were built in concert with alien beings- that much has been expounded upon by this site. Only now, though, are historians beginning to realize the significance of this for the historical record. Let’s dive right into the Magna Carta though.
Just the Facts, Ma’am:
-The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 at the bequest of the Barons of England, who were concerned about the amount of power wielded by King John.
But here, the coincidences begin to emerge:
-1+2+1+5 is 9 – the exact number of planets in the solar system…something NO HUMAN could have known!
-Furthermore, if one examines the Magna carta cum statutis angliae of the 13th Century, the “S”s line up in a pattern which uncannily resembles the stellar surroundings of Alpha Centauri’s Binary Star System- futher proof of extraterrestrial origin!
At this point, skeptics will begin to protest that these extraordinary patterns are just “coincidences” (right…because a Medieval baron would line up the consonants in his words in just the right order to create the map of a star system he never knew existed). But here is a piece of evidence no-one can ignore:
the Magna Carta is printed in ink.
in 1215.
The Printing Press, the device used to print, or “ink” words on paper, was not developed until 1440, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press.
The Middle Ages, a time of cruelty and barbarism, simply lacked the technology required to create such a document. Obviously, while anyone can accept that Ancient Egypt lacked the technology to build the Pyramids on the basis that their blocks weigh tons, the temporal deception here is far more subtle.
One question remains then. Why would aliens go through the trouble of penning the Magna Carta? The answer is simple. For the same reason they created Stonehenge and the Pyramids- to help people progress, while also serving their own goals. It is a matter of debate whether the Pyramids were used as landing structures by alien space-craft, but the contemporary 13th Century historian, Rodger of Wendover, suggests that the Magna Carta also would have helped aliens who visited England in the High Middle Ages. Descriptions of strange lights in the sky in this period abound, and remember that the founding of the Dynasty of English Kings of which John were a part had its genesis in William, Duke of Normandy’s victory at Hastings The arrival of which was signalled by a massive comet in England’s skies. Obviously, extrterrestrials had been involved in English royalty for some time, and in the 1200s, saw the need to shore up their monarchs against possible Baronial insurrecton.
So there you have it- the extraordinary truth about the founding document of English freedoms! The Magna Carta was conceived, penned, and written by aliens, for their own objectives.