Over the last few years, science has discovered that our sun is not unique in
the universe of billions of stars in the sense of having a surrounding belt of
planets. Every star we are able to observe that is close enough for our current
technological ability shows in a multitude of ways they too have belts of
planets orbiting them. In the coming decades, we are sure to discover that all
stars we can see have some sort of a surrounding belt of planets.
The fact that there are countless stars in the universe means that there is
also countless earth like planets that surly support life similar to ours.
Therefore we must accept the idea of our development here on earth as nothing
unique but part of a universal neighborhood of planets with life in various
stages of intelligent development. At the microscopic level, some have gained
intelligence beyond our wildest imagination, and every stage in between.
With this in mind, one has to address the fact that we haven’t been able to
detect any intelligent messages from anywhere since S.E.T.I. and other
organizations began trying to decipher radio waves from space decades ago.
Aside from the probability that other intelligently advanced civilizations more
than likely do not use our standard idea of radio communication, we must also
take into consideration that such radio waves may not be able to get outside of
our or any other solar system. Solar systems held together by the gravity of
the central star and helped by the gravity produced by the surrounding planets.
At the outer fringes of a solar
system exists an area of turbulence caused by the gravity of the solar system
itself and the surrounding void of deep space. This can be authenticated by
N.A.S.A. and certain science organizations. This area of gravity that virtually
makes it impossible for any radio spectrum wave to penetrate and these waves
have the circular attraction and repulsion from the central star and all
surrounding planets to bend and stretch them, which would render them very
undecipherable in the process. With this in mind, we are left with not being
able to communicate with anyone outside of our own solar system at our current
level of intelligence.
Other more advanced civilizations use other means of communication to break
through these zones of turbulence. In the sense of travel time for any
interstellar communication, our means of radio wave contact would be too slow
to be of any use for a civilization interested in immediate conversation with a
neighbor some ten billion miles away.
Our communication with any intelligent civilization outside of our own will
only come when they deem it necessary to contact us. The human civilization of
earth is much too animalistic at present to communicate with any civilization advanced
enough to travel the universe at will.
These more advanced civilizations see the human race as a crude civilization that
is unable to manage getting along with itself much less being included in any
interstellar neighborhood of advanced intelligence.
Any civilization who is at the development of life as we are and factioned into
separate groups as countries, separated from one another in race, religious
beliefs, economic status and politics simply isn’t ready to experience
communicating with any outside beings from anywhere else.
At our current level of evolutionary intelligence, we are but insects to the
great minds of our neighbors and will continue to be observed and influenced,
in the indirect manner we have been since our beginning.
We will, in time be able to develop into an intelligence suitable for direct
contact but this process will be slow in coming. We as a society will at some
time in the future rid ourselves of the division of race as we will have inter
racially bred our species into a single bronze race of humans. We must overcome
the old ideas and ideals that keep us divided such as religious beliefs, and
pride of race and heritage, economic status and the idea of individual self and
become a planet of intelligent beings interested only in the good and well
being of the whole rather than trying to grab what we can for ourselves before
thinking about our brothers and sisters needs and thoughts, if we even do.
We must realize that we are not a race of individuals separated into billions
but a race of intelligent beings separated by billions in the flesh but united
as one in the spirit of God.
We must also realize that our concept of intelligence is just that, our
conception from perception. We consider ourselves intelligent above all
existing animals that inhabit our planet making this judgment based on our way
of thinking. However, our accepted form of what constitutes intelligence clouds
the actual truth of intelligence itself.
Dolphins and Whales all possess brains larger than that of the human but
because they don’t live in the way we do such as developing artificial
intelligence, building structures and conducting themselves with devices such
as telephones, cars and other forms of human travel, we think they must be sub
level entities in intelligence. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Whales,
Dolphins, and other species of marine animals have the ability to communicate
with each other over distances into the thousands of miles immediately using
nothing other than their minds. In the insect world and most other species
considered sub beings of intelligence this is the way they communicate. Thus,
our idea of intelligence is flawed. These animals live in harmony with their
environment and actually help it to maintain itself rather than living in such
a way that they destroy it such as we human do.
On the ladder of intelligence, we humans may be nothing more than a species
glorifying itself based on its own perception of advancement but being very
minute in the reality of universal realization.