When you take a look at an apple, were you aware of all the interesting medical remedies you can produce that cover topical, as well as edible treatments? The apple as been used since ancient Roman times treating medical problems. Ripe apples were considered the laxative of the ancient world, while fevers and eye infections also benefited. In France, the peel is used to prepare treatments for rheumatism and gout. Urinary disorders also respond to the peel of the apple.
In the morning, the raw fruit can be used to begin the cleansing process at the start of a day, while at night , it can be used to fight constipation. Traditionally, the stewed apple has been used to treat small children and babies. This form of the fruit is also known to treat individual with dysentery. Eating the raw fruit can treat constipation, settle an overheated stomach, produce diuretic results for cystitis and other urinary inconsistencies, as well as battle anemia with its high level of minerals and vitamins.
As an infusion, the raw apple produces a warming effect that combats the pains of rheumatism and intestinal colic. Feverish colds are treated by the cooling properties of the apple. Mixing the juice of the apple with olive oil treat cuts and scrapes when nothing else is available. The stewed fruit can be eaten fresh to treat diarrhea, gastroenteritis and infections that emerge in the intestinal tract. A poultice made from stewed apples treat skin infections like scabies.
Plums and Its Relatives
There are various types of plum family members that have found their way into the realm of herbal medicine, which includes Chinese plums and cherries. To create medicinal magic, it is the seeds, stalks, back, fruit, and flowers of the plum family that is used to treat many different medical ailments, such as constipation and menstrual discomfort. Some of the different approaches are listed below:
Peach leaf tea: This traditional remedy is known to combat the effects of morning sickness.
P. armeniaca: Using the fresh fruit of this species is used as a tonic for anemia and debility in the West.
Wild Cherry: The North American wild cherry has held a stronghold in Anglo-America herbalism for many years as a treatment for coughing.
Peach seeds: To revamp circulation and the flow of blood , peach seeds are also good as a laxative and for bouts of coughing.
Cherry Seeds: Use these seeds to create laxatives and diuretics.
Wild Apricot: The seeds of the wild apricot are known to treat the symptoms of a persistent cough, asthma, and bronchitis.
Tinctures: Use ten drops of P. armeniaca tincture with one teaspoon of mulberry leaf tincture to treat dry coughs that accompany a feverish cold.
Decoction: Use the bark of P. serotina as treatment. ½ teaspoon of dried bark added to one cup of water makes two out of the three suggested ½-cup doses for a day. A P. japonina decoction fights mild constipation by creating a gentle laxative.