The question ‘Time to Reassess’ deals with whether it is necessary for Western media to reassess the way it deals with matters of an unexplained and potentially extraterrestrial nature; but it also asks whether or not the world’s largest media conglomerates still have adequate time to change their position on extraterrestrial matters.
With the world disclosing information, top political figures worldwide describing a disturbingly parallel scenario, and even the church weighing in on the matter perhaps it is time to appeal to the media and take a more serious look at things.
To look through the UFO phenomenon (using the word UFO rather than flying saucer to avoid any outright claims) and how the culture surrounding it has changed over the past 100 years, the past year would be annotated with several landmark events. First several world governments appealed to the US demanding full disclosure of its UFO files, then the church not only accepting the potential for aliens on other worlds but the top Vatican astronomer just last week declaring he would baptize visiting aliens, we could see clearly a pattern of cultural migration toward accepting the UFO phenomenon as not only a real happening but in fact related to aliens. And with the United Nations now appointing an extraterrestrial ambassador to look into a potential future with alien visitations, the media will soon be facing a cultural conundrum whether or not a spaceship lands on the white house lawn. It is now not only acceptable to talk about aliens in serious terms, but opinions are beginning to shift toward mandatory.
Governor Fife Symington is likely one of the first people to tell you just how serious people get when it comes to believing in UFOs. Even without touching the “do they exist” question head on, it’s interesting to note how emotional and real the subject is for many people. And as a result, the local news broadcaster who snorts or imitates tired Twilight Zone music at the end of a story on a UFO sighting is not only alienating viewers, but also potential advertisers. High profile UFO events have spurred a tourist industry out of the ether in some towns and in others have inspired filmmakers to generate millions in revenues.
So without talking about the UFO controversy itself, is the cultural question of an alien friendly media an issue that should be reconsidered? Can the late night broadcaster who claims a UFO witness must have been drinking also claim that governor Fife Symington was similarly inebriated? Can the network comedian who asks why UFOs are only seen by “people named Bubba” then use the same puerile slander against Lockeed Martin Senior Research Scientist Boyd Bushman? With Buzz Aldrin, Gordon Cooper, and Neil Armstrong on the list of those who have had close encounters, is the subject really so far from credible witnesses?
The question isn’t merely a scientific one. It also reaches into economic, social, and cultural questions. Can the UFO phenomenon be accepted as it is by western media in the same way other world medias have accepted it? And if not, then why not? Even if the answer is no, the matter is being taken seriously by enough global organizations to warrant airtime.