If the idea of alien artifacts on the moon seems like a distant but worthwhile possibility, then it would appear you are in good company. Two professors from the University of Arizona are proposing that we begin exploration of the Moon to gain insight into the possibility of alien life – and perhaps unlock the secrets of what explorers may have visited us in the past. Could there be artifacts from passing extraterrestrials embedded into the surface of the Moon?
The idea is that aliens may not have originated on the moon, but if they did visit and leave things behind in much the same way humans did when we visited. Just as the Apollo missions left a veritable archaeological dig that may be unearthed centuries from now, a passing alien expedition to the Solar System could have left behind evidence that would have been lost possibly centuries ago, but still perfectly preserved in the well preserved environment, possibly being buried and eventually even being kicked up centuries later by the showering debris of asteroid impacts.
But theories of aliens on the surface of the moon have been around for quite some time, with some suggesting the Lunar surface could have been teeming with life that Apollo astronauts were told to keep quiet about. The proposal by Arizona professors, however, is a far cry from this more dramatic theory. Instead, they simply say alien life may or may not have passed through the solar system at some time in the past. It is fairly possible that the low escape velocity and the high amount of visibility of the moon from Earth would have made operations there significantly easier for a race of beings used to living in ships designed for long distance space travel.
To date no official recognition has been given to the discovery of any alien probes or anything of that nature on the Lunar surface, but one of the most common theories of space exploration does depend on the possibility of life somehow developing a remote self replicating drone that would then spread far and wide leaving behind it a trail of evidence that could be observed by any species it visited as evidence of a distant and ancient alien race. This was the case with the Monolith technology in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. And so any technology unearthed from an ancient alien dig on the moon may similarly be able to be traced back far into the past.
At the moment the project is centering around the over 200,000 photos taken of the Lunar surface by NASA and assumes that no real cover-up has occurred in relation to alien life. This of course has been met by cynicism from several UFOlogists who believe that NASA is only one of several organizations that has worked to keep the public in the dark when it comes to UFOs. But even if that were true, there is always the possibility that something slipped through the cracks.