Ancient Rome produced well-known people in history, such as Gaius Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cicero, and Augustus. In this article, you will encounter a collection of interesting facts concerning the way people during ancient Roman times lived, ate, clothed themselves, and stayed entertained.
Ancient Romans used large storage vessels (called amphorae) to transport wine, olive oil, and objects of value when aboard ships. When filled, each amphora could contain several gallons of liquid , sometimes weighing more than 100 pounds.
The organization of the Roman army was highly developed. They arranged each main section of the army by ‘legends,’ which consisted of eight soldiers that lived and ate together in the same tent called a ‘contubernium.’ Eight contubernia were called a ‘century,’ which were grouped into ‘cohorts.’ 10 cohorts made up a ‘legion.’
Carved out of volcanic stone, ancient Romans used a mill to grind grain into flour. With the help of donkeys, horses, or slaves, the mill was turned. Because of this, it is believed that only cities or large rural communities had the luxury of using such a tool. The poor or people who lived in isolated regions most likely relied on hand mills.
In the early days of Rome, togas were the chosen piece of clothing for the people. A piece of material measuring nine yards long was used to create the garment. Togas were cut in a semicircular shape and later arranged on the body to meet the fashion standards of the time. It wasn’t long before the people noticed that wearing a toga was pretty time-consuming and difficult to arrange. The style was ultimately replaced because too many folds were required to wear it and people were still cold in the process.
The largest Coliseum in ancient Rome was called the Circus Maximus, which could hold 250,000 spectators. As for the Roman Coliseum, there were 76 entrances and an additional four entrances reserved especially for the emperor, nobles, and the gladiators.
Around the necks of children, a locket called a bulla hung. Inside, an amulet was contained, which was used to protect a child from harm. Girls wore the bulla until they reached the day of their wedding. Boys wore the bulla until they were official citizens, which took places when they turned 16 or 17 years old.
Since slaves did the majority of everyday work, ancient Roman citizens had a great deal of time on their hands, which they spent enjoying events held in the city. Most events were free, making it easy for the poor to attend. During ancient Roman days, there were three main ways that the people entertained one another. They would attend theatrical performances (such as dramas or comedies), watched chariot races, or marveled at gladiator contests.
In the second part of this article, you will learn some of the entertainment allotted to ancient Romans, as well as introduce you to a legendary figure in ancient Roman history.